Do you ever wonder how the world would be if the good guys had won ww2?

Do you ever wonder how the world would be if the good guys had won ww2?

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you would still be a virgin

The good guys did win

Our nation wouldn't exist

>tfw an australian wants to be a slave to a jap

Some alternative story that intrigues me is what if Trotsky had assumed the Soviet Union rather than Stalin...

Makes me think

sry but nazis were not good guys

>American education

Why do people always respond to this bot?

I wonder how this board would have continued to be if the lonely alt-right autists didn't win

id prolbly have a qt areyan wife and the world wood be perfect. id also be a cool nazi guy


The countries which didn't win when WW2 are...

Vichy France

It is difficult to image it... :3

You would be a Japanese colony and I would live in poverty.

Fuck off, nazi scum!

and that would have been entirely your fault. Churchill started ww2

>Churchill started ww2

Poland started WW2. They owe Europe QUADRILLIONS in reparations.

Stupid slavniggers.

They did win. It's called e""""u"""". Rejoice.

Churchill wasn't even PM when the war started

kek. Post link

Nazis BTFO

Sup Forums and all the degeneracy we like to enjoy like anime and porn wouldn't exist. It might seem like a good thing at first but then you'll realize you will have limited freedom. You will also have to perform well at everything in their pursuit of superhumans or your genes will be deemed "inferior" and you would be sterilized/killed. 90% of the people in this site would be negatively affected including most of Sup Forums ironically

If only. Finns would settle in our rightful landsand and evil Russians would be made to work for their crimes as slaves. Germans, Finns and the Japanese would dance together and lunar colonization would have started in the 1960s.

Wtf I hate nazis and love immigrants now

Are you a real Nip?
If you are would you think it would be better?
Heres some nazi punk for tought.

And we would have gotten the Congo

gotten is not a word. Drop the american shit

Eat shit

>Eat shit

That's my job.

Ignore flag.

every day

see the massive 'north american' tag at the top faggot?

spread the good word my man

American English is the English of the world

I wanted to say that only I can't image.
I won't intend to say other than that now...

Intend to say other things right now or feel my Aryan wrath.

>slavs almost completely exterminated, the few left are put to labour
>eastern europe becomes german majority
>all jews dead (unless the lehi was successful into allying with Hitler)
>almost everyone in europe is fascist

>slavs almost completely exterminated

Please stop, I can only get so erect.


the larping never stops

This, why is it always Churchill they have such a hate boner for? He wasn't PM in 1939


no larping here Ivan. Be happy of the world you live in.

Israel would've been created sooner and would've been communist.
WWII would've been started by USSR.

This picture only proves that Nazis were right, Poles really are subhuman.

>gets his bike wheels slashed by a 7 yo

I think it was butthurt response to poles saying that both USSR and Germany started WWII

be happy you weren’t genocided as a result of ww2

t. Red Alert scenarist

>Poles really are subhuman

This has been proven correct by science.

i live in the north so if i ever get invaded i'll be forced to speak german and that's it.

This actually happened to my mom and its not funny

Trotsky was proponent of international revolution he was also a zionist. Both of those predictions are not improbable

>This actually happened to my mom and its not funny

It's not funny. It's arousing.


I know

>berlin would be renamed into Welthauptstadt Germania and a lot of Speer's plans would actually start
>too bad Berlin's soil wasnt in the condition to handle such creations

Please answer it wont change anything proly.

What the fuck we would do with congo?

I'm sorry. :_3
I can't answer that it wouldn't change anything probably.
Probably if so, really many things would had been changed ...

It is difficult to say whether that is good or evil for me.
I think that past things are history.
I don't want to distinguish whether each historic event were good or evil.

>Good guys

But they did? Haha

They did. And look at Germany now in the EU.

If was too much obvious that they would win i think my cunt would have accepted to sign the anticomintern

>I don't want to distinguish whether each historic event were good or evil.
Your government literally denies and downplay atrocities committed by Imperial Japan it's safe to say Japan did a lot of evil shit

I'd probably not be born.
fuck, I wish they won.