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International #836
Why do Sup Forums laugh at my great ally?
What was the biggest news for your country this year?
Portugal, Greece, or Germany?
How fucked are you?
How will you spend the new year's eve? Here's my plan:
Socialism is bad
Me watching Sup Forums searching for a bf
"K*ra b*ga" is done. It doesn't exist anymore
Be arab
Great debate
Why yes, I am French. How could you tell?
Do you ever wonder how the world would be if the good guys had won ww2?
Reminder that BLACK women are superior to all other races
God bless RUSSIA
I just had sex with a prostitute a few hours ago
/fr/ - le fil de la France
/ex-ussr/ general
How do you say good morning in your language? In polish it's Dzień dobry
Absolutely loathe wh*Tes
/nz/ + friends
Kurva anyátok
/balk/ - Balkan Thread
Your country
Post your gfs and rate others
God why is Hungarian so hard
Why do people in the northern countries buy "winter beaters" instead of just putting snow tires on their nice car?
Brits will unironically defend this
Mum is giving the "I worry about you" NYE speech again
Americans will never do this
Post music you like from other languages for randoms reasons
New years resolutions
/cum/ 2.0: electric boogaloo
Do you really think Argentinians are white or you're just joking?
You DO support Israel's right to exist
What do you guys think of my new tattoo?
You have the ability to kick one American state out of the union. What do you choose?
Do you think K-pop will ruin Asia?
I've fucking hated Iran for years and now all the retards who supported them are forced to agree with me
What's going on in Iran?
976 people have been shot and killed by police in 2017
Post YFW each country invades yours
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Guess what is this ranking for and why?
Please, don't consider me latin american
If he didnt want to be shot he should not have been born mentally ill
This fucking tourist trap
Go into sisters room
/ita/ - il filo
Sverigetråden - Morgonupplagan
Why don’t Asian girls (in Asia) care about whites anymore?
What is Sup Forums opinion on the best cities in the United States to move to for young professionals?
Taco Bell does not exist in France
/nz/ + friends
/cum/ canada usa mexico
How can a few millimeters of bone make such a huge difference to how women view you?
Be bolivian
This confuses and enrages the American
Your country
What's the first thing that comes to your mind when you think about latino men? Only good stereotypes...
/cum/ chanukka usa mexico
It's already 2018 in Australia
First worlders don't take their Switch out in public because they're insecure fags about playing video games in public
You wake up in America during its Golden Age (1920s)
Be american
I just ate an entire large pizza by myself
How it fair people have billions of dollars when others are poor?
/csg/ - Cono Sur
I love you Sup Forums san
Faschistische Nachtschicht - tagsüber /deutsch/
Is this how the average european male looks like today?
Hilo latino
/dixie/ - Southern US & friends
Is your country a fat country?
Family trees
What is African American culture?
1 Do you love Kpop?
Do people live in trailer houses in your country?
You will never experience American High School Life
Do you want to find love in the Congo, Sup Forums?
/nachtschicht/ aber tagsüber /deutsch/
Holy shit
Australia is the single best country in the world prove me wrong
What's up with all the cute girls posters-worshippers...
Choose your fighter
Hello people of Europe. I know this is going to sound weird, but how do you dress for winter...
Where are women with this phenotype most common?
/cum/ canada usa mexico
Why are Swedish girls manlier than Swedish boys?
Which country has the most girls like this?
/ita/ il filo
Sverigetråden - Nyårsupplagan
Sverigetråden - Mumin-nattupplagan
/ita + lgbt/ il filo
Say something nice about Britain
You had one fucking job
There is nothing wrong with immigration I am only against ILLEGAL immigration
Tfw there will never be a her in my life
How Sweden prepares for new years eve?
What's your New Years resolution Sup Forums?
/v4/ + friends
Why do finns think of themselves as finnic?
Alternative flags / vexillology
What's your IQ?
Im racist
This is probably better-suited for /his/ but I like you guys more
/fr/ - Le fil du Franc
/sino/ - 中文
/ita/ il filo
I thought about moving to Portugal. I'm working online and would be awesome to live there for a few months...
Languages of the Internet, 2017
/nederdraad/ laatste /nachtdraad/ van 2017
/BRiD GmbH ehemals und nie wieder deutsch/
Why is britain the only country capable of creating a sustainable colony?
Typical girl in your country
Honest question for Americans: So many of you complain that Fox News or CNN is fake news...
What do Quebecois think of the British and Canadian monarchy?
Post autistic memes in your lang
Is it first world enough, lads?
