Can you speak French?

I wish I could but I'm struggling :(

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What for?
It's useless.


Ayyyyyyyy France is only >60%

Best guesses for Arabic? >30%? NigNog? > 20%?

[spoiler]my gf is from quebec[/spoiler]

what the fuck is this mememap?haha
honestly if french wasn't my mothertongue i would never learn it tb.h, the grammar is difficult and i still make mistakes

>being cultivated? ewww, but that's useless!

That's a fake map.


how come luxembourg is frenchier than frenchies?

This is a fake map.

the french of the frogs is disgusting, they talk like subhumans for the majority of them
Swiss and Belgians are the best francophones, along with the Luxies

>speaking french is being cultivated
If OP wants to be sound smartie he should learn a harder language, or Latin. French sucks.

Great argument.

France isn't culturally relevant anymore, so I don't see how speaking French makes one cultivated.

Belgium bro


*chokes on anglo-jewish cock*
“Please MASTER give me more”


He's right though.
French as a language is utterly useless and learning it doesn't make someone ''cultivated'' whatever the hell you mean by it.

Is there a difference between Swiss French and French French?
After you speak such a interesting German it wouldn't be suprising.

But really, France is a dead country, full of Arabs and Niggers, France has no future, France has no major exports, the French are dying off.

Now Spanish or Mandarin would be excellent choices, perhaps Russian or Portuguese would be good too.

You don't have to visit Sup Forums if you don't like it, you know.

>France isn't culturally relevant

I have too. I'm so jealous of people who learn languages for fun.

J'apprends le français un petit peu chaque jour. Je suis un noob maintenant mais un jour je seras très bon !

9% my ass

French will become one of the most powerful language once again, thanks to/because of Africa.
Is ignoring French in a world full of niggers a good idea?

What I’d like is meeting you in real life and punching your bitch swede face

Well, it isn't. Even Sweden does more to shape global culture. Take music, for example:

Also that 19% in Britain is utter bollcks. Don't believe for one second that 1 in 5 Britons are conversational in France. Probably just a bunch of mongs who took French in school as kids and can barely remember a word.

what are 'useful languages'?

Speaking a foreign language makes you cultivated, it doesn't have to be french

huitante ;_;
It's okay, you got 2/3 of the right answers

Not at all. French is the same everywhere except a few different words and accent.

>interesting german
Feels bad man. I learnt german at school during 8 years and I don't understand swiss german at all. At least I can understand germans.


Lingua Franca of Macron's Empire when ?

i tought the swiss used ''octante'' haha
we use quatre-vingt here
but ''soixante dix neuf'' is truly an aberration

Russian to some degree

If you're not going to France then it's completely useless. Even as a tourist you can get by just speaking English.

I can understand if someone wants to learn French because he's moving and getting a job there, otherwise meh, way to waste your time.

I just can’t deal with people being mean toward me and my country
It makes me depressed and I can’t find the energy to prove them wrong

Fuck off to the French internet, pathetic frog.

it cant be as bad as Brita*n though, fuck angl*s

>I learnt german at school during 8 years and I don't understand swiss german at all.

How is this possible, I thought ~80% speak German in Switzerland? But after all you understand the relevant German.
And Swiss German is a mess desu, you have to be born with these vocal cords.

So, speaking English makes me cultivated. That's nice to know.

I would rather die.

>I can’t find the energy to prove them wrong
Because you can't prove them wrong, f*ance is a worthless shithole full of homosexual cowards and niggers fucking their wives.

>Brits are the only ones who think this map is real
And people make fun of American education.

Can you please stop coming in my country for work please? I fucking hate spanish and spaniards, french are smart and educated

Why such hostility?

>How is this possible, I thought ~80% speak German in Switzerland? But after all you understand the relevant German.
You're right, around 70% of the swiss are native of (swiss) german language. But their language is so different to german that I don't understand it at all. And to be honest, my german is really poor because I've never been good at learning foreign languages. Plus the courses were shit: we were only learning grammar and literature analysis instead of practicing how to speak it.
A bit disappointing because I'd love to speak it correctly now.

>Spanish subhuman attacking a country with superior culture to his

Shut up you filthy non-country former colony, we have right of conquest over """"your"""" """""lands"""""".

