If they removed the "love transcends dimensions" bullshit this seriously would've been a 10/10 film

If they removed the "love transcends dimensions" bullshit this seriously would've been a 10/10 film

It feels so hamfisted in. Way too pseudointellectual in a film that depends heavily on science

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They could also ditch the part where the protagonist guy is sending shock waves through space and time with his hands. But then again, then there would be no plot and no movie.

>If they removed the "love transcends dimensions" bullshit this seriously would've been a 10/10 film

And if someone had actually edited the dialogue the audience might have been able to relate to the characters.

I don't get why people are getting so hung up on that small phrase.
the movie just wanted to make the point that in the end family is what's most important to us humans.

>family is what's most important to us humans
is it

>tfw the box that spins around is more relatable than any human in the entire film

If Nolan could write dialogue then it would be great. Unfortunately he can't and so every time he tries to explore a theme, like love transcends dimensions, it always comes out poorly

The original John Nolan script had them fighting aliens and Chinese TARs robots. Guess who ruined it?

Most high level cinematic experts agree that Insterstellar was one of the greatest cinematic "top kek"s of all time.

I saw it in IMAX sitting next to Cronenberg and Tarr and they both said it was a huge piece of shit. They openly laughed through most of it.

Was this a seqeul to Dunkirk?

It was never implied that love literally transcends dimensions. I think this is a case of
>you just didn't get it lol

Wasn't there a concept of some sort of tree like alien life form as well, which would have purified Earth after the space buckaroos had brought it back with them?

Why didn't the black hole kill them?

Because future humans built it into a structure that humans could survive

well the entire movie is basically about coop and his daughter.
when they wake up matt damon all he's talking about is how he felt so fucking alone. and hathaway is putting her BF before the mission as well.
this is what interstellar is about. we humans need each other.

Well see now THAT makes perfect sense
Bravo Nolan

Have there been any really good sci-fi movies in the last 5 years?

Why are there future humans if humans are dying on Earth and haven't yet found a new planet to procreate on?


Minus the shit parts and shitty muh aliens.

Time is just another dimension m8, it's already set in stone. "Paradoxes" are just stable time loops.

>minus the shit parts
But user, that whole flick is shit

>would've been a 10/10 film
Not really.

Oh come on now, the whole movie is a mess. People always home in on that one line but everything about that plot is all over the place.

No it wouldn't. They'd still need someone who isn't completely autistic to write it.



The ideas presented in the film aren't too far off from the stuff they're discovering about Quantum theory. Pseudo science or not, the more you look into the strange world of quantum physics and the nature of reality you'll realize that what we know isn't even close to the tip of any iceberg. (here's a great article for those interested in the subject! sciencealert.com/scientists-have-achieved-direct-counterfactual-quantum-communication-for-the-first-time)

Anyway, while a lot of speculation was indeed made in the film, if you know anything about physics you'll find that is relatively close to being scientifically accurate compared to other movies (particularly the depiction of time dilation near the surface of the black hole and curvature of space). It is obvious that a lot of thought went into the science of the film. All I can say it is pretty funny to see kids on an internet forum criticize it for such reasons.

At the end of the day you all have to realize this isn't a scientific presentation of any sort, it's simply a movie.

I bet you my life you can't move the second hand on a clock on Earth in the past when you're being sucked into a black hole.

This movie stopped "depending on science" the second it showed a Lovecraftian eldritch library inside a black hole. Because in science, black holes are just super heavy objects which attract light itself. That is all they are.

Like I posted earlier, it's a structure built out of a blackhole by advanced humans, not merely a black hole.

>super heavy objects which attract light itself
That's not the case, light still travels in a straight line, only that line is warped by gravity.

I think we can all admit that gravity is still pretty incomprehensible

Then why does it look like a black hole? If it looks like that, that means it has super hard gravity, which would tear any living being into particles. If it was survivable, it wouldn't look like a black hole anymore!

