
Do you no de way?

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mum says I have kidney failure

first epic meme of 2018????


pinnacle of australian culture

Reading Dune

good lad

There's actually only like 10 minutes of the kangaroo in this

a lot of people do. I probably do. you won't exhibit any symptoms unless you're under certain circumstances

Wacky Bruce has arrived.

anyone remember that game called dust 511 or something like that? it was free to play, used to play it on the ps3. don't remember much about it but i do remember being absolutely menacing at it. think i was top of the leaderboard 24/7

woke up with a scab on my head
cia niggers planted a gravitational wave sensor under my scalp to read my brain activity

need to hypnotise a busty 16 year old girl so i can fuck her while she goes crosseyed

would love to hear the voices of all the personalities here. especially nassim

bet it doesn't match his face at all

thaidickhead, fix your link to /brit/

>critics just have shit taste generally

just remembered it was a first person shooter set in the future

mum says I have type 2 diabetes


Big Rab's in the hoose

the virgin post

what voice do you think i have


Gay voice

interstellar has the greatest soundtrack in existence

would pay endless amounts of money to hear it played live

nasaly, effeminate


Literally any soundtrack by Ennio Moricone is better

>I rate interstellar

>interstellar has the greatest soundtrack in existence
but that's not hotline miami 2

who are you? turtle? probably whiny
can't imagine you having an Australian accent at all

Got a few books for Christmas but I don't know which one I should read first. I'm interested in all of them equally.

Wish I was gay just to see what it's like

What books

>interstellar has the greatest soundtrack in existence

>would pay endless amounts of money to hear it played live


just found it. little bit upset it's shut down, it was quite fun for a free game. me and the pals used to form a squad of snipers and absolutely dominate the other team, then our team mates would be able to flank them to capture the objective. worked a charm. rinse and repeat as necessary.

i have type 1
i win

love having chills in response to music/sounds

I completely seized up during certain scenes of 2049 and some other films last year. its like drugs but free


Wish I didn't have the *tism 2bh.

want to try psychedelics

hate hans zimmer

hans "fell asleep on an organ" zimmer

based george zimmerman

bravo zimmer

movies with great sound design

hans moleman

any soy man in

Want this girl to be my wife tbqh



are hans still has it i reckon youtube.com/watch?v=NujlXgBmUoU


beard always looks well on its way when it's about 5 days in
by a week it's just evidently ginger face pubes with no further potential for growth and i have to shave it
but i want a beard


don't like paul thomas anderson films

Huglad here. Am I still the laughingstock of /brit/?

that neon plastic coat over a skin tight black shirt looks pretty peng

i'm not ginger except for the face

femdom is not a soyboy fetish
to be fair you need fairly high testosterone levels to be confident enough to appreciate it

Gotta oil and treat it to make it straight if you don't want it to look like pubes

Very few people have the godly genetics needed to have a nice looking beard with no maintenance

Sargon of Akkad lads

can't even grow a moustache me

reading a book

Thank fucj. so overrated
couldn't stand The Master

that last sentence made me laugh

carl of swindon is the plato of our civilisation

>reading a book

dead yanks in the water

>oil and treat it
with what? First time I've heard this

plato was a hack


Beard oil

ah yes feel like rolling over and dying
INSTEAD i'll just waste the days away doing nothing and ignoring reality

Ask a nu-male



Anyone else have an embarrassing hobby? The kind only your family or perhaps not even them know of? For me it's the former. Not even my closest friends know about it.

Sup Forums hyped that up so much

Browsing 4chins

love a bit of tranny porn me

what is it

have you tried rolling up and get highing?

yeah a couple

barely go outside mate how the fuck would i know how to get that

Tried playing Holdfast earlier. Half the British team stayed in their spawn spouting this meme. Not like it mattered, Brits always lose to the French.

Is this the average Englishman or just average Stoke-on-Trent man?

listening to teenage fanclub

dark webs?


Really into vocaloid myself

people who are obsessed with race have mental health problems

t. nigger

hehe alright mate yeah
*walks out of the padded room*
*locks the door behind me*

cant believe i left "green slippery nigger poo" on my CV before i sent it off to the government

brown hands etc.

interested to see 2017's year in review. for some reason pornhub's been silent since november though.

just hired a lad who put green slippery nigger poo on his CV
we need banter like that

>Giantess +354%

all pornwatchers are nonces

feel like ship, dont want to toil but wont be allowed such short notice holiday