What's your regional best friend?

Ours is the Republic of China

I love canada and mexico equally

台湾台湾!!( ゚∀゚)o彡゚

UK and Germany are alright I guess
but our real brother is Italy

Probably Denmark

I want to learn taiwanese




Poor/moortugal I guess

china also

delete this you leaf best ally will take back the mainland

no one likes us


Fucking Murica sabotaged our nuclear program

I like myself

literally nobody. everybody wants to see us nuked.


Please don't cry user. (つД`)ヾ(´∀` )

Because I'm a genius.

But are you a stable one?

palestine, no?



I never heard that, but if it is true, we don't want two Chinese countries to have nukes and go thermal nuclear against each other.

You know well...(;_;)

Can't tell if that's a compliment or an insult, but I love ya too buddy.

Japan ofcourse

If I had to chose between Canada or Mexic...
Canada. Canada any day of the year.


>literally nobody. everybody wants to see us nuked.
How is that shit with the other Arabs going? Do you think it will get worked out?

I'm not your friend.

When you get cucked by communist Chinks and Japs.

our regional best friend is Italy, we despise all others