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Tell me what you mean

Episode 8 doesn't look appealing to me in the slightest. The trailer looked so goddamn boring. Where are the cool alien worlds and species? Where is the COLOR?

That is Anakin Skywalker. Rey has to face the sloth creature as part of her training and it's revealed to actually be Anakin in disguise

Yeah lets show everything in the first trailer and leave no surprises in the movie, why are amerifats so dumb?

>I hate trailers, they show everything and let no surprises left
>wtf, they didnt show anything in the trailer

Anakin died a long time ago. He's not a sloth.

hope that guy yesterday was full of shit. If that crack penguin thing was true...

>why didn't the trailer show me everything

You're the problem.

What did the guy claim?


I feel like you mean luke, but i can't be certain

>The trailer makes the movie look boring and not interesting to watch
>"Lol you just want everything revealed now, wait for the movie to surprise you bub"

Where in his post did he say he wants plot revealed

You don't have to give a plot synopsis in the trailer, you just have to make the movie look goddamn interesting

You don't have to show everything, just give us a little tease. The fact that THIS was the best they had to offer speaks volumes for how utterly bland these movies are going to be.

TFA trailer got me hyped, even if it was a huge letdown once I got out of the theater and realized I was tricked into seeing a soft reboot.

Where in any of those posts did we imply they had to give a plot synopsis?

Why would you want them to reveal the best they have to offer in the first trailer?

Nope, Anakin. As a force ghost he apparently has the ability to change forms. Luke tells Rey to fight Anakin as a sloth as part of her training and afterwards Anakin goes back into his ghost form. It's a huge reveal

He pretty much revealed everything in the movie.

Now either he spent literal hours thinking up and writing up the story just to b8 people or he was legit, because everything he said was believable, compatible with what we do know for sure, and extremely specific and descriptive.

lol literally how new...

The trailer is meant to get you to watch the movie. Nowhere was it said that it has to give away the best stuff, or reveal anything at all, for that matter. But if it fails to get you to want to see the movie, it's failed as a trailer.

But, of course, this is Star Wars, so there will always be braindead fanboys like yourself that will suck the movie's cock and defend it at every turn simply because Star Wars is "muh childhood."

Give a specific example of what we know he was wrong about

1. He was posting it on Sup Forums
2. He was posting on Sup Forums
3. He put it up on Sup Forums
4. He revealed the "top secret plot details" on Sup Forums

No even that guy but how retarded do you have to be

Jesus Christ,there are always assholes like that guy who post "leaks" that they made up. They probably spend hours analyzing trailer footage or papparazzi shots behind the scenes and they anchor their story around that. I remember when an "insider" started posting how Gleeson guy is cast like a Han Solo figure. I'll post it when I find it

>Gwendoline Christie portrays an Inquisitor. The Inquisitors are a group of lightsaber wielding individuals that may or may not be force sensitive and head up the Imperial Remnant. Inquisitors aren't Sith, but they are not Jedi either; they are hounds used to track down force sensitives, and they are implied to have assisted Vader's cleansing.
>Daisy plays Kira, a character living on Tatooine with Max Von Sydow's character. Kira is a dusty survivalist tomboy. Sydow is a broken man from the prequel area that has become mostly cyborg. He is not force sensitive and for some reason collects artifacts that we've seen at critical points during the previous films, particularly ones relating to the Jedi and the Sith. Daisy shares his fascination with history, and she is revealed in Act II to be the daughter of Han and Leia. As someone with force sensitivity, she resents the fact that Luke went into exile before he could train her, and she hopes that the search for force-sensitive artifacts could lead her to him. She keeps her identity as a Solo under wraps in order to keep trouble away.
>Sydow is a sort of mentor to Kira, and apparently his true identity is an Act III revelation that will surprise a lot of people. The contention is that he is an existing character from the prequel films, and the revelation of his identity will shock viewers.
>Boyega and Daisy become Luke's new apprentices.
>Lupita Nyong'o is Luke's current apprentice, and Boyega's eventual love interest.

The guy made a lot of these,I just copied some off the top.

>The fucking VALERIAN movie looks more interesting than this
Based Luc Besson

The "leak" thread from yesterday mentioned that Rey fights a giant alien sloth that turns out to be Anakin Skywalker in disguise
Guess this pic proves it...

Read the thread from yesterday because it didn't sound at all like that.

>the revelation of his identity will shock viewers.
>"I don't want to spoil it because it's too shocking"
How did anyone take that guy seriously?

link me the archive

Whoa the actor/tress Boyega and Daisy themselves become Luke's apprentices?
That's some wall breaking Shit right there.

>Rey fights a giant alien sloth that turns out to be Anakin Skywalker in disguise

But is it old guy Anakin or prequel Anakin? Also how the fuck is Anakin her mental image of evil like Vader was to Luke on Dagobah?

boards.Sup Forums.org/tv/thread/83562252#bottom

he reincarnated. Typical Hindu punishment life-cycle

thanks guy,I'll read it later

>Where is the COLOR?

