
woke up lads


What is the UK equivalent of
>New York
>Los Angeles
>San Francisco


>anglo genes


Yeah I've known those classic runts that say Mario "is all da sayme" then proceeds to chant his runt football team every year for the past 20 years and buys the latest COD

Makes me glad I'm only half *nglo


looks like im doing nothing until I start uni again in September again lads
what can I do in the meantime? refuse to sit on my arse again for 9 months

>>New York
>>Los Angeles
>>San Francisco

odious rodent

>New York
>Los Angeles
Nowhere to be honest
>San Francisco

CoD is different every year

We live in a compact society, everything is close together therefore we have more social interaction. Americans live in true isolation and everything is spread out, outside of somewhere like NYC if you don’t have a car in America you’re not getting anywhere.

lmao you're going to do nothing for the next 9 months

go work in mcdonalds or something

*enters thread*

gas the anglos race war NOW

>New York
>San Francisco

If I'm honest

>New York
Metropolitan London
>Los Angeles
Outer suburbs and commuter towns of London
>San Francisco

>>New York
London obvs
>>Los Angeles
not sure
>>San Francisco

imagine being such a yank twat that you even know what any of those cities are "known" for besides perhaps new york

>B-b-but Super Mario Sunshine isn't meant to be a platformer

>>New York
>>Los Angeles
>>San Francisco

get a job

Get on the benefit and sit around all day

dont care

>New York

Probably bait but that’s fucking hilarious


Liverpool is obviously Detroit

britain cries out for marxism-leninism

>what is the British version of New York
>people say London when it was literally named after York
I will never take "FOY" seriously ever again, you're all yanks

everyone who responded to that post neck yourselves

>mario isn't about jumping

It was actually named after the Duke of York.

Bristol cries out for radical centrism

anglos are an affront to God


>strong shipping industry
>northern and wet
>weird accents
>a lot of immigration part. irish

Politics is an aspect of culture so it's relevant, but considering there is already a rolling general on Sup Forums for British politics, this should really be used mostly for non-political discussion, ideally.

We should start directing anons who start political discussions to brit/pol/. Or maybe just give them a little nudge with an image like pic related.

Why yes I do think Mario is about jumping and its all da same

*buys COD and BF every year without fail*

your jaw cries out for my boot

Really wish I was in Perth, WA instead of Perth, Perth & Kinross rn

York is the most beautiful city in the UK and has no Yank equivalent

Imagine not thinking Liverpool is Detroit

>all the industry has left
>run down, abandoned buildings
>declining population

>posts a picture of durham

Mum was just complaining about about the spics hahahaha feels good having a red pilled family

Conservatives: Playstation
Labour: Xbox one
Nintendo: Liberal Democrats



That's a picture of Edinburgh lad

not sure i see it

Not to mention the crime and how the government refuses to bail them out lmao

isn't that every british city other than london

Edinburgh actually. Well done for knowing it's not York though.

Good lad

pc: radical centrists

But PC is the radcen platform...

Alone with the telescreen

where is low test valley


meanwhile I am over here as the big-brained radical PC gamer chuckling at the peons fighting over their plastic toys. Laughable


>tfw family votes blue and holds the notion that republicans are dumb yet resides in the biggest red city

the eternal GOAT
never imagined we were getting a 4th

High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, England, UK

Not really, Birmingham is on the up, Manchester is stable, the other small city’s aren’t really worth mentioning

Buy Sugru and fix your charger cable

birmingham is good if ur not white

San Antonio?

mario is all about jumping
it's not a criticism

Imagine falling for the PC meme. Paying 10 times more than a standard PS4, to play pixel art indie steam shit, and not getting any of the exclusives

sheffield is the best uk city probably as it is the home of uk bassline

>Birmingham is on the up

is that wot u call ur groin lmao

t. Dentist

Which city is that?

great now i have i think we're alone now in my head

It is though, strictly economically speaking.

Would say Glasgow's in a better state too 2bh

imagine thinking a gaming PC costs 2 grand


airbnb lad im not about to start cleaning the walls or whatever that is for

found Sheffield very weird when I was there for a solid 30 minutes once

huge mixture of very new and shiny buildings along with old and nice buildings but then entire areas of just complete death slum-looking shite, weird

Playing PUBG right this second at 1440p 100+ fps




hm ah yes £4,000 for my PC i sure am master race

>all the consoles can play the same games as you for 10% of the price you paid

you were conned pal

haha dude our family was cussing out like crazy last thanksgiving cause mom is a democrat but my uncle from out of state's a republican

imagine not being able to mod your games

So Trump confirmed second term?

fuck are you on about

consoles will NEVER EVER get king's field v

Bought a Steam Link during the winter sale for £4. Actually surprised how well it works. You need it to be wired to router but its otherwise pretty good.

>On August 21, 2017, Microsoft announced Age of Empires IV, developed by Relic Entertainment.

>playing video games instead of board games

*blocks your path*

could always just play the same on xbox or what until it comes out of ps4


>Be American
>Literally living on land annexed from Mexico after an illegal war (according to Ulysses S. Grant at least)
>Get annoyed there are Mexicans

Really makes you think - are Americans the original Israelis? Or does that title belong to Ulstermen?

stellar gif. shall be stealing this one

yeah it doesn't have a very solid aesthetic at all but its a good city for its size

Been living here for 6 months and have to agree Sheffield is a massive sleeper of a peng city

>all the consoles can play the same games as you for 10% of the price you paid
>until the next gen of consoles, at which point you must discard your obsolete system and spend £400+ on a new machine that can't play any of your current game library