
thots begone edition

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Yanks OUT

*Blesses the next post with doubles*
Peace be upon you child

I want to do naughty things to Emma Watson that involve me creampie-ing her.


>American overdoses on ‘sex drugs,’ roams Phuket airport naked

Thank you good sir



yes. thailad will confirm

woof haha!

when will we kill the wh*Te menace thailad?

suspecting that emma watson and furry poster are the same person

*massages your scalp*
There, now you're sleepy

artist name?

clown will eat me

You just admitted that an American was white.

I'm really no expert but I reckon most are lucky if they get 2. Prozzies seem to vastly outnumber people that actually want to take them for a shag.


>being a virgin as a man is bad
>being a virgin as a woman is good

>being short as a man is bad
>being short as a woman is good

might chop my balls off lads

He's unironically not white

Mental to think that there are over 7 billion human souls on this planet right now...

Yiffers can burn in hell for their degeneracy. I'll stick to not degenerate things like Emma Watson fart porn tyvm.

>yes. thailad will confirm

when i see furry art like this, all i can imagine is the smell of a dirty wet dog
smells terrible

he will

In the year 1898 the United States finished the work begun over a century before by the backwoodsman, and drove the Spaniard outright from the western world. We of this generation were but carrying to completion the work of our fathers and of our fathers' fathers....

Obviously you missed his post then you spastic


real nigger hours

thailad is a nonce

to clarify, he is sexually aroused by children

no I didn't. give him a minute and he will confirm

Don't like jews but Gilbert Gottfried makes me laugh like an utter spastic

That shart actually believes prostitutes see multiple clients a night. I made a prostitute wet as fuck and she came. She got tight on the inside, but you wouldn't know anything about that you fat shart

>ywn be a samurai who gets to kill random peasants for bullshit reasons and eventually seppuku for being autistic in front of your Daimyo

increasingly disillusioned with democracy

can you explain further please? i don't quite get it

LITERALLY synonymous with mob rule

vietlad: chad
alan: chad
thailad: limp wristed beta

democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others.

weird legs
either he skipped leg day or they're the wrong length


hat this ape

He must long greatly for the lonely winds that blow across the wilderness, and for sunrise and sunset over the rim of the empty world. His heart must thrill for the saddle and not for the hearthstone. He must be helmsman and chief, the cragsman, the rifleman, the boat steerer. He must be the wielder of axe and of paddle, the rider of fiery horses, the master of the craft that leaps through white water. His eye must be true and quick, his hand steady and strong. His heart must never fail nor his head grow bewildered, whether he face brute and human foes, or the frowning strength of hostile nature, or the awful fear that grips those who are lost in trackless lands. Wearing toil and hardship shall be his; thirst and famine he shall face, and burning fever. Death shall lie in wait for him among untrodden forests, in the swirl of wild waters, and in the blast of snow blizzard or thunder-shattered hurricane.

fuck off winston


Britain yearns for Theocratic Socialism

good lad



>democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others.


without suffering, happiness wouldn't exist.

some of you may think "duh" but most of the manchilds on this board wouldn't

ah yes politics yanks and their endless drivel


fedoras are cool
anybody that says otherwise is a fat virgin

Didn't realise are Alan was a swear bear

lol u tk him 2 da bar|?

shut the fuck up



>have hearing loss
>go to audiologist
>her name sounds familiar
>get there
>its my middle school crush
>she dont even remember me
> tells me im going deaf


utterly predictable

wow my country has a minority with some nutjobs
really makes me think


Need to have my bollocks CRUSHED by Emma Watson.

The grandest scenery of the world is his to look at if he chooses. Far and wide, all the continents are open to him as they never were to any of his forefathers.

He can witness the strange ways of tribes who have survived into an alien age from an immemorial past.

The Nile and the Paraguay are easy of access, and the borderland between savagery and civilization; and the veil of the past has been lifted so that he can dimly see how, in time immeasurably remote, his ancestors—no less remote—led furtive lives among uncouth and terrible beasts, whose kind has perished utterly from the face of the earth


Go on then, what colour am I thinking of? Eh Eh Eh..


you win this round bruce

Girlfriend just begged me for sex. Told her that I'm too busy doing my CV for that kind of nonsense. If she's a good girl I'll do her from behind and cum in her mouth tonight before bed (10.30)


It's my birthday tomorrow. Gonna be 27.


never got why people tweet or post stuff that barely any will read and nobody will fav/retweet

FUCK OFF. The dumb bint won't stop asking me for sex. Just had to leave for the lounge room so I can make some changes.

your country is a hebrew run shithole with no white people


Yiff in hell faggot.

my roommate is such a fat fuck and sleeps so deeply and snores so loudly I have to shake his bed every time he falls asleep. fucking fat shitskin

there are no white people in America

Sister's giving me that look again

Made a sandwich, lads

Mashallah, brother!

>b-b-britain will get better any d-day n-now

Enjoying a bowl of oats.

The landscape had become one of incredible wildness, of tremendous and desolate majesty. No one could paint or describe it save one of the great masters of imaginative art or literature—a Turner or Browning or Poe.

The sullen rock walls towered hundreds of feet aloft. Battlements, spires, pillars, buttressed towers, flying arches; they looked like the ruined castles and temples. All were ruins—ruins vaster than those of any structures ever reared by the hands of men.

Brit on exchange?


just found out that the secret service are bodyguards for politicians

always thought it was a euphemism for prostitutes

Do you get uni for free in the States?

Finished my bowl of oats.

Did you utilise the technique?


I moved here in high school. I am going to uni for free because of academic scholarships

Wish my bananas were ripe. Still need a few days.

prossie sister?

>not eating them green

Will have to do that next time, nothing worse than dirtying up a second mayo knife