Why is Japan such a safe country?

Why is Japan such a safe country?

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no kokujin

Why has the GDP been stagnant for 20 years in Japan?

This! They should import twenty million niggers to kickstart their stagnant economy!

Northwestern Europe is about as safe as Japan

Extremely obedient and conformist people. In a way Japs are polar opposite to niggers

When nobody reports crime, that's how it will appear.

yep, I'm sure the Japanese police are covering up 1000s of murders a year

oh wait, no, it's just a safe country retard

Do you love Japan

but the question remains...

>Japs are polar opposite to niggers

What a cute little strawman you have there. Make another!

>Extremely obedient

Because it’s all old people that can’t do shit and 1 million people die each year so no one to rob lmao

no niggers
no whites
no arabs
no latinos
high IQ

Zitto animale




This picture says nothing about safety.

Children are supposed to be disobedient in Japan. That's why high school is so romanticized in their popular culture - it's your last shot at being a carefree youth before you join the soulless machinery of adult life in Japan.

It's like being on Rumspringa until you're 20. Then all at once, you have to have your shit together.

They only go from their homes to their jobs. No time for crime.

>soulless machinery of adult life in Japan
what do you mean by this exactly?

Ethnic homogeneity. Fuck multiculturalism tbqw.

I don't see how working hours have anything to do with homicide rates or robbery...

anyone got that documentary about japanese guy living with his younger gf, who is an escort or something? it's depressing and focuses on the guy meeting his gf's family, and her dad is the same age as him.


baka i just found it by googling my own comment

this desu

they have enough niggers as it is

>strolling through harajuku a week ago
>niggers everywhere trying to get me to walk into their shop to rob me

tbqh harajuku should just straight up be gassed, too many people there.

>japan is a safe count-

interesting desu

0,9% of immigrants is nothing.. european countries are usually around 15%, here it's 5%

it says that was in 2011. what's the % now?

>98.5% subhuman
>0.9% animal
>0.6% alien

japan is over


you fucking moron
look at how safe india is

lol, people don't suddenly become responsible and willing to work 12 hours a day. Japs face alot of pression in every level of education, one of the reasons why their suicide among the youth is sky high. I wonder where you get that from.

Yeah, there's a lot of pressure, but there's also a lot of freedom. Freedom that simply doesn't exist for most Japanese who aren't willing to go into the creative industries as adults or something.

>51.82% 神道


>one of the reasons why their suicide among the youth is sky high
I really wonder where you guys get all your memes from



Bunch of repressed faggots

No one in Japan calls the police to notify them of crime.

What the fuck is going on in New Zealand?

no sex

Maori and other Pacific peoples

No wh*Tes, just peaceful African migrants and honorary BLACK Nipponese

Why is USA such a dangerous country?

America has
1. private corps
2. neocons
3. puritan fundies
4. drugs are huge, esp opioids
5. opioids will be illegal'
6. guns everywhere
7. black people
8. illegals from Latin America
9. Republican congress
& 10. LOTS OF CRIME for a developed nation

Serious question for all people posting and lurking on this thread
Where do you get your information regarding Japan and other countries?

kys netouyo

Literally memes.

90% of everything said about japan is an internet meme.

People here need to watch media that depicts real jap life and not extreme bullshit like hikkis and fandom shit couple with whatever retarded rumour the media comes up with.

There's no violent crime but there's ridiculous prefecture and police level corruption hat everyone pretends doesn't happen because if the government does something wrong their society practically collapses

Work hours are rather long in Japan, like "hory sheeit i wanna kill myself" level long.

You will embrace diversity soon enough.

as you can see here that's not the case, and anyways working hours are barely a factor that play a role on suicide rates




i can understand why med countries are low but why is that shithole UK lower than us?

safe ? every week i see zainichi crime on tv.
last week zai pushed jap sutudent down train line.
he was arrested on Attempted murder.

Shut up about Zainichi already

well, there is close to no violent crime or theft in japan
tons of burocratic crime and corruption. for example, the government has been supporting megacorporations since the 80's, so small companies have a hard time starting up and get pressure from all sides.

The brazillians there commit alot of violent crimes or they mostly do illegal business?

Being a serial killer in Japan must be easy mode

Probably because real life isn't like Sup Forums Georgios

>jap cop have no idea how to start an investigation
>"then, it was clearly suicide"

>Japan is controlled by yakuza
>they kill, enslave, rape and rob
>police can't do shit
>j-j-epong I-is safe foreigner... no c-crime here...


this desu

it was like world war three when I visited

people were dying from gunshot wounds and radiation bursts all around me, but the police were covering it up and the media wouldn't report

it was truly horrible

Good society.

Your justice system is just fucked though. Dictatorship-tier.

Isn't that because a lot of people cover crimes because of >muh famirry honor?

There seems to be a general spirit of wanting to keep things orderly and not wanting to be a disruption.

Also very few m*slims and n*ggers.

>tfw gf

I always always wondered... if "HONOUR" was so important... how come so many girls do porn / nude over there?

Shouldn't that be like setting off a nuke in your famirry honour tree? Instantly disowned and hated?

Or is getting fukt by hundreds of dudes not a problem for Japanese parents / society?

Because all of you slanty eyed nips are busy spamming shit on the internet and masturbating yourself over praises from weeaboos than actually leaving your bedroom.

>japan has low crime because its japan

circular reasoning

There are women who want to earn many money perform porn.
And there are women who deceived by bad person.

In addition to this, women who perform porn use to make connection for entertainment activities, and women who works in the sex industry perform porn to promote her attractive.


>go to japan
>in major cities people leave their bikes unlocked

High average IQ, culture that promotes respect and decency, limited brown people or brown people music to promote decay and destruction.

It's what we could have been had it not been for...

>butthurt about facts

leftist reasoning

you people are so boring

>actually implying a shithole like Venezuela is safe

Why does Japan have high IQ

Do they become social pariahs do to this?

Same reason your suicide rates are so high, that's what all your murders gets labeled as.

wow can't wait to go to Mali and Congo now

>Why do east asians have high IQ


Why though

I don't know the detail. :3
But many porn actresses who spend money lavishly seem to have trouble when they can't earn money.

How life do porn actresses live after they retire?
(Written in Japanese)


because whitu piggus are untermensch

You need more Logans Paul to immigrate to Japan to be quite gonest with you my slant eyed familia

Why there is no Russia on this chart.
Teens over here constantly kill themselve

>Teens over here constantly kill themselve
Wonder why i never did it, i'm such a pussy, would be much better than my current useless existence
t. 28 lvl neet

What do you do all day?

Not enriched enough

>China prison population not higher than the US



because they cover up all the crimes XD. just kidding, it's because there are no niggers arabs or beaners