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Why are black people so obsessed with status?

Personal status is all they have since their race as a whole is a joke

>their race as a whole is a joke
they aint white tho?


Whites have accomplished impressive shit, blacks haven't.

Black is beautiful is cope in red-pill terms. The only people who can't come to terms with the fact that looking like a gorilla is less aesthetic than looking like a human are blacks, so they try to deny it and turn it around.

KANGS = actually means slaves.

Beautiful black = actually means blacks are ugly.

why does one shirt cause so much trouble


don't reply to me, monkey

>Whites have accomplished impressive shit
Starting wars?
Killing people?
Shooting up schools?
Massacring family members cuz uncle told u to stop watching anime?

excellence at being criminals maybe LOL

Who hasn't done those things?

Don't be mad that we are just better at it than everyone else

Your troll attempt is weak.


>A Turk trying to talk to whites about their race being a joke

are they really this fragile?

what was on the original



Because they are psychologically simple so their only identity comes from how other races represent them.

>turkish banter

sounds a lot like white race

Come now brother, we both know that's not true.

top kek



America should pretend blacks are superior to them just for laughs


We already do

>Be called a monkey
>Act like a monkey
>Be a monkey


>why are other people calling us retarded and savage??

I honestly hate african americans so much.


What does this even mean


why does his wife look indian?

Oh shit, hide the truth QUICK.

>Ibn Khaldun
wtf he can't be a racist.
love his work though

What have you personally accomplished?


wh*Tes seem to have their whole identity based on looking down on other races. Obsessed with hierarchy.


Not relevant but I've noticed Black women rarely get representated well in media. I can name a million dark, African looking actors but only a small handful for the women.

It's pretty fucked up.

They do it because they can. Yes it's cringey to watch some 20 year old white NEET talk about himself based on his race's achievements, but you can't deny that the white race has contributed a lot and their communities are more developed, hence why everyone wants to go there. Maybe if we actually develop ourselves instead of blaming DEH EVIL WHITEY boogeyman every single time, we'd be on their level too.

I just like to mock black supremacists as much as i like to mock white supremacists.

Even their men don't like them. Unless they're a very lucky halfbreed

why is it fucked up?

I agree but you it's easy to say that from safe, stable Gulf land (barring Yemen) than the rest of the Middle East/North Africa.

Human society of any location is obsessed with hierarchy.
Everybody had tribal chieftans just the same. And as most places advanced and multiplied they just invented more elaborate ways of dressing and disguising and justifying that system.

I'm a king.... 's dick washer and shieeet.

that's circumcision you fucking imbecile

>Be black
>Shitpost on Sup Forums
>"Hahah how can white ppl even compete with bbc whiteboi btfo hahaah"
>"...yes master..."


t. dickwasher

Agreed. Taking any kind of side is retarded, we're all supposed to be equal human beings. It's just that I hate it when people blame other people for their own problems.

Pretty sure the egyptians didn't circumcize.
Somebody check one of the better preserved mummies.

kys retard

They look like from the same ethnicity but the ones doing the job are tanned. Look at pic related.

Egyptians were actually multi-ethnic. Look at the modern day egyptians and see how diverse they look.

Those probably aren't even black. Look at pic related again and see the difference

>Pretty sure the egyptians didn't circumcize.

>The oldest documentary evidence of male circumcision comes from ancient Egypt

Why did that flightless thanksgiving bird get so defensive

Fair enough

the gulf isn't that stable, especially with the recent blockade happening. it's only the most developed part of the middle east because they're sitting on huge amounts of petrol, but really they're not that different from the rest of arabs.

>Maybe if we actually develop ourselves instead of blaming DEH EVIL WHITEY
>implying anybody blamed anybody
>implying pointing fingers is the real reason why MENA is shite

I was talking about the attitude of african americans in america, who constantly put their race on a pedestal and blame every single white person for their problems. MENA is garbage too, but for other reasons.

I would sure give em some vitamin D

they'll wash your dick after too which is pretty cool

Very generous of you.

it all explain in the DNA

I don't believe black people are dumb because they're genetically dumb, it's just that you guys pamper them so much and let them act out every single retarded whim they have, because if you respond to them then you get labelled as a racist. Over time, not pointing out their mistakes and letting them run wild like this has caused them severe retardation.

