"Britain isn't European, it's British"

>"Britain isn't European, it's British"
Is this the most delusional statement ever?

Nah I'd say, "America is white" is higher up there.

no i'd thinking actually larping as europeans is more delusional, especially when some of our indigenous are literally more white than you tossers

I'd say "America has culture" is a more delusional statement

What's delusional about stating the fact that Britain is British?
Britain is European only geographically. Ethnically, linguistically and culturally it's British.

britain is british

hope this post is in jest


are they yuropa?

isn't that true?

I guarantee im whiter than you.

no, east china, we are not.

Not really, even without counting all the pakis, sorry, "asians", Britain was invaded multiple times throughout history, meaning it has multiple ethnicities present at diverse degrees inside it.
Very few countries are nation states, and very few ever were.

stop call us like that or i will call you far west

That's like saying Russia isn't Eurasian but European.

britain is geographically shit, ethnically south asian and linguistically garbage

It's true, you remind em Hans!
There's no such thing as an "indigenous" Brit we are a nation of immigrants.

Japs are ethnically Han Chinese mixed with some ainu.

But it's true

British is obviously everything but european.

i'm not talking about ethnicity mutt

we aren't european

there is only the identity of the united states of europe. Allah bless

>foreigners being able to recognise sarcasm

Northern France would be more insulting.

They were a recent superpower and have the lingua franca, of course they'd take an exceptionalist stance against Europe

During imperial times most of their clay was not in Europe. Makes sense in some way.

the only conquers to leave a major genetic legacy to Britain are the Anglo Saxons
also how can you immigrate to a country that doesn't exist

Of course Britain is not Europe. They don't even belong to Western civilization, they belong to Anglosphere (multicultural civilization).

my bad

we are doggerlandish people


They are right, becaue nothing is European. Paneuropeism (or pan-anything, really) is a mental illness.

why would anyone want to associate themselves with """"""""""""""e*rope"""""""""""""". UK has the right mentality. They're not disgusting e*Ropeans

Britain is not european and never will be. Brexit now and never ever approach the EU ever again


This got to be on purpose

>Britain isn't European

I swear you must be the Greek user that post daily the EU flag with swatiskas

based as fuck

Your entire culture is comparing yourselves to us

I don't speak Spanish, produce rap music, Cuckold porn and I've never been shot sorry
