Is Sup Forums a racist board?

Is Sup Forums a racist board?

Sup Forums tries to claim everything on this damn website these days

No. We just understand that whites are superior; that isn't being racist, just stating facts.

vomits audibly

Yes against wh*te dogs


There're lots of nigger larpers for some reason. Don't know if it's racist.

Sup Forums-tards just can't keep their "kys cuck" comments on their own board, but they're the vocal minority.

fuck wh*Toids

Do it again, Uncle Billy!

>some reason
It's to keep the Sup Forumscucks out. I'd rather have 10 BLACK BULL threads than 50 threads about
>Is x white?
>Are they white?
>Niggers are subhuman
>Whites are masterrace
>Is she white?
>Am I white?

yes but we also understand conquest and that having a harem of nonwhite qts is natural

Watch your mouth, iberimutt

Sup Forums is a BLACK board

this my brothers, may KARA BOGA bless you

It`s not racist.

Yeah, sure you would. Because you're a subhuman minority yourself. Or just a cuckhold who would rather see KEKA BÜGA larpers along with pictures of naked blacks rather than discussions about Europe.

>The Ruskie back at it again


Yeah I'm sure that isn't a larper at all

Sad that you were born, cuckhold.

It's not racist to admit KARA BOGA is the future

What you have to understand is that at least one of every five posters on blue boards are here to annoy as many people as possible. This is done by acting like a white supremacist on most sites, and used to be the same here.

The general spirit as of late has been overwhelmingly white fedora-wielding race-warriors since the_donald found out about Sup Forums, and lots of contrarian edgelords gathered here en masse, shitting down even decent boards such as Sup Forums.

It is now no longer annoying to people to bait and start bullshit from the white supremacy-angle, so the people thriving on reactions made a 180° and now "fuck wh*tes" is the new thing.

People don't come here to actually debate or change perspectives, they come to cirklejerk or banter.

Whatever opinion you have, you should really agree on keeping your boards on theme if you don't want them to end up like the cesspool that is Sup Forums.

Keep threads like this to them and Sup Forums.
Admins do your job and delete this thread.

Wut. posted a pic of a white girl.

Oh that's right, if you have brown hair you're KARA BOGA.

brown hair is the first step on the long road to KARA BOAGAdom

This fuck Sup Forums. I wish this board had actual jannies

Checked. How do I get closer to КAPA БOГA from now on?

keep despising and pitying wypipo, you might get a glimpse of the promised land of KARA BOGA when you die, that's all you can hope for Wh*te dog

This is like asking if Sup Forums is an internet site.


"You are what lord BOGA sees in your hearts" (mugabe: 16)

Can I at least hope to be reborn as a roach, so I can redeem myself through a hard servitude?

Sup Forums is an anti-racist board

Absolutely on the money, but more than a 1/5.

Frustrated people here who give zero shits about politics and are motivated by baiting and infuriating people. Whatever works they don't care, the more devastating the more entertainment

of course you would because you're a coon

Sup Forums Is a board of peace. Only a tiny minority of us kill people because of their skin colors and they are not part of us. This is not Sup Forums. When one of us start to kill people, we are the true victims because of the angry Sup Forumsophobes acts we have to suffer. We need to fight Sup Forumsphobia.

Sup Forums is a board for the brothers of KARA BOGA

Do it again, Uncle Billy!

actual, literal cuck

is the other way, nigger.

No, it's a race fetishist board

Sup Forums is the Ku Klux Klan
Sup Forums is the White Citizens Council

lol wut
go jerk off your little prick to blacked

are you stupid because you are American or because you are a Sup Forumstard? i cant tell

neither, I just don't think the catalog needs to be filled up with nigger dicks to fight le Nazi boogeyman

I'm sure you people just save them ironically though so it's cool :)

He's a teenage Sup Forumstard and a virgin


Yes we are Sup Forums lite

>people who spam cuck porn are grown adults who have lots of sex
>people who don't like it are all virgin Sup Forumstards
seems like too much BBC has literally melted your little adolescent brain

lmao the absolute state of Americans and leftists

Sup Forums is a white board, fuck off

This guy is literally buttblasted leftist. The weirdest thing is he calls people nigger and chang repeatedly but he hates Sup Forums and tells them to go to reddit lmao

>Bro normies watched Blacked trust me, also there is nothing wrong with being a staunch defender against racism. My wifes son wouldn't appreciate it.

>everything i dont like is leftist1!!!

