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International #840
Sverigetråden - 2dupplagan
Blocks brazilian macho mens path
What’s the dating culture like in your country?
When I’m finally Janitor you’re all going to pay every single one of you that just sits in a general I’m going to...
The difference between first world and third world
Post cool pics of your country's president
/fr/ - Le fil francophone
/ita/ il filo
China was primed to take a strongly nationalistic turn similar to the one taken by Germany in the years leading up to...
/Sino/ - 中文
How would your parents react if you brought this home?
What does Sup Forums think about my country?
Is the European refugee crisis a meme?
Mars is now terraformed
Post guys from your country with their Japanese wives
/deutsch/ /bayern/
I have become a support bitch
Who /mutt/ here? Share your heritage
I was thinking about which country is more assblasted about turks. Armenia or Greece?
What happens here?
Europe is for the Europeans only, and it belongs to them
WHY ARE AMERICANS SO BAD AT DOTA?????????????????????????????????????????????
Do you love spen
Be me
One chance at life
Sverigetråden - Hoppfulla upplagan
First off, congratulations I guess. You guys have an English level higher than most Americans
One chance in life
WTF France???
Did you know the current Danish PM went to Afghanistan in 1988 to kill Russian soldiers?
Why is there so many white male turning traps? we dont see that in asian countries. asians are manly
Culture - Food - Overall country/populous power ranking
Are you serious dude?
/v4/ + friends
Do you have any phobias?
How do leftists from your country portrait Venezuela?
Equal Populations World
The Soviet Union was the best period in Russian history
I am a criminal
*blocks your path*
ITT: anime depiction of your country
/fr/ - Le Fil Francophone
Betting is now open
World Seafood edition
Apply for a job
1/You're a fucking cunt
Speak a language you know nothing about, natives rate it
Do you want to find love in australia?
A) Your city
Do you love Poland?
Is there a reason why east asians are behind european in history despite having higher iq?
Why do we have to be Amerimum's kids?
Be (((feminist))), (((liberal))) president
Paintbucket thread
Japan is racis-
What country has the most beautiful women?
I am a proud white man
When will we get our money back?
Australia's broadband is slower than Kazakhstan's
Is Portugal the main character of the world?
Generally memorable things about all the countries of the countries
I'm scared to play online video games incase I make mistakes
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
/deutsch/ am Morgen
I have just requested to Tokyo Regional Immigration Bureau to mark this guy as an undesirable alien
Which one do you choose Sup Forums?
Why are you a virgin Sup Forums?
Hey Ivan, let's kill the entire royal family, including the small children
ITT Badass characters that never actually met
Your social class
Why are Leb Australians so based?
Do you love Japan?
73% of qatar's population is foregin born
Lets delete Logan Paul YouTube account!
Why is it so hard to notice when caucasian get mixed with asian?
/ex-ussr/ general
Serious question
Trump BTFO
Why don't they work hard to improve their knowledge despite they are stupid?
Kurva anyátok
Language learning difficulty levels
Breaking apartment contract as a foreigner
Do boys do this in your country?
Do you love Japan?
What ethnicity are people from Gibraltar?
1. your country
Which immigrant you prefer?
Cultural Differences Between Korea and Japan
There is a Polish girl who is undocumented in my school
I want to have sex with this cartoon
Post headlines from your country
How hard is it to learn Swedish for an English speaker? What are the recommended ways to go about this...
Which do you choose?
Le global boker face
/nederdraad/ /vlaanderendraad/
Hilo latino
Are Japs racist with one another?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Brazilians suff-
Mom, Dad
What's this Sup Forums?
/fr/ - Fil Francophone
Who is ready for Korean War 2: Nuclear Boogaloo?
Sverigetråden - neet övervägande knegar-upplagan
Is it ok to do this in parties in your cunt?
How can such a friendly face belong to a man who wants to genocide all Muslims?
Can we all agree that arabs are just inbred mulatos/quadroons?
Why are yuros so smart?
Do you ever sometimes wish you were born in a different country?
Everybody is best at something, user!
1.) Your cunt
A-are there actually people that dislike me on account of my ethnicity?
Do you want to find love in Azərbaycan?
/luso/ fio lusofono
Do people listen to reggaeton in your country?
Netherlands or belgium?