H-hi Sup Forums
/urban/ + /architecture/
/ita/ - il filo
Is it hard to get a girlfriend in Japan when you're a foreigner?
What is the most devilish ideology/idea/thought/philosophy in the world and why is it communism?
Sverigetråden - 2dupplagan
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Don't forget this
Thank you for your service
/deutsch/ fernseh-ausgabe
Sup Forums gaming
Kurva anyátok
Sh*t, is this over?
1. Russia isn't really that much bigger
How many times per day you wish you were a superior Dutchman?
/pt/ Fio Português
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
/Slavia/ - Slaven je Slavenu vuk
168 cm
Italian fascists have awoken
/balk/ - Balkan thread
Be american
/ita/ - il filo
How do you make friends in your country when you don't have friends?
Sup Forums general assembly
/nz/ + friends
Stop meme us god damn it
Did you know that Russia has tigers?
I just realized in school band, we never had stringed instruments. We only had brass, woodwind, and percussion. Also...
How bad are Chrsitfags in US really?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Wh*Te genetics
Brazil has the Northeast
When a non-white shithole makes fun of America for being non-white
I luv spen
1. Country
I fapped to me imagining myself having sex with my deaf aunty while everyone else is downstairs at my grandparents...
/ita/ - il filo
Do you love Sardinia?
Non-European priest should never be allowed to become a Pope
Explain this mexico
/Stadtkrämer/, sonst /deutsch/
Russian boys
Why does every country population hate the capital city?
Sverigetråden - Sveriges stiligaste politiker
What is this called in your country?
On a scale from 1 to 10, how much do you like France?
Germany has apologized multiple times for its war crimes, still actively prosecutes those complicit in its crimes...
*reports you to police for banter*
I have this
Whew lads
Explain this, UK
/ita/ il filo
Reminder that while the flag shows "Sweden". Your're in fact talking to a Finnish person
1.You're a cunt
Why do you hate Portugal?
Why don't you visit Japan?
Daily Japanese Thread - DJT #1949
/Reich/ ehemals /deutsch/
You wake up in Minsk, Belarus
Memes aside, what European nations harbor genuine ill will towards one another
You german anons
Well? Are you?
You wake up
/fr/ - Le Fil Français
Why are women so beautiful?
/v4/ + friends
Sup ForumsSKA
About to enter 2018
Why do American women say ''thank you'' like ''think yaaao''?
300 years ago, a German scientist named Johann Friedrich Blumenbach studied Finnish skulls
What kind of drugs Sup Forums uses?
Nordic intellectuals
/nz/ + friends
You have 60 seconds to name a situation where americans don't get shot. Go!
Some am*Rican called me a med because of my eye colour. This is a nordic eye colour
Your mom will die eventually
/BRiD GmbH/ ehemals und eines Tages wieder /eutsch/
When I say Poland, what first come to your mind?
Russian people are so hungry they are forced to smuggle cheese from Finland. How could we help them, Sup Forums?
Whats the japanese of slavic languages?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
The absolute state of Japan
White flights guide and list of countries to flee from and where to
What is it with Portugal this time?
Im the whitest person in this shithole of a board
/ita/ - il filo omosessuale
Is this the quintessential Sup Forums couple?
Japanese is hard to learn
You wake up in an American classroom, just in time for the pledge of alliegence
What a rich and vibrant culture. Truly something to be proud of
Your country
/ex-yu/ pikica čovik edicija
Which one of you did this int?
Why yes, I am French
He is NOT getting away
Swedish cars was burned
Back our territory. Make One koreanic country again
Be me
/cp/ - Culture Pals
Is there a country which creates a higher level of "butthurtism" on Sup Forums than Russia?
Everywhere I go I see news outlets shilling the idea that Japan's birth rate is abnormally low...
Is it true Europeans are taxed based on engine displacement?
This angers confuses the sand negroid
What's your dream? Mine is to move to the USA
Spain and France
Watch Anime
/balk/ - Balkan Thread
He can't drink water from the tap in his country
What was the most difficult point for you when you learned English?
You will never experience American High School life
We ARE NOT full :3
Go ahead
I fucking hate driving in Southern California
/nz/ + friends
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Thinking of studying/interning abroad in Australia. Was wondering what areas are particularly nice
How would you rate their empire?
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
My mum cameback today after being gone for 3 days she brought a frozen coke and quarter pounder and some groceries
Hey America, what is a "finishing school"
Fuck off, we're full
Itt post your ideal female
What's wrong with eugenics, exactly...