You're being pedantic

>If it was survivable, it wouldn't look like a black hole anymore!
Pure speculation

Why? It's just a case of heavy stuff attracting more stuff towards itself. Like a fat cow would attract more gadflies than a thin cow.

Gravity doesn't actually attract anything, it warps space to change the path of a straight line

Again, you're just being needlessly pedantic

>warps space
Now that's pure math speculation that was never observed

Sounds more like you just couldn't follow along.

>the movie just wanted to make the point that in the end family is what's most important to us humans
Spotted the cuckold.

Interstellar is not a good movie

Way too much exposition and not just for the science bits. Why is an astronaut explaining to another astronaut what a wormhole is only just as they are about to go into one?
Characters constantly tell you how they feel. Why even have actors?
The movie is also as subtle as a heart attack, with them mentioning "lazarus" twice, Matt Daemon literally telling you why he did what he did etc.
Why even consider Millers planet? Why couldn't they figure out that only an hour passed on Millers since the scientist visited it before actually going to the surface?
That stupid quote that Michael Cane repeated like 5 times.
What happened to the plague at the end? In the beginning of the movie they said that they couldn't grow plants even in isolation because the plague still destroyed them. So how could they grow them in space? Why didn't they just do that in the first place?
The movie attempts to be really emotional but for me personally, it fell completely flat. I don't think Nolan is a good director when it comes to emotion.
Why did the wristwatch keep moving after it was removed from the room?

The sense of scale was fucked. Everything felt like it was incredibly close. They make a big deal of how huge the black hole is, but they go around it in what seemed like half an hour. The planets felt as if they were right next to each other.
Then that docking scene. One minute you are in the orbit of the planet, next you are falling into the black hole as if you were right next to it. Imagine the ISS falling into the sun.
The movie just kept finding excuses for setpieces without any rhyme or reason.

Gravitational lensing bitch

It is already a 10/10 film.

>a film that depends heavily on science

and more directly, gravitational waves by LIGO. literal stretching and compressing of waves to change the length of a laser beam

It's hard to argue against Insterstellar not being the best film of all time.
>>arguably the best score
>>arguably the best story
>>insanely good acting
>>insanely great visuals
>>insanely great feel and mood of the movie
>>insanely good action pieces
>>the most accurate sci-fi movie scientifically

There's literally nothing to argue against it, besides OP's stupid "it has a message that's involved love, so it must be stupid"

*of space

I rewatched it today and there are two themes they mentioned that they don't go into at all: nature isn't evil, just chaotic and that humans have improvisation capabilities that computers lack.

Those are more interesting than the "love" bullshit. The second one also sort of works in conjunction with 2001

>They make a big deal of how huge the black hole is, but they go around it in what seemed like half an hour.
They just slingshot around that neutron star.

Neutron stars are small nigga

This doesn't have to be the Bootstrap Paradox case:
>Earth is dying
>Humans tries to find new universe
>Everyone dies
>Skip x time
>Aliens with access to interdimensional travel finds out about dying humans
>They travel back before catastrophe
>For unknown reason decides to let some contacted human learn how to use it (not anyone significant from the movie)
>Skip time
>New device is built by man
>Place black hole, Interstellar happens
>Thus earth is saved without any loop

A bit headcanon but eliminates paradox

>Movie message: family is the most important thing in the universe

>Spends most of the running time trying to get back to his daughter across space and time

>After being reunited with her on her death bed leaves 10mins later to chase after Hathaway to get his dick wet

Great message

She told him to go, did you watch the movie?

Great emotional reading

>If they removes the "love trascends dimensions" the movie would have been better.

False, it could have been great with that message, the problem of Interstellar its that it doesn't know when to end, and last extra 20 minutes that weren't neccesaty in order to give a message or tell the story

What is the purpose of the movie's story then if they aliens basically did what Matthew did but better?

Yes. Try reconnecting with yours or making one of your own sometime, you fucking neckbeard.

She had her own family after making her own life. He didn't want astronaut lady to live the rest of her life alone

So in other words its a 10/10 if you dont have autism?