Singapore tops latest OECD PISA global education survey, Japan, Estonia...
Do you like Chinks?
Why are Nigerians smarter than white English?
IQ by country
You can only post ITT if you hate your country
Why do non-white males claim to be proud of their heritage yet lust after the ugliest white women and ignore their...
Tell me about the loanwords in your language
Does this mean that N*Rdoids = M*Doids?
Czech Republic vs. Latin America
Is it true that Americans eat while in their beds? Do you ever do that?
Man shot to death a few hours ago in Sweden
1. Country
Hey Sup Forums, what do you think of this meme?
/dixie/ Southern US & Friends
Guys, the next U.S. president
The US is truly an evil superpower. but has their ever been a superpower that has had ultimately altruistic goals?
/cum/ canada usa mexico
This guy slaps your gf's ass, what would you do?
1. Clitoris
We will now remember how badly the West crushed Russia
How does a country like Brazil eliminate the excessive amount of crime? that thing is out of control...
Getting fit and losing weight is impossib-
1.your country 2.Do you eat cephalopods?
Which AFRICAn country is your favourite?
WW3 when?
/ita/ il filo
American cousin is visiting this week
Girls and Height
When you learned English did you learn British English or American English?
Nordics swearing
Why do the only migrate to Anglophone or Romance countries? Are they scared of Central or Eastern European countries...
Some strange things in Finnish
Good lord
/deutsch/ und /Nachtschicht/
*teleports behind you*
Learning Russian Language
Sorry but you may only post in this thread if you are over 25+ y/o years old or older
Culture Pals - /cp/
Guess my ethnicity
Tfw Polish plumber in UK
Yeah dude I'm 100% Italian hahaha
Sverigetråden - Skånska upplagan
Which language sounds better?
/fr/ - Fil Francophone
Countries in red are meme states that need to be annexed into others
Would the world be better if French was the global language instead of English?
Tfw 15 cm penis
This is literally the best continent for white people in the world...
Do Americans have a Smart speaker in every home?
Americans tip their microwave when the tea is ready
Can you speak French?
Did you know that Germany has higher GDP than GDP of all ex-soviet republics summed?
Do Europeans really not tip people? What if they do a great job and go above/beyond?
What is your name
What if the physical land that France occupies never existed?
What is the best country and why is it France?
Why don't some Mexicans travel to Spain instead of the U.S?
So does this mean everyone is finally fed up of the bbc meme?
Name one relevant invention from the last 1000 years, but NOT invented by a white person!
Why can't they just unite into one big country? Surely their common language...
/ita/ il filo
Can someone explain what “White” means? Based on what I read on Sup Forums, nobody is white
What nationality could write such comments?
Post parts of your country which are universally hated
/balk/ - Balkan thread
Sverigetråden - Självbelåtna upplagan
Say something nice about Greece
This is the clay that our country handed over to the ruskies...
/v4/ + friends
What the hell is wrong with Sp*niards?
/cum/ - Canada, USA and Mexico
Everyone is welcome
Question for Russians
Proud of being american. Don't like it? Fuck off
This should do the trick
/fr/ - le fil va-t-en-guerre
American music
Is Sup Forums a racist board?
ITT: we share historical music from our cunts
This is 10/10 in Poland
Why do Nordics look like this?
Who is White?
How intelligent are you?
1. ur cuntry
I dont't care about someones ethnicity or race as long as they are a good person
Does Sup Forums consider this white?
Tfw no italian gf
Could i pass for a local in your country?
/lat/ hilo latino
This is a 16 year old Finnish boy
Is it possible to hike across this line without being kidnapped or murdered?
How come finns are so obsessed with swedish language? Every street...
Who worse, mutts or wh*Toids?
What is the first culture that comes to mind when thinking about this country?
What are some good examples of authentic british beauty?
There are 210 million brazilians in this world
What is it like living here?
Ideal world
Tfw my country has an ancient pyramid
"user why do people keep staring at me in your country?"
Why is /ausnz/ an excuse for Non-Aussies and Kiwis to have Gay ERP?
Did you know that
Are you able to list 4 non trivial facts about any 3 of these people without googling?
