What country posters are the most rude?

What country posters are the most rude?

Russia,Brazil and Turkey

English speakers, generally. I guess non-scandinavian ""whites"" like brits/canadians/ausnz/americans and the other mixed countries.

piece of shit mutts are rude as hell

also finnish and swedish posters are rude because they're irrelevant on a global scale and nobody ever talks about them outside of 4chins

>hahah amerimutt
>le 56%
>get shot
>hahahah fuck america
>"stfu cunt"
>wtf why are americans so ruuuude as helll!

oblivious euros are usual

Russians are among the best posters on Sup Forums.


Russians aren't rude, but I agree with Brazil and Turkey. Would insert Japan instead of Russia

fuck off mutt, i never gave you permission to speak

What did you say?


bit hypocritical lad

all of them

I'm sorry


i'm not your lad you sperglord, that would be canada

Americans, of course.

calm down please

>Any racist/pol/tards that deluded themselves being something better because they inherited certain phenotypical features or white we wuzing
>Posters who instantly throw with insults based on flag
>racist eastern european(especially russians and balts, on the other hand poles are probably the nicest posters when they dont throw a fit about history)
>Dumb new worlders(hues and americans are worth a mention)
>Dumb nips and gooks
>Leaf and straya

Netherlands, leaftards and yugoslavs

nice cartoons, fuckhead


Americans of course. Some of them are actually very nice though, especially Californians.
Everybody regular Sup Forums user needs to be gassed.

You know, a couple of years ago I’d say Ukraine but now that the cockhole influx is nearing its end it’s fair to say that Amerimuttland has the most obnoxious posters.


We arent rude go fuck yourself fucking leaf faggot I hope your mother dies

Fuck you OP

What did we ever do?

Germans,Brits and Nordics. They are not only rude but also unfunny, boring and have no sense of humour. The stereotypes are really true.

You are a very nice poster

get cancer mutt puppet
get cancer mutt

Brazilians are bros, you filthy jews

germans, swedes, brits.
finn posters are my favorite. they all smart and cute

There are a few shit posters in every countries.
But if they(shit posters) post a lot,
the flag of the country looks like shit.

If we use this, so easily, we can manipulate the hearts of people.
We can make people hate specific countries and ethnic groups.

i fucked ur mom


aw thank you

his grantfather fucked your grandmother
you chink

Never will understand why germand receive so much hostility
Probably the better branch of posters in europe

isn't the stereotype that brits are un-serious class clowns?

Not mine for sure

spasiba, frend

yeah, most of you smart and well-educated, but you're still rude.

Why do you get angry?

"""We""" are """Sup Forums user of every countries""".
"""We""" aren't """Japanese""".

You are always passive aggressive or just in full autism mode

russians are either passive aggressive or in autistic/gay mode

russians aren't quite the most polite posters either you know

Russians and Brazilians by far


you started, mr.nice guy

Elaborate full autism, its more a meme than reality
Also we don't gay erp and post anime outside of /deutsch/. Enough material to craft best posters of the board


>gay mode

Is it really that obvious?

only confirms his point lmao

>mr. nice guy
You said it, not me.
See above.

The guy was just expressing his opinion.


I would never come to this board if everyone got a long. The banter is perfect here, so go fuck yourselves.

Didn't even know that there were posters on this board who aren't passive aggressive.

he was stating his opinion as fact tho

i am the rudest poster and i make everyone incredibly butthurt

Here in Russia we always think and talk about Swedes and Finns.

germans are rude I agree, but russians aren't an exemple of politeness you will agree

in which way? elaborate

>got a long
a long what? a long cock for you hungry asshole?
haha dumb sharter can't speak his own language properly

It would be easier to list countries where the majority are nice posters

People are R-U-D-E on the internet
What a suprise, mr obvious prime

nah, we really don’t. there’s no need to lick ass just to make them feel less lonelier, you know?

you go fuck yourself, mutt. crawl back to your kennel and never come out

nice my brother

Honestly, almost all Americans I've talked here personally were very kind and qt. Don't be sad with these eurocucks jokes


i am so rude i make americans on here want to kill me

kill yourself

Sweden? more like Semen


Others are annoying or stupid.
Norwegians are plainly rude and hostile. They deserve to fuck off and get their own imageboard.
Their general is like a ghetto.

anally devastated


i have received death threats from americans on here...

He told you, FUCKING KYS swecuck


Why Sweden? :3
You are good men.

mostly westerners (amerifats included) and irrelevant big countries like Turkey or Brazil

we are openly aggressive
True but nobody really tries to be polite her. Moreover it takes some eloquence speech to fully transmit our emotions which is not always accessible to us
gay larper has nothing to do with your autism. It's about not really understanding the tone of a thread or derailing by posting something atrocious. Lack of sense of humor too

Scandis (mb except Norway and Iceland), Brits, Germs

On the other hand, Russians and SE Asians are kinda decent posters. Eastern Euros are kinda decent as well. (Indians and African posters are kinda decent as well but don't see them as much)

French are interesting. I haven't had any good experience with them irl but they are pretty ok in Sup Forums

Finland is friendly but very honest


Europeans, Finns are the best though :)

are finns white?


>be swede
>no one likes you



>noone mentions Belgium
>Belgium confirmed friendliest
henlo friends

Why so mad? I love this word too. Well, kinda love. Also I love "well"-word too

I like Swedes

Poland, Brazil and Turkey.

because your shitty country is so insignificant and worthless


Shouldn't you be in the mosque watching your wife get fucked by Ali and Muhammad?