Which country has the most girls like this?

Which country has the most girls like this?

She is just genetically gifted. Blacks usually have wide hips on

Brazil of course

Unironically Middle East.

they work on bunda voodoo

how can you tell theyre covered in garbage bags


MENA qts have big hips and pretty faces but they don't work out (in their own countries at least)

I'd say america, people underestimate normie fitness girl culture here

is this a good body?!!?

one of the countries with the most cosmetic surgery. she's had tons done

>I'd say america

This. Brazil and other south american countries. US too, but US borders on obesity too much.

are these hips bigger than average?

Australia of course

The ones from tall Balkans, like Serbia and Albania area, south Serbia. Eastern Yugoslavia.
Bosnians and Croats are manlets.

Brazil. American girls are not even close to this.

no, but the waist is a lot thinner than average

No, just the shape of the body is different, nothing more

That's full on anime proportions, I'd be surprised if this isn't a shoop

>full on anime proportions
have you ever been near a gym?

no these hips are not that big, it's just the waist is really small.


also if you really want to see what big hips look like, try coming to the khaleej or west africa. the hip sizes in these places are so unreal, once i talked with a woman from nigeria and her ass looked like two balloons sticking out of her legs. brazil isn't bad too.


italians are thicc and skinny at the same time, totally lewd women