/fr/ - le fil des /oc/citanes + /maginot/
1. your country
Idea, I run for president of Australia promising a 50mb connection in every modem
Would Americans really elect her? I mean come on
Post you dick
/ITA/ - il filo
Sverigetråden - För svenskar och brödrafolk
Your country
What's the most meme languages that one can learn?
Name one(1) good country
Why is Sup Forums becoming more and more like /r9k/?
Your search tag
110 refugees a day, keeps the racist away!
Opinions on russian girls?
I will get a proxy and make every single country hate yours. If you test my patience I will fuck you up
ITT: shameful moments in your country's history
Why are Japanese girls so
Choose one
What's your regional best friend?
You're honest opinion on Chile and Chileans
What's the most beautiful country based on nature?
Do you love France?
According to varg
Our country now wh*Te boy
Wtf I love Korea now
1. Your cunt
Things that can happen only in your cunt
Non-whites of Sup Forums if there was a purge to kill all whites you wouldn't hurt us r-right?
Daily reminder these "people" call you subhuman and shitskin
Where is the countryside of France?
How often do you forget to wear the bra?
These are the only Norwegians I know
Are hair circle balls common I'm for country?
Russian mail-order brides
The English word shoe in various other languages
ITT: post electronics from your country
You don't fuck with Britain, BRITAIN FUCKS YOU!
This is according to a study which ranked 63 countries around the world by empathetic tendencies...
Swedes and Germans are poor
Did you know we have Wombats?
What do you call this in your cunt?
Is that accurate?
What's Greek obsession with this part of Turkey...
Why all the people around the world.. including Asian people
What happens here?
Canadian "men"
What will happen when he dies?
When did you realize all women are whores even that quiet innocent girl who sits in the back of your uni class and...
My mother found my framed Hitler photo while cleaning my room. What do I do?
For me it's Pepsi™
When (and how) did Northern Europe surpass Southern Europe?
Alt Flags
The Italian face when Ethiopian enter the thread
ITT we post our weirdest google street view findings
Sverigetråden - Böganalsexupplagan
Map of UN regions
Your cunt tree
Forbidden island
Are they white? they aren't, are they?
Cuck Ranking
Which country is the most racist in Europe??
Non-Americans: If you had to move to the US, which state would you choose?
English and Japanese learning thread
Do They Dislike Asians?
This is Timur
Is it me, or are there barely any Indians on Sup Forums anymore? Did they get bantered off the board for good?
Dressing in Japan
This German movie won the Golden Globes as the best foreign language movie
Daily Japanese Thread #1954
Finns show Russians how to make real blinis
Why are Chinese commie-blocks better than Russian ones?
ITT : we write in english but with the grammar of our language native
He doesn't have a more successful sibling who makes him look comparatively disappointing...
WTF sweden
How did you learn your second language?
Do you love South Korea?
Norwegian pussy was made by GOD for Italian men
Thank you sweden :)
Save years money to move in to Japan so you cn marry your waifu
Why do Africans give themselves English names?
I know Jap are very angry and tense recently
1. your country
/pars/ - Persian language general
Is there much of a difference between Urdu/Hindustani and Punjabi? Are they dialects of the same language?
Asian girls and hairy men
1. Your country
Do you recognise a poster's race or ethnicity by reading his posts?
Why is their birth rate so low?
Show me your country's armor
Which country caused the most harm to Europe?
Where in Southeast Asia you want to find love and why?
/deutsch/ Eichhörnchen-Ausgabe
Choose one that you think
The Downfall of Multi-culturalism?
Ok you mongs its travel thread time
Tell me about the free software movement in your country
Is he white?
/ita/ - il filo
I really hate f*nns they are monkeys of the human race they belong with the beasts in the fields
Do you love Japan?
I want to learn a language that will open an entirely new world to me...
【Flag power on Sup Forums】
Are they really poor or it’s just meme?
/fr/ - le fil du savoir faire français
Help Sup Forums!
Kurva anyátok
Eaux = "o"
Choose one that you think
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
I see a lot of Americans on Sup Forums talk about Los Angeles like it's the worst place ever. What's so bad about it?
Do girls wear chokers in your country?
Why are QT white grills so difficult? Why can't y'all just give an Indian bro a chance!...
What do you nigs think about hangul...
Can a Westerner please explain feminism?