Sounds about right.

In the original script they wanted Coop to die but help give out the information from the black hole.

Fucking studio executives, they make everything worse, they're the worst kind of plebs

Studio execs aren't to blame. Their purpose is to keep their company economically viable. Blame the test audiences for disliking the original ending, forcing everyone to put extra effort into making a tacked-on ending just to appease those braindead morons who simply want a happy ending, no matter what.


Nah, the film is fundamentally flawed from beginning to end. Even if you remove the love element, the film still lacks interesting characters and relationships, the entire crux the movie is based on. Removing the love element would only make it worse. You'd also need to fix the sound, editing, dialogue, plot points, and exposition. By that point you have a completely different film.

But the studio excs are the ones who say "sad ending wouldnt sell", "not explaining everything woldnt sell", I think sometimes you can just ignore test audiences but the studio excs force you to do some things, they are the ones that put the money and they rule everything in there

I'm pretty sure Nolan has almost 100% artistic freedom (apart from the PG-13 rating) and that he stands by every decision.
He's one of the few A list directors where his name alone sells the whole movie for the studio so they pretty much let him do what he wants.

Studio execs are ultimately to blame for being the decision makers, but their risk-averse attitude is justified because test audiences' predictions have too often been validated by regular audiences, especially pertaining endings. I usually prefer when studio execs don't meddle though.

How come when he comes back to visit his dying daughter his own grandchildren say nothing to him?

The physics were fucking retarded and the scientists were as well. Means setting and story were retarded. Nolan passing it as high brow made me hate it more

Fucking terrible movie.

Whatever anyone says, Interstellar still stands as the best cinema experience of my entire life.
Pure audio visual candy.

If I could I would pay every year for that analog true IMAX screening of Interstellar, watching it at home doesn't even count really, no matter the setup.

>pokes hole through paper

You identify more with metal than people? Okay then


Please give me timeline of this system with a supermassive black hole, a neutron star, a wormhole, a main sequence g type star, and 12 planets, 3 of which have the potential to be habitated.

The movie was about God.

>"Love is the one thing that we are capable of perceiving that transcends time and space."
>"God is Love. Whoever doesn't love doesn't know God, for God is Love." (1 John)

It is 'love' that ties all the ends together and threads destiny across time, space, and the dimensions to accomplish it's own ends, and save humanity. It is love that motives us, and even though it doesn't always make sense, love is what sometimes pushes us in our spirits to do something that at the time makes no sense but "God works all things together for the good of those who love him, who are called according to his purpose." (Romans 8)

Even Christopher Nolan said he wanted the soundtrack (one of the best of all time, by the way) to portray a sense of religiosity (with the church organ and large, sweeping scale) to the film, and that it should push a notion of the relationship between a father and his child.

Even the end of the film has Murph saying
>"I knew you'd come back... because my [father] promised me."

It is the promise of Christianity that God (love itself) WILL return one day, and save us.

I don't know, I really love the movie, flaws and all.

>love transcends dimensions
It was metaphorical. Do you think real life scientists never use figure of speech or something? Scientists can't and never wax lyrical and try to be poetic? It's ironic that you claim it's pseudointellectual when you're the one missing the point hard and being able to only think in literal terms.


What's your enjoyment setting on, user?

why do people get so triggered by this, it's not really a supernatural force in the movie, only motivation and when brand makes that speech the other characters rightfully refuse the notion. hardly ruins the movie

seeThey try too hard to pretend to be smart by mocking it, which ends up revealing their own stupidity.

I 100% agree. That line kills the entire movie. Absolute shame.

Lel this is a meme now?

The only meme here is you.

Cooper's character development involves accepting what Brand claimed and used it when he was in the tesseract. He explains it to TARS, that (love) is what pushed Murph to her old room

Just do what I do and ignore it as some dumb bitch talking shit. It wasn't love that transcended dimensions it was Cooper using gravity.