Are they white? they aren't, are they?

are they white? they aren't, are they?

lol no, we are warriors of the steppe

why english it’s so retarded

No, we aren't. We're an irrelevant non-white shithole and we're extremely butthurt because of it.

Yes we are white but clearly different

im a nigger

They're white and they're our best friend.

Are you?

Aw don't say that good Finn at least you kicked our arse in Winter war.

They aren't
They didn't

How do you figure that?

They're whiter than you, Muhammed

Figure what, that they didn't?
that they're not white but mongol macacos? pic related

Well, we did lose the Winter War. Kept independence but lost more areas than the Soviets initially claimed.
Of course, if we had given those areas we would have given our best defensive line and allowed foreign troops stationed in foreign bases inside our own country, priming us for a baltics-type communist coup.

>trying to homogenise all people into either two sub categories of 'white' or 'black' instead of being proud of our own national heritage and identity

pls stop.

Shh, it's fun to watch.

No. No we are not white. Why does it not go through with you?

They have too much Internet access that's for certain

So many fresh recruits for the Imperial Army

*laughs in Stormaktstid*

Down's ?

We basically exist in internet only

my brains are connected to my ISP's mainframe

they're aliens.

Fuck no

Fuck wh*Toid pigs

They’re superior to whites

They even manage to be more depigmented than all whiteys