>Rey is told by Luke there is a creature in the sea consumed with hate. She eventually has to face it. It's a like giant sloth but it actually looks really neat. I'd say in the middle of the film, after she attacks it, she realizes the best way to defeat it is to get it on land where it will have trouble moving. Yes, she senses it's not real and after a moment, it changes into Anakin. This along with Finn and Rose rescuing some of the resistance only to be betrayed are two of the best scenes in the film only because they're so unexpected.

So no Hayden Christensen at all then :(


Anakin is played by Hayden, yes. He's only being the sloth thing to challenge Rey.

holy shit

What I don't get is why don't these people ever post something that would prove they are in the industry. An employee badge with information blacked out,a fucking parking slip. Something.

he'll be the sloth of resurgence?

you must not have been around a lot, tons of tv and movie stuff has been leaked on Sup Forums before

Maybe the guy lived in Ireland and saw it and made a post to fuck with you. I know a lot of people who spoiled GOT because they live in or around Dubrovnik.

afraid that somehow it'll get traced back to them and they'll get sued for every penny they have and ever will have, it's extremely risky just posting what he did (assuming it's real), these people don't fuck around when it comes to NDAs

I wouldn't. The risk would be enormous

>Boyega becomes Luke Skywalker's apprentice
>Isn't force sensitive
>When it hits you not even the Jedi are safe from diversity hire

A lot. Rey needs to destroy a sea monster filled with hate, which turns out to be Luke, why? b/c Luke wants to train Rey as quickly as possible by pushing her senses to the extreme in order to kill Snoke. Only the movie will end in a cliffhanger where they confront Snoke.

>Implying Rebels isn't setting up this exact thing for the movie

If by "leaked" you mean a handful of the millions of fan theories that always float around came kinda true, then yes

The Sea Sloth is attacking the Force attuned penguins (which look like they're on crack), so Luke tells ray to fight it, when she defeats it on land it turns into Anakin. This is so fucking retarded I'm literally shaking.

Jesus Christ it's so fucking ugly. Reminds me of Civil War

nah i mean information being leaked and turning out to be true, which has happened frequently on Sup Forums over the years

looks like sepia

Name one example from a major film or tv property

scriptbro leaked a lot of info from boardwalk empire

maybe some other anons can help remind me of some other occasions where stuff was leaked

for BrBa the Gus Fring death scene was leaked and frequently posted on Sup Forums but i dont know if it originated here

it's so incredibly retarded it HAS to be true.

Archive links please

I am not that guy,but this guy in a fargo thread said that Ray dies in next episode and it was true.

>a handful of the millions of fan theories that always float around came kinda true

Obvious shill

yeah i'm not doing your research for you

just search 'scriptbro boardwalk empire' or something - if you were in BE threads back in the day you'd definitely know about scriptbro

i may be overstating the frequency of 100% confirmed leaks (like you said, most 'leaks' are retarded fan theories that may or may not turn out to be kind of true), but it definitely happens on Sup Forums

Nah,he said it confidently and he said in the next episode,he did not say that he will probably die in this season.

Yeah, if these leaks are true, this movie looks like morning cartoon.. Giant animals, reincarnations... I wouldn't be surprised if everything turns true. The cast seemed shocked by the script, and not in a good way


>Makes a claim
>"Please provide proof"
>"Hurrr not gonna spoon-feed"

Every time.

did i really need to do this for you or are you just trying to be retarded on purpose?


Not sure if anything catched that, but what that guy said repeated a 'leak' from from ~2 weeks ago which had like 2 replies before it succumbed which said that Snoke is a very old jedi knight who got corrupted and became an immortal force-vampire who in time amassed huge fortune and following and his eventual goal was to be the only remaining force user in the galaxy, thus the title The Last Jedi referring to Snoke.

We had multiple leakers for TFA here, even early into the production.

I vividly remember one of the extremely early leaks saying that Chewie and Han were supposed to fly around in a refurbished Star Destroyer. As making-of books revealed later, this was actually the case in the earlier cut of the film before the ship was replaced in post-production to be something else.

A lot of the leaks didn't originate here though, they were posted first to sites like makingstarwars.net

if Sup Forums is good at one thing it's taking credit for things (especially memes) that originated elsewhere


How does Sup Forums feel about John Boyega

boards.Sup Forums.org/tv/thread/83562252#bottom

>browns and beige

Is this the next Call of Duty sequel?

I think you mean reddit

>film is a visual medium
>let's desaturate the everliving fuck out of our films and fuck with the color grading until everything smears together into a brown/tan/gray haze
really makes me think

> fuck with the color grading until everything smears together into a brown/tan/gray haze
Sounds like white genocide 2bh

no one cares Sup Forums

>no one cares
>Cared enough to respond
Makes me think.

I always forget you all crave and thrive off of attention.

An user claiming to be Christian Hayden was on here a while back and said his hologram appears in the movie but they used old footage of him. He also said he fucked Natalie Portman and Hallie barry.