Yes a white man said nigger on your premium channel late night talk show

Yes a white man said nigger on your premium channel late night talk show

Nothing to see here besides some good ole honest flash in the pan culture shock

Its unfortunate but we need to move on to the more pressing and dangerous issues, (climate change) rather than debate your cable subscriptions

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>more pressing and dangerous issues, (climate change)

I like warm weather

Me too but that's not the actual issue

>more pressing and dangerous issues, (climate change)

Damn, I thought Obama killed it. No one really talked about it in the Obama years, till he had to get re-elected. Honest question for the doomsayers on climate change; how much do you think you could actually change? What steps would you be prepared to take?

Not saying what happened was harmless, just that we need to be wary of the smokebomb effect something like this can have.

you aren't using the term culture shock correctly

I think even addressing the issue is a small victory

>Recycle and dont litter for starters

Language is a parasite

For your language is your true motherland

How much trouble do you think we are in? I agree that it's a problem, but my solutions for it are probably vastly different from yours

This was the best moment in the entirety of Bill Maher's liberal circlejerk show.

close, but it was unironically this

It's delicious when they blow themselves out.

He prefers to fuck nigger cunt

From my perspective the weather has been getting more extreme over the last couple of years so theres that.

pretty scary reminder that liquids exposed to high temperatures expand noting that an exponential temperature increase accross the world could lead to much higher sea levels faster than we realize

Because well .. physics

Then there's the species being impacted, longer forest fire seasons, so on blah blah

can we all agree that everyone hates niggers?

even niggers hate niggers

Get ready for Real Time With Amy Schumer next Friday

Yes but niggers doesn't equal black people.

All kinds of niggers out there

nigger is literally a slur for black people

God no

the best solution to this would be to try to sterilize the population of the third world and completely cut them off from immigrating to the first world. Only third world countries have populations that are growing, and by immigrating to the first world, they are immediately using more resources, by cutting off immigration, it stops resource consumption. Also, first world nations with a high resources use are having lower birth rates for a few reasons, so that's okay.


You sure showed me, reddit

Middle eastern

by "white man" you mean ashkenazi jew?


Bill house nigger Maher, how dumb can one be.
The left will string your career up on a tree.
First Kathy Griffin, now Bill Maher, the Trump curse is truly still weaving its magic effect of pure and just obliteration

I personally like the rain

This fucking guy

Arent you supposed to be into 50's doo-wop

How about an option that doesnt involve mangled genitals

It's almost as if a bunch of old homophobes and Racists like Obama Hillary and Maher suddenly had a Change of Heart once it became politically beneficial to support those causes, but deep down they're still the same people they were when they opposed gay marriage and voted to lock up Super Predators with tougher crime laws.

>fellow white men

I like coastal cities getting BTFO

You do you m8

I wouldn't want to work the fields either.

This is the thing, the fucking R rep set the fucking joke up and laid it out for him and didnt even blush after

You know that all there is in Nebraska are cornfields. kys.

Obama legalized same sex marriage and im pretty sure not a racist .. wheres pride month

On pace to break last years high score by quite a bit.

>How about an option that doesnt involve mangled genitals
If the effects of climate change are as bad as everyone says, that is the most human solution

Nebraskas state slogan is fuckin weird and vaguely racist who knew?

The other day, comic Kathy Griffin was photographed holding up a severed head of Donald Trump. Why did she do this? Well, I have a hard time believing she thought everyone would laugh and think how funny it was, or that everyone would take it as a pithy political statement. The most likely motive was that she noticed there wasn't much talk about her in the news feeds and couldn't allow that to continue. So she went out and did something shocking.

There are other people who do this regularly — consciously trying to do something that has no purpose other than to be outrageous and get attention. I'm trying to think of another example…

Oh, right. The guy whose severed head she was holding. He's the master of that.