I thought japan was better than this
Tfw no non slut feminine bf
White Porn?
/Cali/ general
Brazilians are civili-
Tfw you can't post on Sup Forums without being asked if you know kung fu, if you eat da poo poo or if you know de way
Is mexico the master race of mixed blood of the world?
Why are Arab men so good looking?
/dixie/ - Southern US & friends
Reminder we are entering the era of American automotive dominance
Hanging out with small group of friends
Attention Brazilians!
1. Your country
Name 1 (one) famous Australian from the 21st century. Steve Irwin doesn't count
/lat/ hilo latino
Just study and you'll make it, brah
Getting a girlfriend is tou-
Sup Forums BTFO
What's his masterplan?
Dear Arabs
/cum/ Canada USA Mexico
Can we all agree that this 'monkey soup" meme was the most retarded meme ever?
1. your country
Would you rather live in Omsk, Russia or Perm, Russia?
Your cunt
Did you get bullied at school Sup Forums? or were you the bully?
indians actually made a movie on the challenge their society faces with toilets
Spain's cuisine is disgusting
How long will this joke go on?
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Post your perfect world Sup Forums
Opinions on Romania?
Do you want to find love in Brazil?
Why do Southern Europeans have so much African admixture?
1) Your ethnicity
Chicago or Warsaw
This is the best part of the USA prove me wrong
Culture Pals - /cp/
"Wow user you talk to hundreds of your international friends on the internet everyday?"
Why Southern cone (Argentina, Chile and Uruguay) claim they are white but they are as mestizo as Mexico?
Japanese script is most aesthetic out of traditional Asian scripts
The only countries worth living in
Why is this not part of Armenia?
Why is Japan such a safe country?
/CAL/ - California General
Why do other Europeans always wanted to destroy France ? Every fucking time France had to face European coalitions
Pol wants to raid us lmao
I'm going to Russia this summer to meet some friends who I met on the internet. They're from Veliky Novgorod...
Russia is ugl-
Sverigetråden - 3dupplagan
1) You're cunt
Biggest cunt
Mongol girls thread
Will they become the protagonists again?
Who is your favorite British person of all time?
No girl has ever found me attractive
Hilo latino
How many shitholes does Europe have to be like this?
Would you rather live in moscow, russia or los angeles, california?
"hahha whitoids,hahah kara boga amrite guys"
/deutsch/ deutsche ausgabe
Should the EU kick out poor countries?
Question mainly for Iranian posters (if there are any): is it still a safe place to travel...
Do you ever wish you were a 10’8 WHITE protestant male with an IQ of 150, huge ass WHITE COCK, chiseled jawline...
What's your Chinese zodiac?
The absolute STATE of nig0ids
Why there are no native americans and brown mestizos in latino soap operas?
Would you settle for a brown eyed gf?
Hehe ameriphone
The absolute state of white men
ITT most cancerous nations in Europe
/Southern Europe/
My country > Yours
Classes haven't even begun yet
Tfw nobody likes the dutch language
Sorry UK brothers but now that you left, the competiton started again
Hahahaha so funny let's keep pretending we're black lol xd this is so epic isn't it...
/fr/ - Le Fil Francophone
Guys, do NOT come to my country
Reccomend me italian rap
El mutto sisebuto
Tfw 15cm penis
So what exactly is wrong with the belief that the United States should be a white ethnostate...
Why are europeans so poor? no wonder they need "free" '"healthcare'"
Why is there so much wh*tophobia on Sup Forums ?
This is what passes for entertainment in Turkey
/fug/ - the Big Three
This is a 9/10 in britain
Tfw no Norwegian gf
Daily reminder that this is the least white first-world country
Will learning another language actually improve my life or make it more interesting?
1. Country
What are your thoughts about this guy?
My family is getting BLEACHED
Guys, I'm so tired of life. I see how empty it is. I see that all philosophies rest on arbitrarily chosen axioms...
/cum/ canada usa mexico
Are u smart
/ita/ - il filo
/lat/ hilo latino patrocinado por el /csg/
Just bants m8
ITT: you're country in one pic
Is your city racially segregated?
How do you set goals for your life?
The gods will not be pleased
Is Poland the Russia of Europe?
/nederdraad/ /vlaanderendraad/
Do you love Poland?