Stfu french cock sucking mutt.

More than a Swede that only speaks Swedish yes... given that even exists

>Spanish subhuman attacking a country with superior culture to his

Quit living in the past. The France you are memeing has long since passed into shadow. Spain for all its many faults, is still Spain.


are the only worthwhile second languages to learn at this point.

Nothing personal kiddo, just historical rivalry coming back from Napoleonic times. I don't really hate you, your country used to be nice until it turned into Africa some decades ago.

>t. pic related larping as 1/13th French

We kicked you out a long time ago subhuman, i dont want more moors in my country hijo de puta

>Spain is still Spain
lol no

Why Russian, out of interest?

I hate Spaniards so much.

but you’re not our rivals
We don’t play in the same league my friend

>We kicked you out
More like """"your""""" """""lands"""" passed to Austrian hands because of a peace treaty.

>mutt with kike culture dares speak to his superiors

I know that feel. I learned to be a grammar nazi in different languages like French, but it's hard for me to actually hold an conversation. It works somehow, but that's all.
Also I am very untalented in learning languages. With Duolingo and some books I try my best for Russian, but I think I will need at least a year or two to hold minimal conversation.
Really annoying.

I will learn French after I reach Italian at B2 level. I'm coming for you frog!

still you were BTFO and got out of my beautiful land speniardo

I'm only being objective, France is a better country than Spain.
Spain has twice France's unemployment rate, a much lower GDP per capita, and more crime.
Why would you think I was referring exclusively to language when I said culture?

But I still get to insult you in a mongolian nigger cross-dressing board when I'm bored.

Excellent joke

>>Spain is still Spain
>lol no

Yes. Nothing ever really changes in your shit hole (because you are all possibly the laziest niggers to have ever walked this earth)

Russian is still widely spoken throughout former USSR vassal states and it will allow you to communicate with other slavic languages without too much effort.

Can’t argue with that

Hmm... Can't argue against this... I guess it's your land after all, but you are still not a real country.

I got French in school for 5 years. I still don't speak it. I have forgotten everything.

Oui je peux.
And for those who say it's useless, I would say it's the same for every language except the least common denominator that people around speak badly and without nuances.

If you're a girl, you're welcome here :)


>tfw only 5%

The problem is most people never get the opportunity to practice their French. So only those fags that go to France every year remember it.

Come at me bro!
I'm sorry I think I will never learn your language because it has no alphabet..

>Nothing ever really changes in your shit hole
It looks like Morocco, Ecuador and Romania combined nowadays. It's a bit of a dystopian hellhole tbqh.

>still not a real country
come here and say this, Belgium is one of the best countries in the west, that's why spenish subhumans come here and leech belgian gibs

Is that Miru?
>tfw can't speak Finnish


those numbers are way too high

>uk, ireland
>19%, 17%
seems way too high

Ha you mean every NL car we see in Provence every year?
The same for every language, it is meant to be used. Until you reach some sort of critical mass, if you don't use it, you loose it like a bucket leaking.

The critical mass is when you reach the point where you can indeed "think" directly in the language and make phrases on your own, around B1~B2.

>tfw worse than Sweden and R*mania

> So only those fags that go to France every year remember it.

About 85% of dutch people then

because we are a bunch of lazy fucks, stop giving free money

Jokes aside I know a Moroccan whose mother married a Spanish man just to get European citizenship and then left him and fucked off to Belgium. Sorry about that.

Why would I want to communicate with slavs?

>tfw im a leaking bucket

British people not learning other languages and hating the french are memes

Oui bien sûr

well, we never had lots of interactions


fake maps

Oui bien sûr

/Übermensch/ soon

Every time I see those moon runes, I cry a little inside knowing I will never learn them.
Russian and hungarian are before japanese on my learnnig list.

cute Luxie :3

soon the gibs will end amigo ,soon


>trying to learn Mandarin with Assimil
Lesson 2...

Les hiraganas(ひらがな) et les katakanas(カタカナ) sont très faciles à apprendre. Une journée tout au plus.
Savoir lire les katakanas te donne accès à tous les emprunts anglais en japonais, c'est plutôt utile.