Other urls found in this thread:
I’m on nofap please refrain from posting sensitive material
Viper is audio kino
i fucking HATE nigger. christ.
south african jew is crazy
how do i keep myself from wanking ?
hello i am the nigger
>QUEEN OF FAGS edition
Have someone handcuff you
Bradfordlad BTFO
think I've broken Ethiopialad
the wog is having a mental breakdown and has made up some Bradford lad character in his head to vent his anger at
>Of course not, but capitalism can never solve them effectively.
>subverting democracy
>reduces the individual
Why pretend you care about "solving" these?
>>inefficient resource allocation
This can never be "solved".
>Capitalists by definition to not engage in labour, (physical, intellectual, or otherwise
did Stalin or Mao engage in any labor?
>Who said anything about a dictatorship?history
>what I want is democracy and individual freedoms
then you're not a Communist. You're an person looking to fix problems. You think of Communism as really only an advanced form of liberalism, which it isn't. You want try to secure the adoption only of some Communistic principle, and not the rest.
also known as, "useful fools"
>Socialism calls for the democratization of the workplace
> greater individual freedoms for the average person at work.
>implementation of production for use
>distribution of goods based on need
>increasing the personal and political freedoms
none of these are exclusive to Socialism
start taking antidepressants or opiates
she's got a cracking arse
cold out
irish weather
sun is NOT out though
suggest you vacate the thread
I wanna fuck it
That's all very nice in theory, but quite a lot of men will stop at nothing to become massively wealthy. Some of them are incredibly ruthless, driven, and intelligent. If the only way they can get wealthy is by infiltrating the government and using it to rob and enslave the masses, then that's what they will do, as they do in every single example of communism and radical socialism. No political system, however rigorously applied, can stop them. You simply cannot eliminate the elite class, only change it's nature. It's a sad fact of life, and maybe one day humanity will evolve beyond this paradigm. But as things stand, until we somehow change the fundamental nature of these sociopathic men, your utopian vision can only lead to eventual disaster, as similar attempts invariably have in the past.
>blue collar tweekers
oh my hahahaha listen to yourself woggy
you're showing yourself up now, I'm getting second hand embarrassment on your behalf
VERY good barbpost
what is it that makes yanks so utterly insufferable
i can't put my finger on it
i've got lots to go around
ohh no /s/ posters are here
You sound like an annoying faggot
Give it up
really really like girls
how many days you into lad?
/cric/ just got fucking DELETED
FUCK Sup Forums and FUCK the dumb cunt jannys.
i see the term "anarcho-mccarthyism" bandied about on this general quite a lot and i'm not sure any of you truly understand what either of those words mean
what you call "anarcho-mccarthyism" is nothing more than post-stalanist centrism.
just thought i'd clear that up
Is that bright thing on Netflix any good
How do i get a job banging women
*blocks your path*
lol no
Sup Forums has been dead for about 3 years now
4 I think
Did take amphetamines last night and wanked for like an hour but couldn’t finish so honestly it’s for the better
Ethiopia wog has had one too many bud lights and he's absolutely gone off the rails, the kid's gone bonkers...
someone get this man to bed
I watched it and thought it was alright
nothing special
was joshy spamming traps
VERY nice webm, lad. WOW!! Got any more home made ones like these? Prefer them to the model/fashion shoot ones.
git gud
Marx would be lampooned as Alt-Right if he was alive today
it's cold out there innit?
i'm tempted to not smoke this spliff desu
what does a girls arse feel like
Go fuck urself, bradfordlad
same lad
gtx 1080 i ordered doesn't arrive till the 5th
hate and love the saffer at the same time
he's an unapologetic eccentric character
Marx would be considered far right today
sad but true
tell us a joke
no he wouldn't
I'm English
its like an itch i cant scratch
don't care
Reminder: Lennon's music would be totted as an Alt-Right anthem if alive today
Sailing back into port
can just imagine Ethiopia wog waking up sweating in the middle night screaming that this Bradford character is coming to get him
It's all in your head sweetie, you're not well and you need help
he supported the british conquest of India, and trashed the jews despite of being one
Big fights on the ufc tonight
Any man watching?
>those wh*teoids looking on
wish I was a balding mentally ill paranoid ethiopian living in my rented apartment in new york city on the 31st of december 2017
Lennon beat his wife
>he supported the british conquest of India
>girl having fun
i'm not a fucking faggot, so no
go suck joe rogans dick
bet you only got into mma because of mcgregor you little hypebeast
Muhammad would be called "not a real Muslim" if he was alive today
"indian society has no history at all, at least no known history. What we call its history, is but the history of the successive intruders who founded their empires on the passive basis of that unresisting and unchanging society. The question, therefore, is not whether the english had a right to conquer india, but whether we are to prefer india conquered by the turk, by the persian, by the russian, to india conquered by the briton....."
"The british were the first conquerors superior, and therefore, inaccessible to hindoo civilization. They destroyed it by breaking up the native communities, by uprooting the native industry, and by levelling all that was great and elevated in the native society. The historic pages of their rule in india report hardly anything beyond that destruction. The work of regeneration hardly transpires through a heap of ruins. Nevertheless it has begun."
can't imagine having to live as a wog
fighting's only fun if it's wrasslin
Shut up you mouth ive been watching since 06
true islam has never tried
confirmed thot
If Adolf Hitler were alive, he'd probably vote UKIP desu
>>girl having fun
quite impressed of the speed of my erection on this one
what's the worst footage you've ever seen on the internet?
worst one by far is that mexican cartel video where they torture a guy by cutting off his hands and face but they give him coke so he doesn't pass out
prefer not to say
what a ham
genuinely find it odd that pewdiepie still browses here
imagine being a a rich, famous swedish chad and still using Sup Forums
worst how? legally? visually?
just listening to yourself hahahahaha
this wog just doesn't get it
typical yank, just so oblivious to the joke
hardly sounds like a ringing endorsement