Who /mutt/ here? Share your heritage

who /mutt/ here? Share your heritage
>mostly Western Pole
>quarter Eastern Pole
>some kraut woman

Other urls found in this thread:


i am 1/16th irish

>grandmother Serbian
>grandfather half Czech, half kraut
>father Serbian
I hate the Balkans

you know what to do

half english half jock and a dash of spaniard
kill me

>western and eastern pole
>some czech
Or does living in America automatically make me an ultra-mutt :^)

25% norwegian, 25% swedish, 25% spanish and 25% hungarian

I am the mutt

Only a quarter mutt, Hungarians are underclass Finns.

How'd this happen?

it makes you at least 30% black
and 40% jewish

Portuguese, Spaniard, Italian, Jewish and Native American ancestry

100% dregs

shalom my nigga

Only 40%?

my norwegian/swedish mother fell in love with my spaniard father who is also half hungarian

>with my spaniard father

as usual, white wimenz can't resist the BBC

Fuck you, guys.

>t. half Amerindian, half European

hello brother

Ok fag

Just stay in your shithole

half turkish(BLACK alhamdullilah), half berber
100% mutt :D

Go suck german cock sissy mutt

Feel free to vent your frustration at being born in the Baltards, just stay there.

Dad's side is swedish finn and German. Mom's is french and brit and some native.

>my shithole is a lesser shithole than your shithole

>some native.
That's why you're here.

75% American mutt
25% Japanese

Chiricahua, Navajo, and Plains Apache.

At least BULLgaria has nice climate and it's not landlocked. I wish they'd stop pretending to be slavs though.

>tfw western civilization will never be this based again

you're a mix of native?:o

i've heard brown europeans were popular in europe:\

I'm 100 Transylvanian Saxon (German, Luxembourgish, Dutch, Flemish, Hungarian and probably some other stuff depending on origins of said people)

I'm white, have a Chinese gf. Is it true that there's a high chance the kids will be good looking or is this a meme? Sounds like too good to be true.

Let’s be real though the Czech Republic is easily the best shitty country in Europe

Like yeah the standard of living isn’t too high but they’ve got a ton of cool shit going for them

i'm blond/blue-eyed


that's really nice, do you know anything about the native language/culture?

Somalian father, Norwegian mother

It was probably raped out of his parents in language school

This is bait

Southern Italian (Calabria) and Portuguese (Azores)

Post hand

Some turk some Saudi some Egyptian some Persian some ber*er
The average egyptian

I speak enough Chiricahua Apache and Navajo to have a conversation, they share some of the same words which makes it easy. I can't speak any Kiowa Apache, no one knows it natively anymore.

amazing honestly, i like native culture

Thanks user, it's nice to hear that.

definitely not a m*tt here

what's that flag?

1/2 Portuguese
1/8 Swedish
1/8 Irish
1/8 English
3/32 American (based on name, probably English as well)
1/32 Italian

half-kraut half-native

What is half jock??


Thai, Scottish, Irish and Finnish. True /mutt/


here you go
From top

thank you

>Mostly russian
>Quarter cockhole
>Some polish
>great-grandmother was hardcore native sibirean chink, who used to eat raw rotten deer flesh
Look like a stereotypic finik boi

End yourself, unironically.
t. Ethnic russian masterrace.

Father's father was from Wilno, Father's mother was from Lwów, both resettled to western Poland.

My mother's family lived in central Poland for generations
100% Pure Polish Pole.

100% pure shit

We are all mutts deep down.

>t. 25% kike
1/16 sicilian white nationalist from Trenton


I was born in Washington state, lived here all my life. According to some family history research I have done, most of my ancestors originate from Europe; my mother's ancestors or Spanish and Scottish while my father's ancestors or English and French.

1/16 Polish
1/16 Hungarian
?/128 Italian
mostly Romanian
I have Italian surname

About half Catalan, half Valencian, and, may God forgive me for uttering this word... a dash of Murcian..

el murciANO

>1/4 *nglo
>1/4 frog
>1/2 leaf of unknown ethnic origin (Eastern Europe/South Caucasus)
a-at least I have 3 passports


>when a brown-eyed curly-haired shitalian tries to insult white europeans.

what's wrong in this picture?

Does your father look like Torrente?

>unknown ethnic origin
How's that even possible


>tfw Anglo-Polish

do you ever feel sudden urges to clean toilets?


Of proud Tatar (Russian) heritage.

you're welcome for your culturally rich existence :)

Your mom got anglo'd?


Marry a slavic girl lad

im venezuelan so im sure theres a delicious gene soup inside of me, fuck me if i know what it contains tough, apparently my grand-grandmother fucked a kraut submarine crewman but i dont know if the story is true, there WERE german submarines near venezuela around that time tough, so who the fuck knows


Probably 50/50 mexican / anglo

1/2 Scots-Irish, 1/2 Basque

there's probably some French on the Basque side and I have no idea what's on the Scots-Irish side

mom from peru and my dad's from poland. the amerimutt meme is real

My dad actually did extensive genealogy research and traced our family tree as far back as he could

Mom's family immigrated from Germany two or three generations ago, had a Polish great great grandparent in there

Dad's family has been in the new world since at or before the American revolution and some of them actually fought on the side of the Redcoats against the colonists, mostly pure British but apparently there's one (((cherokee))) ancestor in there so this could be code meaning I'm like 2% black