Sverigetråden - Nattupplagan
Stop making fun of my country's name
Russians are barbarians
A lot of foreigners on Sup Forums seem to get mixed up with this so let me just make this loud and clear
/flags/ - /extraflags/
I have philosophy exam today
Let's make another, more improved Germanic thread...
Be american
Your opinion when you see this flag
/ita/ - il filo
Are there any cultures you're a -boo for?
Where to buy nazi flag so i can burn it?
New Zealander in Australia here. I thought you guys were just bantering when you said kiwi girls are ugly...
Why are these countries so good and perfect?
Be american
The flag of the poster above you is now you new nationality and place of residence
Chile, Argentina and Uruguay are undeniably as good as Eastern Europe when it comes to standard of living and wealth
/ausnz/ + friends
Third World Immigration
*switches between three languages in a single sentence*
What are you listening to, Sup Forums
Number of Sexual Partners
Crime organizations
Do you think that Japanese PM Shinzo Abe will be successful in amending the war-renouncing Article 9 of the...
/cum/ christmas usa mexico
Anyone else have a New Years resolution of getting off of Sup Forums forever?
Cousins have already got married
/luso/ - fio lusófono
Ask a Chicano in Mexico anything
How do you resist black girls?
/deutsch/ - 56% basiert Ausgabe
How do we save German women and fix the CULTURE clash that is going on?
Should I teach English in Tokyo or Japan...
Salam aleikum habibi... the same as usual?
There is anti government protests happening in Iran
Water freezes at 32°, it boils at 212°
ITT Sayings from your country and what foreigners think it means
I'm a citizen of the world, borders can't stop me
Holy fucking shit
Grandpa won't stop saying racist things
/ita/ - il filo
1) your countru
1. Country
Colombia appreciation thread
What is your honest opinion on jews?
/fr/ - le fil français
How can you be a lower or middle class person and NOT hate the 1%?
The sun never sets on the French empire
/dixie/ - Southern US & friends
Why do they think they are white?
Mare Nostrum /Balt/icum
Are you religious?
Swedish """"""art""""""
Why is Ukraine so much better than Russia? It's really not fair
Thames is pronounced "tems"
Are americans seriously this dumb or are they just pretending?
Sverigetråden - Fredagsfest
There are people who unironically use butter over olive to fry food
Why is this allowed?
Anybody else here hate the polish?
How will you celebrate the new year Sup Forums?
What New Years resolutions has Sup Forums set?
Youre flag?
What do you call this in your country?
Tfw had a conversation with a Norwegian user on Sup Forums
You can only get in if you prove you're a true American
/cum/ canada usa mexico
This is an American suburb. Say something nice about it
Some basic points about the Zeus plan
Anyone else have a new years resolution of getting off of Sup Forums forever?
Who /still sane/ here?
IQ by country
Why foreigners cannot pronounce "Ł"?
Where is the best country for a dark person?
1. country
Kurva anyátok
How would most people in your cunt react if their daughter came home with a boyfriend who was
Are there any good and manly Asian fighter in MMA?
We stopped the Treaty of Versailles from being extremely punitive against the wishes of France and Britain in WW1
>you will always be indian
What is objectively the best country to live in in Europe, or, in that general area?
1. Your ethnicity and gender
Why can't my people get their shit together? Are we destined to be backwards, third world, poor, violent, corrupt...
Why do ameritards do this
/ita/ - il filo
Are there any countries you genuinely hate? I don't mean in a meme or banter way, I mean actually hate
Woah.. so this is the power of the EU?
Why do Americans pronounce the 'R' letter so strongly? It almost sounds like they're burping sometimes
The first thing that comes to mind when you see this map is _____
/luso/ - fio lusófono
ITT : Post your room
Why are the evil w*sterners still polluting slavic fields with their colorado potato beatles?
Will some day another country revive another language like they have done?
Kot is sleeping, should i start screaming and shaking her so she wakes up?
Why do American men wear such baggy clothes?
Sverigetråden - Manskultingarnas egna upplaga
ITT: Post universities from your country
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Posters you hate most on Sup Forums
Friendly reminder that PORTUGAL is SUEBI and therefore GERMANIC as fuck
Brits, seriously, listen to me
Do 5 year old kids in your region support Freedom and Independence from the fascist state?
Asian here, fun fact about Asians is that we are not lactose or alcohol intolerant for the most part
/deutsch/ /bayern/
/lat/ - Hilo Latino
"Sooo user is there anything fun to do in your country??"
Girls of Sup Forums
Tfw NORD in italy
Are you ever going to get a job?
Aren't Finns scared that someone locks the door while they're in sauna?