What empire was the most aesthetic?
What is the difference between south american spanish and spanish from spain ?
China is third wo-
How come some African cities look better than """first world""" cities?
Why do non-Americans hate burgers and make fun of Americans for them even going so far as to call us burgers?
What do you mean you don't want to date me because I have brown eyes user
Why are white women generally not interested in Asian men?
Sverigetråden - Giltiga upplagan
Your cunt
What country posters are the most rude?
Married Indian women
What the fuck is wrong with Canadians?
/v4/ and pals
French """"person"""" joins game
I want ms Portugal to sit on my face and tell me how she fought the dutch at the far side of the world
Thoughts on curly hair?
No one has captivated and engaged us more in wildlife and conservation than this man right here, Steve Irwin
"There's a girl out there for everyone"
/ita/ il filo
Why do Italians pretend to be European?
Pillun nuolemis -painos
1. your country
"Britain isn't European, it's British"
The world "as it should be"
/scg/ Southern Cone General - /cs/ Cono Sur
What country has very nice and cute people with whom it is easy to make friends?
This board's "memes" in 2017 and 2018 are literally pretending to be black and copypasting cuckold fanfiction
1. your country
I'm a 20-yo going out with a 13-yo girl. We just don't see what the problem is. There's nothing sexual between us...
Why do fries w/ mayo trigger Amerilards?
175 cm
/fr/ - le fil de la France et des francophones
"So user, tell me about this international board you are so fond of...
"I wish I was a girl"
Sverigetråden - Klos brosan upplagan
Sverigetråden - Fällupplagan
/fr/ - Do Sup Forums like french girl?
I gave American tourist wrong directions in metro
"We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children."
Safest country to travel Latin America alone?
*dabs on the souls of millions of dead j*Poids*
ITT give a new fitting name to the country above your post
This is your fault Sup Forums
Could I pass as a local in your country?
Just be confident bro, there is a girl for every guy out there
Do you love France ?
Why is everyone so tall? I'm literally 182cm myself and 40% of the people I walk by at the subway are taller than me
Itt: we cyberbully americans
Show me your face
I believe in racism
Is suburbia America’s worst invention?
Why are Nigerians and Ghanians smarter than White English people?
Tfw chad
Is he /ourguy/?
Would you agree with this ?
Now that Sup Forums is in a state of civil war, why was Sup Forums the first board to abandon Trump?
Are Arabs the most hated people on Earth?
*blocks your path*
Every board needs flags. The mutt must be exposed wherever he hides
What's your favorite national anthem?
Rate my haircut lads
/lang/ - Language Learning
/fr/ - Le fil hon hon hon
Why is it so hard for people to accept the superiority of the Germanic people?
What was the exact moment you went full racist? For me, I think it was back in 2007...
White Angels
Why russians not held accountable for mass rape of german women during ww2?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
La-ilaha-ila KARA BOGA
Handsome Sup Forumsernational men
You're honest opinion on Uruguay
Learn the difference. It could save your life
Mysterious explosion in Stockholm metro
/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends
Sverigetråden - Kyrkliga upplagan
Do you love Japan?
Is he American hero?
My self-esteem is based on national identity
Run for your lifes fucking n*rdoids
Go outside
Nothing personal, Pajeet
What is the relationship like between France and Spain?
Are americans mentally retarded? not even ironic now
Japanese crooked legs
Do you want to kill yourself?
Are Finns white?
TFW no Asian gf
Sharts are responsible for
Show me your country and I'll tell you a reason why we should have historical butthurt towards you
Why did they abandon their own language?
Post shadman arts
Non-Anglos: How do you feel when a foreigner responds to one of your posts in your native language?
Why are americans fat and stupid?
Wtf I hate japan now
No culture
/big/ - BIG countries general
Say something nice to this korean 10/10 qt
IQ by country
1.youre cunt
Press F to pay respects
Do you love Russia?
Do you support a federalized EU to counter US and Russian imperials?
European wants to show you how impressive his country is at warfare
Is it true they don't have metro/subway systems in every major US city?
/fr/ - Le fil de la francophonie
True Map of Europe
This is an 8/10 in rromani-a
How the fuck do people hug, it's so fucking awkward and clumsy, it's too close and you have too much bodycontact
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...