Not everything, just your post haha

>defend cuck porn spam because you hate banter and political incorrectness so much
>not a leftist

It’s pretty fucking political even though it’s not supposed to be.
Heck just look at this thread.

>if you don't like Sup Forumseddit you must be leftist!! also 1 guy spamming cuck porn with VPNs is leftist!!
>saying cuck porn spam isnt "leftist" is leftist
the absolute STATE of mutt education

>everything I don't like is Sup Forums
How fucking retarded are you

giggling at all these buttblasted redditors mad at KARA BOGA memes


It’s literally just one Canadian multi replying.
Just watch his posts and you’ll notice it as well

>saying you don't like Sup Forums is the same as "defending cuck porn" (which is barely even posted ever since the paki got rangebanned)
>saying you don't like Sup Forumseddit posts means everything you don't like is Sup Forums
I always knew the Chinks must be lying about those PISA scores.

Yes, Sup Forums is racist but that's part of its appeal.

>trying this hard to fit in

>everybody I don't like is one person
go to a hospital and get the nigger jizz pumped out of your brain

>if you dont like cuck porn you must be a Sup Forumstard!!!1 (and also a virgin, and a redditor too)

Outside of American political r*ddits, R*ddit is notoriously socially liberal. Racism is not tolerated there. /nu-int/ is full of r/anarchism and r/AgainstHate and use words like "nigger" and "chink" here to fit in and attempt to fly under the radar but nothing triggers him like genuine racism.

we heard you the first time, bugboy

He's just a severely mentally ill retard who literally just accuses people of doing the thing he does first


pretty much sums it up

the absolute state of (You)

Just off yourself newfag
This Canadian has been posting on this board and making these threads since the dawn of mankind.

You're in every thread about Sup Forums lmao just kill yourself already

>anime combined with e-celeb shit combined with cuck fantasies combined with autism into one poster
>telling anybody to off themselves

>It's the evil racist Canadians!!

>naming multiple subreddits that nobody here knows about
Gee, I wonder who the redditor is.
>gets unironically triggered when he's called a chink, accuses the people that say "nigger" of being "anti-racism"
Did China win some sort of award in mental gymnastics? Or do they just have a high rate of schizophrenics?
Replying to yourself is pretty pathetic, Zhao.
That's not me, you illiterate nigger.
Still not me, faggot.
Replying twice doesn't make you cool, Nguyen.

No I’m not you schizophrenic degenerate.
Just shut the fuck up
Literally exposed yourself with that post. Just stop replying to me twice,

>I hate Sup Forums and their racism
>Calls people niggers and chinks as an insult

What did he mean by this?

>Nobody here knows
You do leftypol fag
>Gets triggered by "chink"
Wrong. Racist Chink master race. Shitskin cuck.

This tbqh

Look at the time of the posts retard, there's at least two Canadians in here

>just shut the fuck up
>accusing me of being somebody that doesn't even have the same flag as me
I can imagine you REEEEing impotently in your whiny little soyvoice at your keyboard at this very moment

Not racist at all, but I reserve the right to think that white women are the most attractive.

>It has to be a samefag no way more than one Canadian thinks I'm a leftist cuck

reddit is ABSOLUTELY SEETHING at Sup Forums memes



>I'd rather 50 black bull threads than to see Sup Forums opinions

>I'd rather 50 black bull threads than to see Sup Forums opinions

>lmao the absolute state of Americans and leftists

why are americans such niggerlovers?

>/brit/ memes outside of /brit/
it'a time to stop posting

Reminder mods here are cucked too and will b& you for racism lmao

>I hate Sup Forums
>and their racism
Where do you get this idea, you truly illiterate nigger?
>You do leftypol fag
No, I don't. I find it interesting, however, how you had screenshots of reddit threads you were browsing saved onto your harddrive.
>Wrong. Racist Chink master race. Shitskin cuck.
Did you expect an "upvote" for this?
Back to plebbit.
Do you really not understand that you won't be getting any "upvotes" for what you seem to think are "edgy" posts?
>posting gore
Enjoy the ban :^)

>he cant fathom such a thing as a joke, his mind is constantly filled with politics
truly a sad existence

>Is Sup Forums a racist board?
no but I am

You have no right to call him a subhuman you dog

Niggers are the slave race, tell me how "Edgy" I am again

imagine being this mad about being called a cuck lmao

imagine being this mad about being called a nigger lmao

no, you are