More of this meme please
Let's have a thread about Portuguese achievements such as literature, music, or scientific discoveries. I'll start
Post your favorite former sovereign states
Are there any major differences between these countries? Why can't they all just unite into one big state?
How do I send a computer from california to vladivostok, russia?
/wielka polska/
1. Your cunt
Pls let me in in you're cunt, I'm getting constantly bombed with barrel bombs
/ita/ il filo
Future European powerhouse
Do women in your country work in Dubai?
/v4/ + friends
Post your surname origins
/deutsch/ ehemals /deutsch/
Are your country men bigots?
Objective map of Europe
What makes Americans so violently psychotic?
"Cardio is for cuc-"
What does ur last name mean in ur language?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Sminem Thread
/fr/ - Le Fil Francophone
Tfw ugly
How i can talk to MILFS?
Why is Japan called Japan?
The year is ending... are you excited or depressed?
Daily Japanese Thread - DJT #1948
He doesn't have a state regulated fallout shelter in his commieblock
It's my birthday
What went right?
/ita/ - il filo
Political Tests
/nz/ + friends
Does Sup Forums think the nuclear leaders of the world have the nerve to actually use their arsenal?
1: Your country
/Schwermetall/ ehemals /deutsch/
Reminder all women are ugly without makeup
Post your foreign marriage data. Japanese women are shit
What pizza is popular in your country?
Tfw she will never love me
Med women are PURE, they are also BEAUTIFUL, the likeness of APHRODITE herself!
1. Flag
My mum has been gone 3 days now she said she'd come home today and bring groceries but she didn't I'm running out of...
His country never discriminated against catholics
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
3rd world thread
The average Portuguese woman will have 94.1 partners during her life time
Which is easier, German or French?
Post your snow
Mena شأشإ
Is there a food or a variant of food that's exclusive to your country that you like...
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
The Great Three
Why are Polish people so rude, arrogant , russophobic, racist, islamophobic, xenophobic and homophobic?
How do you say "give milkies" in your language?
I leave Sup Forums sometimes for periods of time, and it makes me wonder after I come back...
This is a joke that my American colleague told me when I used to work in KSA
Is there any fucking country where the women won't resent me? Swedish women evidently do
Buy the tiniest thing from asia
How is life in South Korea?
/cum/ canada usa mexico
Languages with articles
I would not want to live anywhere below the red line
/ex-ussr/ general
One chance in life
Kurva anyátok
A Finn went to an electronic store, he asked the storekeeper "what is the price of this TV?"
Is this white?
Best posters on Sup Forums for 2017
What do you drive, Sup Forums?
Why is Japan so racist?
If whole Sup Forums was a classroom
Americans will defend this
1. Country
Sverigetråden - 2dupplagan
I propose a hapa nation-state in Manchuria. Where we can live in peace
Daily reminder that if you are country does not appear on this list it is not relevant
What is life like in small-town Russia? Can a foreigner find a wife easily in such a town?
1. Your country
Why japanese people obsessed with apple (a Technology company)?
Sup Forums Pope
American Justice
There are African princesses browsing int right now
This place has 67 million internet users, yet I almost never see any Nigerians post. What gives?
All I really want is to fuck a hot black girl
What do you think about the banter against your country?
What does Sup Forums think of Houston, the 2nd-biggest urban area in the US state of Texas, and #10 in the entire US?
Is this overpriced in every country?
Are tall girls bullied in your country, Sup Forums?
ITT: Countries you wished existed
The virgin collectivism vs The CHAD individualism
Why do Japs pretend they don't look exactly the same as Chinks and Koreans?
/cum/ canada usa mexico
Why does EVERY Korean "man" look alike?
Why are peninsular Arabs so Indian looking?
Badass rap music in your language
/ita/ - il filo
I wish I lived in Japan
Tfw no muscle powerbottom bf
The Amerimutt is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a degenerate, good goy, a glutton, consumerist...
1. You’re smelly cunt
Post comparisons within your country between the north and south (or east and west if it applies)
Are Brazilians the most bullied people on Sup Forums?
I'm hapa
Isn't the President of the United States basically a World Leader?
Italian sounds like a mix of African tribal languages (whitles and ooga booga) with Arabic accent and intonation
ES: Puta
Why are MMA fighters so manly?
The wine pill
Argentinean women
Why do Canatards post the Amerimutt meme? They're in the same situation, but they're worse, no one likes Canada...
TFW live with my parents while working fulltime so I get to save nearly my entire paycheck everytime
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Sum up your country in one image
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...