Nothing personal, Pajeet

Nothing personal, Pajeet...

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Did you expect better? I mean, they can't even use toilets

I mean h1b workers are highly skilled employees that youre not going to replace, youre only cucking your own economy and tech industry

This is gud news for us

*teleports behind pajeet*
*unsheathes katana*
*uses 1000 cuts jutsu to destroy h1b card*
heh... nothin personnel...

He should just limit non-specialized foreign IT workers. They have led to absurd situations in the US like Java programmers earning less than Node.js monkeys.

>cucking your own economy due to racism
like father, like son

Fuck pajeets.
Educated pajeets should make India super power by 2030

Trump is cucking his own country. Good.

*kills the petrodollar*

>brics accomplishing anything of relevance
Maybe in 10000 years

>deporting visa workers
>not going into barrios and rounding up obvious illegals
>not building a wall
This lazy, dumb, race-baiting motherfucker, I swear...

This is bullshit, Indian immigrants are some of the most based that we get

They make a lot of money, speak English at a native level, and integrate well

The prototype for the wall has been build, its coming soon. That, plus now he is deporting shitskins. Bonus, the white birth rates in the US are increasing again.

Can they do this with the pakis here please?


>he is deporting
Don't care
>Bonus, the white birth rates in the US are increasing again.
No shit, dummy

>the white birth rates in the US are increasing again.
yes, cuz they're mixing with niggers

That's a meme.

Sup, Pajeet. Better apply for Canadian PR before your visa expires.

I was born in Ohio.

Then it's good news for you(if you are in IT). Soon there will be 500k job openings.

I'm not in IT, I have no Indian ancestry, and I have a generally favorable opinion of Indian immigrants. I wish our countries had a better relationship t'bh

>highly skilled

Since the BRICS block started, more and more nations are looking to get rid of your failed currency and hegemony.

You might try to destabilize some nations (such as mine), but it's inevitable.


Yep. You're sure gonna show us, and definitely within my lifetime.

I thought he was only going to deport Mexicans but it he's deporting everyone kek

>The prototype for the wall has been build
Please, he overplayed his hand on DACA negotiations, he's not getting any wall money

H1b salary hasn't been updated since 1989 when the bill was introduced, at $60,000 which is nothing in any metro area in the USA

Now it's just been being able used to subvert skilled American new college graduates and hire foreign for less

Where are the Democrats, supposed proponents of the average worker? Being paid off by the big tech companies to not touch it. This was an amazing move for the Republicans that I support as an engineer

I don't quite understand
Is it talking about people with active visas? Is it not illegal to deport them without a reason like an expired visa or criminal activity or something?

Increasing the minimum salary to be hired as a "highly skilled worker" which was set at 60k in 1989 and never touched since then. Now it's just being used to higher pajeet instead of American college graduates in tech. Those with decent skill will still come over, as the minimum is now 90k, far from "highly skilled", though. But it will certainly make entry level jobs more accessible for new grads in tech




That makes sense
Making it work retroactively seems kind of odd though, wouldn't it be cheaper to just let the people already there stay and focus your efforts on the illegals that were already illegal?

This picture makes me laugh every time. Every single one of them is a memelord.

These are visas awarded to workers on contract terms of about 3 years at a time, extending in three year intervals. All it means is that when your current visa expires, in however many years, you have to either meet the minimum threshold, find a job that does, or go back. Most of these jobs are in IT and software development, so it should be relatively easy to get a 90k job after three+ years of development. I'd say it's pretty fair, far from the xenophobic disaster the MSM is painting it as

So deported is the wrong word, just "have their visas expire"
take your trip off

Yeah, unless they refuse to leave, which I doubt will happen that often

This bill is not about minimum pay. You get H1b for three years and you can extend it once for 3 more. If a person on h1b has filed an application for permanent residency, then he or she can keep renewing h1b until the application is processed. Since the number of green cards processed is on basis of country of birth, Indian immigrants have to wait for 15-20 years to get PR now. This bill aims to remove the unlimited h1b renewals. Companies will still be able to underpay employees, but Indians will have to leave USA after 6 years.


Minimum salary was raised, though

I see. Wasn't aware of that.
Lol @ all the idiots who are going to US for studies tho.