And of course, what then happens is that what was said is not discussed so much as the mere fact that he or she said it. Some people are outraged that last night on his show, Bill Maher used the "n" word. They aren't discussing the sentence in which he used it or the political thought he was expressing…just that he let it cross his lips.

And further of course, folks on the other side of the political spectrum from Ms. Griffin are ginning up all possible outrage as a weapon to be used for their causes. In Georgia's 6th Congressional District where Democrats hope their candidate Jon Ossoff can pick up a seat, ads supporting his opponent Karen Handel are showing Griffin's photo and saying, "Now a celebrity Jon Ossoff supporter is making jokes about beheading the president of the United States."

Nice going, Kathy. She's apologizing for the photo and at the same time complaining about the backlash against it, thereby keeping herself in the news feeds. I actually think Griffin can be very funny and even witty when she's not trying to position herself as both the creator and victim of publicity-seeking outrages.

It's all such a waste of good bandwidth that might be used for discussing actual issues. We have some, you know.

>invite Milo on
>everyone loses their shit and you're now on everyone's news feed
>more people watch
>say nigger
>everyone loses their shit and you're now on everyone's news feed
>more people watch

It's all bullshit.

He called himself a house nigger because some guy was implying that he should get out in the fields and do work. It was a joke, but it's good to see that Sup Forums is composed mostly of special snowflake tumblrinas now that actually get offended at stupid jokes.

Actually the most human solution would be for you to volunteer your own genitals

lel, I'm sure recycling will stop everything

I agree what kathy griff did was worse

Both issues should be examples of hyper news we need to get this shit up and out of the way as soon as possible

He is Jewish not white. He is one of God's chosen people. He can treat you however you want and there is nothing you can do about it, you fucking cattle.

Its a way to get started, be a member of society in some way, do your part

Jewish people are allowed to say nigger, period.

Another thing how many alt-right do you think this won over? Im betting alot of them. Way more than kathy lol.

And maher is a total snake that will play to trumps fan base just to smack them back down

that's a pretty effete solution to the, supposedly, coming catastrophe

>Another thing how many alt-right do you think this won over?

If a white supremacist sees a "white" man on national TV make a a joke about niggers, i believe he's got his attention.

You covfefe'd your shit up there

no longer capable of effective action

none, you are literally a dumb fucker.


>the only people who can afford HBO are white or asian
>somehow they get offended by a man saying nigger
these people deserve the gallows

It's RAINING in the FOREST people!

>cornel west always calls him a brotha
>he can't say nigga

oh well

>mfw im someone that hears some stranger saying the N-word usually once a day

The Overton window is shifting.



He's an unfunny hack who never deserved a show in the first place desu.

It's stupid that THIS is the reason he might get shitcanned but it has been a long time coming.

>cook holster
>House nigger

Pedocrats sure are racist and homophobic


Here are more important issues that we need to be focussing on right now

Mahers been through worse anyway he'll climb out of this shiny

with all the niggas said on the wire I don't think HBO will give a shit

Have we arrived at the gates of Valhalla?



Now that we've arrived at our predestination its time to bid farewell, and hey, laugh at a nigger joke every once and a while.

no way a jew gets fired for saying nigger on television

Why was it OK when Louis Cuck did it but not based Maher?


Oh no, a white man said nigger! We have to boycott and never allow such a racist to ever work again.

For some of you millenials...

The expression Sasse used -- "work in the fields" -- is one that most people... say over 40... 35... would recognize as not a normal way to talk about modern farm work and sounds very much like the language you were hear when talking about slavery.

The terms 'field niggers' and 'house niggers' have been used for decades to describe the separation of roles in slavery. They are pretty self-explanatory, but the idea is that the later were more handled less brutal house chores and were often seen as traitors by the slaves enduring a harsher life.

Maher was a joke that he was more dainty and not suited for the 'field work' that Sasse had invited him to.

>(climate change)
The world may heat up in 100 years by 0.02 C
You know you'll be dead before then?
>pressing and dangerous.