>but for other reasons

Yeah as much as I'm an advocate for racist policy, I'm not racist as much as I am against their culture. Islam was doing pretty well culturally until the turks dragged them back to the tribal dirt.

All of the blacks I've known have been far better people than the average of whites I know. But they're all relatively well off people who left South Africa specifically.
Which is what makes the difference I think.

and the US constantly interfering, plus israel wants us all dead, plus we have problem with immigration as well and many other things.

> israel wants us all dead
well that goes both ways, does it not?

That is to say, the Islamic world, not sure how I typed out what I did.

we don't want to kill israel or the jews, we just want them to fuck off from our countries and leave us alone.

the n*g0id ""man"""

Don't we all. Fucking Trajan blew the best shot we had.

It looks like they already did you retarded fuck


It's not a coincidence that almost every single country and civilisation has wanted to exile the jews now, is it? These people literally cannot coexist with other people, the only way they can live is by creating an entire country only for themselves.

how does israel intervene? from what aspect?

Most of these 'revolutions' are funded by israel.

wow, it's like you kicked them out ofter living there for almost two thousend years because you were butthurt about losing a war you started.

i thought it was al jazeera who provoked it
so, israel funded al jazeera?

not that i disagree, but isn't it the same with your people?

shut up you kicked muslims out of iberia too

No, you: The Post


It's mainly only with jews. Yes arabs are just equally bad in this regard, but the difference is jews don't like anyone who's non-jewish while arabs just don't like anyone who's jewish.

I mean try to have some empathy, would you like it if jews went to denmark and created their own state right on top of your state just because their religion apparently declares it's their right?

>the fact that your country did an inmoral act means you cannot point out when other countries do them too!!1!

Al Jazeera the media network?
Nobody cared about them until the Arab Spring. They're now a somewhat biased tool but not a guiding hand by any measure.

Current middle eastern states only even began to exist little over a thousand years ago. Jews remained in the middle east as a minority in relative comfort for long after. But then they snatched some land from themselves and a line was drawn.

>your country kicked them out before so that gives them equal rights to colonise you and create an apartheid state!

Two can play that game schlomo shekelstein.

>jews are given a country after lobbying for 50 years
>shit land, small, does not even have jerusalem or anything important
>declare war because you are butthurt they are mores succesful than them
>get your shit kicked in
stop being children

>jews are given a country
We have absolutely no issue with the jews having their country. It's the fact that they built it on top of an already existing country and decided to kick all the original inhabitants there that makes us so angry about it.
>shit land, small, does not even have jerusalem or anything important
It's still ours.
>declare war because you are butthurt they are mores succesful than them
No it's because we're butthurt that they stole our land from us and now kill us when we try to take it back
>get your shit kicked in
Only because israel is backed by the USA. If they weren't, israel would've been blown off the map a long time ago.

>white supremacism is retarded
>let's do the same thing but with black lmao

Solar explosion into supernova when?

> It's the fact that they built it on top of an already existing country and decided to kick all the original inhabitants there that makes us so angry about it.
Jews settled legally, alse the only country before israel and palestine there was britain.
>It's still ours.
>No it's because we're butthurt that they stole our land from us and now kill us when we try to take it back
Maybe you should have been content with what you were given in 1949 instead of declaring countless wars and losing them all
>Only because israel is backed by the USA. If they weren't, israel would've been blown off the map a long time ago.
Should have gotten a powerful country to support you, nt their fault you did not

>Jews settled there legally
No they didn't. They were given that land and the partition plans were designed for them by the UK. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balfour_Declaration

>before israel and palestain there was britain
Yeah, as a colony. Britain colonised palestine and ruled them for a period.

btw how is life in spain as a jew, is the weather good?

The jews left Spain when the money left.

>No they didn't. They were given that land and the partition plans were designed for them by the UK. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balfour_Declaration
>Yeah, as a colony. Britain colonised palestine and ruled them for a period.
The owner of the land did with it as they pleased, which is completely legal. Also they just declared they would help the jews, basically the jews still had to acquire land. Also jews had been settling far before the mandate.
I am not a jew, I just have a liking for jews.