
Let's Volt In

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I am not him

Oh user you know he can't resist

Will GMA promote the hell out of that event? If yes, are they planning to include the new dubbers?

>literally waiting for hours just to watch le smug anime grill show
who /comfy/ here

I love my country



>he gets triggered by the smug of it all

Never knew /our girl/ is a meme

How did you get our top secret flag?

Why is v rare in Southeast Asian languages? I just check and neither Thai, Tagalog, Malay, Burmese have v as a native phoneme.


Sillypenis amirite

We already have superior f

there are a lot of v in thai though e.g suvarnabhumi. In bahasa indonesia, you change the v in sanskrit names into w, like suwarnabumi, and vidya into widya

It seems like they only occur in Sanskrit loans.

Smug memes can cause a tanturm

Most of our words converts v's to b's
>Viola is Biola

hello good morning /asean/

shut the fuck up already

you either go hard or go home

Seriously its blowing my mind and she is smug as fuck

It's common for languages that lack v to replace it with b, p (and other labial sounds) and w I think.

Daripada off diri, lagi baik kau buat apa sahaja sesuka hati kau. Anggap sahaja kau dah mati dan hidup ini ibarat game tanpa ada sebarang pressure. Yang kau tengah pressure sekarang pun sebab orang lain kan? Pindah ke tempat di mana orang tak kenal kau dan mulakan hidup baru. Buat benda yang selama ni kau malu/takut nak buat. Nak takut apa lagi? Is it gonna be worse than death yang kau wish sebelum ni?

This Mula hidup baru tempat baru, ni peluang nak "start fresh" bak kata mat saleh.

Do you guys lurk other boards?

I mainly on Sup Forums and /vg/ containment threads, sometimes /k/ if there's a good tank thread.

Sup Forums is my home board

I can't lurk in Sup Forums anymore, I end up posting more than watching chinese wallpaper animation.

Sup Forums and sometimes /vp/ and Sup Forums. I don't post in Sup Forums, though.


Sup Forums is unironically good for discussion sometimes, the memes are fun too.

>Sup Forums
The only thing I know about that board is the summer cups, is Sup Forums still in it?


cici Vero

Sup Forums, Sup Forums, /vg/, when I'm really bored /bant/
and occasionally /x/ cause they've got some funny shit

also this

4y ago, but never lately, thx to crypto's nouveau riches
>Sup Forums
since 1-2 years ago, especially /dpt/
>Sup Forums
sometimes, to check early manga updates

i'm growing into adulthood with this poop site ;-;


Hey, I live on the foot

Sup Forums /o/ /ck/
sometime Sup Forums

lol PLDT routes my connection to Singapore through Tokyo. It's not way too bad though, around 100 avg ping.

Welp Sup Forumsnons


why is the muslim/malaysia separation is quite different with each other?

Yeah, I know. Sad

Used to lurk Sup Forums the most, but now I prefer Sup Forums and Sup Forums.

Funny I used to lurk Sup Forums the most then but now prefer Sup Forums
Sup Forums is now filled with shit threads with dicks and Sup Forums shit

Sup Forums and /vg/ mostly. /ck/, Sup Forums, /vp/ often and /x/ once in a while

Something to do with phonetic pronunciations and for us we didn't have v.

I'm not going to reveal my my mains
These are my in and outs /x/, Sup Forums, /m/, /qa/, /ic/ it changes weekly

Its basically a marathon and a karaoke challange so probably not much.

Is it because she's popular in Japan?

I wish Sup Forums didn't have flags again, I can't take flips there seriously sometimes.


Oh nigga pls. We all know you only like your tribe.

vg/mbg, vg/civ4x, vg/twg


mangafox ftw

pengen ngenott gan

thanks lads

/o/,/ck/,/diy/,/out/ and tv for the memes

>"White man come here!"

fuck, does no else go to /fit/?
Sup Forums if I want porn
scifi/fantasy general on /lit/
also normally on Sup Forums /vg/ /tg/ and Sup Forums
finally gave up on Sup Forums

fl*ps are subhumans

Everybody is getting married

guys how do I write 1950 (as in year) in chinese?

生於越南西貢一九五三 this is 1953 but cant figure out 1950.

help please!!

I go to /fit/. Unironically one of the most helpful place on Sup Forums. And funny too.

Nak /fit/ tapi pemalas

>vg/mbg, vg/civ4x, vg/twg
what a patrician taste
it's painfully hard to find someone that interested to history or 4x game here
only found one playing civ5 but it was before he start lives in germany

Awal-awal memang lah malas. Tapi bila dah start akan rasa macam ketagih. Lagipun ianya satu benda yang akan banyak bantu kau untuk lawan anxiety/depression. Percayalah.

Kalau aku nak hilangkan depression baik bace Quran jer

we're gonna make it brah
do you play CK or Stellaris by any chance? thems my jam

i cant believe i made almost $500 last night on 2 stupid new coin at binance

the muslim pic shows that those places are majority muslim,however,the malaysia pic I am not so sure what its supposed to be,maybe language?

is that mean we wont integrate :c

do you want to?

integrate is what make us asean

did you stay up all night again?

yes see btw i think someone can make a lot of money from this req and eth situation
it can be you desu

I can't stay up all night like you do for that
I sent you btw

I know that you guys like Voltes and Daimos, but what about Combattler V?

Add me then
Here's my id: musicalyuuki


I like pie

I have never eaten pie before

Not even the one from McDonalds?

>weeb shitter

Curry puffs (empenadas) are basically flaky pies.

ahh... another day at work all by myself
oh? it's raining outside
mmm so /comfy/ de su
don't have much to do since I'm already done with the work I'm given, so I guess I'll just put on some music, laze around and shitpost
so lonely, wish some user could come by and hang out with me, maybe grab a nice hot cup of teh tarik at the mamak downstairs

everyone is in class or office,user.

No Need for the sound
something else could be used for it
like we dont have F sound

What kind of work do you do anyway?

video production

>inb4 porn

so live cam stuff, in the front or the back?

Used to be a weebshutter, but not anymore.
I wish I could rename my steam id, fuck.

Magandang tanghali mga bakla


>no paradox games

To that user who's in that Japanese Thread and typing fluently in Japanese.
How long did it take you to learn?

>can't get hard from porn anymore

Snuff film?

well your not going deep enough into the world of porn

I've seen lots of shit, Raju
though I just tried vn's and that got me a semi so I'm off


is it too late to join the bitcoin meme?


>believe in bitcoin
>not investing on small corporation in eithopia