Should the EU kick out poor countries?

Should the EU kick out poor countries?

EU could be America tier if it wasn’t for Eastern Europe leeching off them

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el amenaza de las profundidades...

I'm sure "being america tier" is high up on the list of EU's goals

No, we need white immigrants

Europoors mostly live like our lower class, especially when including eastern europe

Our middle class is the upper-middle class of western europe



You don't have a middle class though hahaha

El señor de las tinieblas...

American actually believe this



>Our middle class is the upper-middle class of western europe
>29000 USD per year is upper middle in western Europe

Quite sure you are closer to starving to death than to being "upper middle class"



29k is lower middle, 60k is average middle which is probably upper class tier in most of europe

>60k is average middle

>Median income is 43k
>Middle class means 60k which is a billionaire in Switzerland


>60k is average middle which is probably upper class tier in most of europe
Are you talking about USD or BTC?

You can't just compare incomes like that dumbtard.

You have to compare using purchasing power per capita.

For example an america has to pay his healthcare with his income, while for Europeans it is already subtracted from their salary.

Success breeds jealousy.


>my plywood house in the middle of nowhere
Anything you would want to bring up in order to show your 10x living standards?

>talk about EU poor countries


I feel like I could get a qt gf from there. They’re basically white Africans waiting for the savior

median income in Germany is 3100 Euro per month which is 3700 USD per month or 44800 USD per year

Now cost of living isn't factored in, but if you consider that renting a studio for 500 Euro per month is considered expensive in Germany, you will realize that your "average USorc = giga baller in Europe" is actually retarded

the EU should kick everyone, that way no one would have to endure their piss of shit kike globalist system.

Not an argument

I bet you only have one car or not at all lol

t. doesn't understand the concept of the eu

>I bet you only have one car or not at all lol

Why own a car when you don't need one?

The EU doesn't understand itself. It's a mix of classical liberal and conservative Christian Europeanist with CIA controlled structures that exist to maintain American hegemony on the continent.

That’s your typical europoor mentality

Not striving for greatness, just living practical and mediocre collective ant life

nah lagom is great

>The EU doesn't understand itself. It's a mix of classical liberal and conservative Christian Europeanist with CIA controlled structures that exist to maintain American hegemony on the continent.

A studio in Berlin is more than 700 Euro tho

Lagom isn’t great, lagom is just ”ok”

shut the fuck up swine
dont think youre better than us


>A studio in Berlin is more than 700 Euro tho

I do and there’s nothing you can do about it

You just wait...
*clenches his fists in his pockets*

That's quite far from the centre of the citz tho

Shouldn’t bring knife to a gun fight, sweety


No it's not, I used to live in this destrict.
a) in Berlin everywhere is the city, there is no real center
b) you can take a bus and be at the central station in 20 minutes

>let me tell you about your country

>median wealth 133
kek that can't be true, fucking nonsense

It's about twenty minutes away from the Brandenburg Gate, train station, parliament building, alexanderplatz, etc.

Really? Hm, nice. I know that Neukölln is one of the cheapest and poorest districts of the city, so I assumed it was kinda distant from most of the interesting stuff.

Nah man, I'm actually trying to learn from him.

Its sad desu

stop embarrassing us

The poorest of USA have worse living conditions than the poorest of Croatia. One look at ghettos is enough.

The poorest of USA is niggers who aren't proper Americans

What the fuck I pay 500 euros for a 35 square meter flat in a small ass city.
I'm gonna move to germoney

jangada de pedra when my fellow africans?

idk but finland should just leave

EU is also leeching poor countries trough trade. And they cannot kick them out because they want to control them

iberismo nojento

Britz is actually not that bad.
Berlin is one of the most expensive cities anyways tho. Only Munich and maybe Hamburg are more expensive.

eu concordo que o comuna era uma besta e um hipócrita de primeira. era mais pelo meme
os espanhois aqui até são porreiros, não são como aqueles mentecaptos que aparecem na pascoa e nas férias de verão e só fazem merda

It's at least 1,200 euro to rent a tiny apartment in a barrio in Los Angeles.

I heard there are lots of Turks, Arabs and Africans there, is it dangerous? Are they normal people or lowlevel scum akin to chavs, cholos and gopniks?


But white immigrants (poles specifically) commit most crime in the UK

Oh boy

>this makes europoors uncomfortable


>60k is average
even my fucking cousin who just got a job earns more than that hahahahahahahahah fucking ameripoors

No way its that cheap... i pay 1400eur month plus electricity for 70m2 and thats outside of thr fucking city (munich) 30 mins sbahn from marienplatz

No, they should enslave them.

Look at all the third world shitskins you pissed off.


Ahhhhhh, the typical Ameretard thinking his country has any chance against proper first world countries.

Keep dreaming or living in the past. This isnt the 1950s anymore.

Btw, Id love to see USAs number compared with the ones in the related picture.

What middle class lol?

Jeez, this entire thread is Europeans getting butthurt by income charts, it's just money stop being so triggered ffs, take pride in your superior public transportation or something, no reason to get this worked up over dollar signs.


Somebody please make a "global boker face" out of this one


The poorest are worse off, but the middle class (the majority of the country) isn't. Most people in the US are middle class, and most people are going middle to higher class rather than middle to lower class.


we want our work force back, they can have their goatfuckers

t. never left his state

Entry level jobs for lots of technical jobs start at around there too.

Also, you are a fucking city in the middle of poverty stricken nations (malaysia & Indonesia.)
The US is a continent, you can't compare.

Include me in the screencap

Most of US middle class wouldn't even classify as middle class in the US. That coupled with lower prices in everything from everyday items to gas, to housing.

The US is a much cheaper place to live, and you get paid way more.

You can get healthcare for about 100 to 200 bucks in the US. That would be something like 2400 a year. at the end americans still have more money. If people don't want to buy insurance then that's another thing.

>Most of US middle class wouldn't even classify as middle class in the US.
Apparently education is a bit lacking for said US middle class.

I meant EU


I earn slightly over median income in France and after taxes, insurances, healthcare, bills, rent and food I have over 50% of my salary left. How much would that be in the US ? I live with my gf in a 100sqm flat in the middle of a 2 millions inhabitants city btw.

An american would be taking about 75% of his income on theory. But deductables and local/state taxes may make that a little more or less.

Anyways, Americans get to keep a bigger share of their incomes.

Even the richest americans would be taking more than 50% of their income.

>When the Western European countries the Center analyzed are viewed through the lens of middle-class incomes in the U.S., the share of adults who are middle class decreases in most of them. The greatest decline is in Italy, where the middle-class share in 2010 falls from 67% under that country’s national income standard to 44% under the U.S. income standard. In other words, 44% of Italians had the same standard of living as 59% of Americans who were in the middle class in 2010.

My taxation bracket is 14% so I'm keeping a bit more as a median french.


Yet, you get to keep only 50% of your income after all taxes.

So, in summary.

Europeans set the "lower class" very low, and the "upper class" very high. Skewing the stats on the middle class.

After all taxes and expenses.
I see american middle class reading comprehension is not up to EU standards.

By US standards,

53% of Spain and Italy are lower class.

>I see american middle class reading comprehension is not up to EU standards.
Fuck off.

I thought you meant only taxes. Wouldn't healthcare also be included in your taxes?

>bills, rent and food
Just because you have so much money after all those things, doesn't mean most people are as frugal/well managed as you.

>Germany lower than Greece
Something doesn't seem right

It's because "Wealth" is a meme.

It's an overly complicated measure, that has a lot of variables, and is not a good way of determining standard of living.