
gibi edicion

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this is why you should always listen to /brit/
we're your real mates

plymouth is actually an alright place

>anime girls


has she ever done a team rocket cos?

would LOVE to see gibi get blacked

rate Paris desu

better than London

This is legit. /brit/ provides you with the bullying you didn't receive when you needed it.

Hate Anime
Hate Japs
simple as

If I went to an all-boys school I'd have been the class slut

wy is unhealthy for boys to wank but girls can rub their fannies all they like

UK. I like US too, but I haven't watched the UK one in ages.


kill yourself my man

A lot of the lads on this board were saying that anything less than making out/fucking on the first date is a failure, I disagreed with that but I knew that there was a good chance I was getting friendzoned as well.
Thanks lad. I still am confused though. I mean, I met this girl on a fucking dating app. She messaged me first even! And basically asked *me* out! Seems to kind of defeat the point of collecting orbiters if you have to put so much effort into it.

reckon i've wanked over 5000 times

My boys school was full of blacks and muzzies so homophobia was high, i suspected some kids where gay but it would be a death sentence to be open about it.

Although there was quite a bit of dick touching, one kid once pinched my dick in class and shouted ha you have a small dick

women can't obtain virtue

going to get some Wendys for lunch lads

(brits don't have Wendys so this post is actually pretty funny)

>tfw i was so surprised to get a message off the oneitis rather than me being the first one to message her that i thought it was my mate fraping her account to take the piss out of me

was a bit of an autismo back then

join us brother


male ejaculation uses up zinc and stuff
women don't ejaculate in that sense

Absolutely grim state of affairs, sorry you had to go to such a wretched place

she didnt enjoy your date enough to want to see you again
harsh I know, but you'd do the same in her position
drop her and try again


I'll keep bullying you britbongs.

how good was Ahmadinejad lads


wish I would stop already

me on the right aha

I need to wank often, my balls get so fucking full and they ache, need to drain them often

>Nigerians perform much higher academically.
1. not a proper sample size
2. no evidence it was from environmental effects
>They're Tamil refugees from the most poor and war thorn part of Sri Lanka.
evidence? and there's no evidence it was from environmental effects

any proofs that this isn't negligible and easily made up by 1 fraction of a tea spoon of food

Haven't been to the beach in fucking forever because of my grim physique

Wish I could be one of those people that just goes swimming/beach and all that in LA

very pleased I deleted my facebook account when I lost all my friends at 18

think i should become a porn producer lads. so many filth ideas that would look cracking on screen

Is Ella Scottish?

She's got references to chinkygate on her twitter but I can't place her accent

can't go to the beach without getting horny
it's literally just girls changing behind towels, wearing their underwear in public and some times being topless. how do they expect a boy to cope let alone when i was a teenager

fuck everyone in this thread

>the spanish gf messaged me the other day

she's Ir*sh

We actually went out again after that though. And she kept texting me all the time, initiating conversations; actually sent me this just yesterday (for context I'm a junior doctor) before she rejected me. Just strange behaviour all around.

>gets mugged, assaulted and killed on the Cape Flats

toil at first light, gentlemen

>/brit/ons will fawn over pornstars whilst simultaneously giving unironic relationship advice


more? sauce?

haven't had a drink for a week. hankering AF

Prefer women with a bit more shape.

she actually looks kinda awkward

I want to turn Ella the slag into my personal cumdumpster.
I will fuck her whenever I want. The rest of time I will chain her in my room and leave her there all day when I am out. I will let her wash herself from time to time, I will feed her, and that is it.
It will be like a Fritzldungeon, but better.

ah well then i'm not sure, maybe she was giving you a second chance?
girls like to string along a few blokes so they have a backup for when they break up with whoever they're seeing

what is chinkygate?

dont know what chinkygate is someone explain it for me


The West is torn between Protestant Atheism and Catholic Satanism.

ayn rand was right dont @ me

nah fick di

i've actually had a string of successful relationships

you had a chance there

bollocks this post is, 100%

my head between her thighs, squeezing the breath out of me until i pop like a watermelon. all the while she pummels my testicles with a barrage of fists.

For the lad asking for cringe teen chats here's one when I was 14 of my only teenage friend that was a girl that I also wanted to bang

Used to want to talk to her so bad, but never knew what to say so I would just talk nonsense

I'm sure you could google this and you'd probably find that it's a small amount per wank, but if you're wanking a lot per day then it can become an issue

The West cries out of Orthodox Judaism

Do not forget about Islamic Communism.

back in 2014 nigel farage tried to say that lots of ordinary people called a chinese takeaway a chinky, then PC types told him he was wrong

the virgin fantasy

thats where your wrong, kiddo

That's my working theory: something suddenly materialized with some other guy between when she sent that message and when I asked her out again (which was probably a span of like 6 hours) and just like that I was out of the picture. This dating stuff is a brutal business desu. Wish we could go back to arranged marriages.

>she's Ir*sh
Didn't know it was possible but she just became hotter. NI or the Republic?

Some Scottish girl tweeted about being excited for a Chinese delivery on new years day and called it a chinky (still pretty common up here). Some moderately popular twitter personality retweeted it with "I can't believe in 2018 people still think it's acceptable to use the word chinky" and proceeded to get abuse from every Scottish person on twitter for being a goth.

unironically not a virgin
it has been quite a while since I last fucked, though

don't talk to me about the West

fucking bent nonce

what the fuck is this


I genuinely have an absolutely massive cock

you are a massive dick, that is for sure
and a bugger too

>hates people on bennies
>claims bennies

mmm yes very impressive


imagine kissing a girl who has sucked other mens cocks and swallowed their cum

nah he was right. rarely hear it called chinese here

im so confused

Day 8 of nofap and I've started to get precum just thinking about sex

I am a pathetic worm

willy poo bum
willy poo bum

The modern woman.

common things for girls to do unfortunately. rarely think about what the guy is thinking, that's why they think its completely fine to just string along even several guys at once just in case

the virgin post

come back when you start wanting cocks in your ass in a few days


who is she?

can't imagine calling a chinese a chinky
just unnecessary, doesn't even save a syllable




Ummmm sweaty x

I'll make you moan like a girl when I fuck you and you'll beg for more

chuckled rather heartily at this post. thanks mate and good luck x

the poofter remark