/cum/ canada usa mexico


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very bad thread. You are responsible for the death of the thread.

where is the redditflags

join my discord and rate me please


fucking mexicans

fucking lain


anime < doing nothing

motion makes my head hurt

Had another poop and I can feel a bowel movement coming on.

Spent the last 20 minutes laying down and reading next to my window.

Felt really comfy

made like 130 usd in my sleep today

cara got banned LMAO

whose that

hi lane


is so unfair, idk why we let that loser fag run the discord



I will buy and play a truck simulator


it's because you're annoying and ruin everyone's time

You fucking suck. Glad they banned you.

idk man imagine you are o'brien in star trek TNG S6E7 and suddenly have your wife turned into a 12 year old qt little jap girl
you spend the night with her, you haven't fucked in a week
what are you gonna do?
she has little titties already
would you try to make out with her?
her mind is still that of an adult, it's just that her body has changed...

Why do other countries lend the US money if they know that we are reckless spenders who will never pay off our debt? It seems pointless.

you are both wrong and suck

You have no concept of how debt works on a global level

T. Salty boomer trying to justify the shit world he helped create before dying

Wasn't your face posted a bunch? You have fat jowls.

i don't think you do either

Well, then explain to me, I asked question and it wasn't meant to be rhetorical. So please, educate me.

hook line and stinker

what is a jowl

Neck meat/fat

debt is a meme

they are called muscle from all my gains

anyone want to have a discussion?

debt is just a fictional number
there is more debt on earth than money will ever exist

basically you could just put a zero on all debt in the world and nothing would change
simply because that debt never existed in the first place


I'm not here to teach you, you have the most powerful educational tool in human history right in front of you. All you have to do is use it.

Because you are stupid and say that americans dont pay their debts

americans always pay their debnts

the most powerful education tool in history was the Library of Alexandria but the Jews burned it to the ground

yes always open for discussions.

You couldn't learn how to build a car with the library of alexandria

What did you do today?

love you Sup Forums

just like every day, nothing.

fuck off

Except that our country is in a considerable amount of debt compared to the rest of the first world and have been for a long time. I'll tell you a secret about a problem with my country, there are tonnes of people who take loans, enroll in credit cards, etc. Without any plans to pay off the credit they owe.


>anyone want to have a discussion?
>What did you do today?

>A sedentary lifestyle is a type of lifestyle with little or no physical activity. A person living a sedentary lifestyle is often sitting or lying down while engaged in an activity like reading, socializing, watching television, playing video games, or using a mobile phone/computer for much of the day.




Started a fiverr account to start a coin rolling business.

your sister is so cute!!

Havana, ooh na-na (ay)
Half of my heart is in Havana, ooh-na-na (ay, ay)
He took me back to East Atlanta, na-na-na


She seems autistic enough to own a fidget spinner.

So hard to come up with a channel background when I'm not even sure what my channel will be about aside from 1 series


the idea is dumb

That's not what people are saying on the discord

The US has as many debt as other first world nations.

>little sister is playing my old pokemon games

>little sister is in the basement

miss going out to shovel old people's houses w my friends as a kid

we'd make like 20 bucks and feel rich

>haircut costs $15
well shit, there goes $15 worth of crypto that can be spent on drugs

haven't posted in awhile

>little sister escaped the the basement

post your first name. ill start



my first name is Jonathan

DON'T call me John

ok, 'nathan


is this true?

lol. obsessed

Yes, it's really shitty but the average american is 89IQ so nothing will change.


Think my butt is getting bigger

show us

I'm boy tho


>the the basement
You spineless bastard. You're what we would've called a yellow belly back in 85.

scooby dooby doo

how do i tell my dad that he owes me $16?

with your mouth?


A fax would be more appropriate






post songs that literally describe you


>not ottawa
dont believe you


i spend all day at home crying like a roastie who got dumped at prom because i cant get any pussy


zoobiedy dooby doo bop
wow bop doo bebo bu be bu
