You wake up in America during its Golden Age (1920s)

You wake up in America during its Golden Age (1920s)

Boy howdy, how 'bout we go lynch some niggers?

I get lynched

The true Golden Age of America were the 90s

*dies of AIDS*

Honestly, I think our golden age was from the 19502-1980s. The 90s were great, but inferior to the 80s. The new millennium hasn't been kind to our country.

>wake up in company barracks
>buy breakfast from the company cantina
>work clearing a canyon with explosives for roads for mr. ford's new electric horse
>best friend in the company blows his arms off and has to go home
>give him a cigarette so he can smoke his arms back to health
>get letter in company post office
>pay to get my letter
>can't read
>pay foreman to read my letter for me
>wife is dead from tornado back in okliehomie
>daughter with polio will be an orphan unless i can get back home
>broke from buying all of my necessities from the company i work for
>can't even buy alcohol to drink away my sorrows because of prohibition
>decide to become a hobo and catch trains back to OK
>step on a rusty nail in the railyard
>die of tetanus

sounds great

Uh, no sweetie. The age can't be golden if half of our population is jobless.

True gold is entire families under the yoke of corporate interests.

post more nice 20s pics please

>queue up at the breadline
ah yes, the taste of the Golden Age

>being so well dressed to go get charity

that second guy in line looks like an alien

back then everyone dressed like a supreme gentlemen

>get arrested/killed by cops as a subversive element
>get deported/die in jail
the first red scare was truly the best one

where are more of the nice 20s pics

>Federal Immigration act of 1924 would have prevent me from entering
>get deported

*get shot*

people really were smaller back then huh

the 50s if you ask me or anything pre civil rights

>millions die fighting the Great War
>millions die from Spanish Flu
>millions die from economic depression and crop failure

Can you imagine living in the 1920s? Now I understand why there was such an evangelical revival, people must've thought the end of the world was coming

find my waifu