
wholesome edition

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first for sarah


can't take foreigners seriously when they talk in their funny languages, it's so cute

petch retired

absolutely gutted



been exchanging lewd puns with this grill on tinder and she wrote me a poem, think i'm in



woof haha

I live in Elephant and Castle

gf just sent me this

*walking towards you*


The Yanks will actually elect this fucking gobshite as President. lmao.

being attractive is a curse
get chatted up by women every where I go

lookin at the local shelter kitty adoption page again
just want to take all those sad kitties into my apartment and love them forever


now post the full version

Be quiet dark Austria

not saying you have to take them in your house lad, they can go in social housing until they get on their feet
incidentally did host a couple of families in 2016, good lads overall

are the 56%ers aware that you don't have to have a celebrity running your government

no we won't

hnng the waist to hip ratio on the middle one

was so fucking cringe trying to push this agenda women in hollywood are 'opressed' lmao

the virgin marxist vs the the CHAD imperialist absolutist autocrat

sounds cute
why don't you


>the uk (united kaliphate)


Why should *I* the tax payer be forced to contribute because *you* feel you should

hahahhha she's going to be your next prez

wouldn't call reagan chad


love crashes like this

absolutely mental

Got to be China

if balls_status == False && belly_status == True:

my family is rich, we pay enough tax to cover them. You just focus on earning over 30k so you're not a net drain on our country

There is something fundamentally wrong with blacks

i require every JF in this thread to view this video in order to get a better understanding of British culture



weed's harmless lad

You still haven't answered my question


>underscores in a bool name

did you just hack me m8

Napoleon should of won


devvo's a bit outdated

Not going to click this link

fockinnnnnn yes sonnn

You know, I'd usually say "no", but Liberals will do anything at this point. They're so fucking brainless.

We're already being led by amateurs...at this point, it seems there are a certain group of people rushing to the bottom. They are very perverted desu and don't hide it

Britain cries out for....

f-first you f-fall down
then you get b-back up again

theory: violence is common among urban youths due to exposure to marijuana in adolescence increasing the rate of psychotic disorders



Prussian rule

There are people (virgins) in this thread RIGHT NOW who honestly believe that white men are oppressed need to give their head a SERIOUS wobble

other cars=cis males

Is Tim ok? Been a while since I've checked his youtube

>Liberals will do anything at this point. They're so fucking brainless

whats her name

a wank

why is his face so wet
don't say something asinine like 'from eating pussy' or other such nonsense

sorry not everyones a computer nerd (like u are)!!!

yeah unlucky

>should of won

well you're singling me out as the sole supporter of refugees mate so was just clarifying that it's actually my (not mine really) tax money that pays for them
but more generally, plenty of people support providing for refugees, and in a democracy, you find a balance between different opinions and desires

im incredibly irresponsible

I'm a white man and I'm oppressed

>be abroad
>meet british qt
>talk about random things
>music pops up
>ask her what genre she's into
>"uhm... u might know what it is..."
>oh you mean grime?
>pssh, im cultural
ended up fucking her tbqh

thx brit x

...you to stop posting.

t. new to tim lore

kyary pamyu pamyu

The majority do not support the thieving bastards

mental illness

In what way are you oppressed my friend?

if rump is dumb then how'd you lose to him? checkmate

who is tim

By the government

>pssh, im cultural
the whole of europe is obsessed with us brits imagine thinking you wouldnt know what grime was


*flushes the toilet while you're in the shower*

loool ahahaha


Timothy James Byrne in my rented flat in High Wycombe.

If I've got bio-bio oil on my face, you'll have to learn to live with that. Ok. I've put bio-o- I've just washed and I put bio-oil on my face. You're gonna have to learn to live with that. If my hai- If my hair looks like crap, it's because I haven't had my- I haven't had any hot water since 8:00 yesterday evening. That's over 24 hours. Haven't-haven't had any hot water. I sti- I still haven't had a bath for 24 hours because this bloody landlord won't fix my heating. He won't fix my hot water. Apparently he's happy that this plumber came around. Plumber's mate. I was told a plumber's- the landlord told me the plumber's mate would come around. The plumber's mate apparently came around (if that really was the plumber's mate) and did this half-arsed repair where he's dangled a bit of cloth over there that's supposed to stop water leaking on this electrisical thing here and to stop the place blowing up or burning down. If I turn it- if I try- if I turn the hot tap on- I turned the hot tap on about a few minutes ago, this went out and all the and the lights in here went out because this bloody doesn't work and it still and now I haven't got any hot water still haven't got any hot water. So I'm pissed off, ok? I'm allowed to be pissed off, I'm pissed off. Brian Snail is out there, he's pissed off as well. Thanks Brian. We go out that way.

You know where I am. I'm in my rented flat in High Wycombe. It's the 15th of April, 2017. I'm pissed off.

the silenced singer

it didnt happen, i made it up

silly runts

Fucking wish it was possible to pull off the Gosling vibe irl

maybe they do, but other people support providing more for them or taking in more than 4,000 a year. It's a compromise

Tim looking a big rough

don't recall running hun x

This is actually a really effective PSA

britain cries out for socialism

That's not democracy


traps are neither gay nor straight. they transcend sexuality altogether and are therefore fair game for monks and nuns.

might have discovered a little loophole there.

is tim still a thing?

what's that fucking loon done now

whys everyone Maori

Britain cries out for Jaffa cakes

Britain cries out for a white ethnostate

x 100000000 no backsies

>Democrats name Oprah their candidate for 2020 thinking "the American people want celebrities, so it's her turn!"
>She loses in a landslide to Trump and he gets 4 more years

Can already see it