Why are the evil w*sterners still polluting slavic fields with their colorado potato beatles?

Why are the evil w*sterners still polluting slavic fields with their colorado potato beatles?





"dare to try" sounds like some school's shitty motto. Who writes this stuff?

There is literally no point in that if you're samefagging, you w*stern swine.

Russia is good

Literally the Russian government, it's probably a crude translation of "cмeй этo пoпpoбoвaть" (and even that sounds clunky).

>Russians actually believe this

They're literally dumber than plant life. Of course they do.

I think these are made for children.

its in the right place

Reads more like they were made BY children.

Only Ukraine can be mom all nations of Old Rus. Because that Rus was Kiivska, Where is Kiiv? In Ukraine.


I don't get it

Russians are closet faggots into BDSM?

sweden is gay :DD

She wouldn't become a mom without the big novgorodian cock though

Lmao if you search for BDSM on Google Trends Russia is Number 1. And they are closet faggots.
You too bby. :DD


We're talking about a country infamous for lying, cheating and propaganda. I don't believe a single statistic about that place except maybe the one that says half of them have aids. That's at least believable.

>I don't trust international studies on education because of my personal bias
You are pathetic and dumb as shit.
>half of them have aids
Yes because 1% is the same as 50% sure thing
Here are real facts for you

-The literacy rate in Russia, according to a 2015 estimate by the Central Intelligence Agency, is 99.7% (99.7% men, 99.6% women)
-In 2014, the Pearson/Economist Intelligence Unit rated Russia's education as 8th best in Europe and 13th best in the world
-Russia's educational attainment was rated as the 21st highest in the world and the students' cognitive skills as the 9th highest
-In 2016 the US company Bloomberg rated Russia's higher education as the third best in the world
-In 2014, Russia was the 6th most popular destination for international students

Go back to Sup Forums you low IQ retard.


Why are puti poo's fanboys so fucking mad all the time? It's not my fault your dump of a country is going down the toilet.

>when the country renowned for krokodile and HIV calls us degenerate

yes Bloomberg, the Economist, TIMSS are all Russian propaganda tools. Everything and everyone you disagree with is secretely controlled by the Kremlin. I know.

Because you are dumb and need to be . Notice how you got BTFO and now try to change the subject

Post your passport subhuman. I want to know your ethnicity

Fucking fuming.

black just like swedes have been the past 2330 years

>russian government is still using the "evil american potato beetle" booygeyman like Stalin was still alive


You are clearly a kremlin bot posting under German flag so I won't even bother arguing with you. But you should also look at Pisa scores.

Svenska är homosexuell i homosexland :DDDDD

Why do think Germanic people and Romance people are ''westerners'' but Slavic people not?

This is the discussion culture we have in the year 2017
>I just presume you are a bot so I won't even bother arguing with you


It should be catholics/(((protestants))) vs orthodoxy. Aside from that probably because it was a difference between taking US dick or taking Soviet dick. Probably should have gone further than the Marshall Plan/NATO but whatever.

This is the new map based on 2015 PISA results. Unfortunetly it doesn't take other studies into account

I know about it but I wanted to find pisa rating map bit there was only the one I've posted


That was the Cold War, that's Western bloc (Capitalist bloc) vs Eastern bloc (Communist bloc). That's different from Western World in historical and cultural context. Also, Catholicism, Protestantism and Orthodoxy are all Christians, and have the same bible. The only difference is who is in charge of the Church.

Yeah, that's because people like ignoring countries with have more HIV than Russia, like Estonia, Ukraine, Latvia...