
me edition

Are you really a ching chong?


I slipped in the shower earlier.

Most likely a goblin

Should have been Astolfo Edition
Like all the editions in all the board

Yes, why?

But I know your appearance, you have pink hair and the body of a girl.

Dumb gweilo

I'll kiss your bum to make it hurt less.

That's a bit narcissistic of you to say, isn't it?

Stop posting her desu. Y-you've given me my 3rd bulge in a row :3
I slipped forwards while peeking out to grab a towel and hit my head desu. C-could you kiss somewhere a little higher desu?

Why are you so bent?

*obeys the shirt*

I don't care I will make all the editions of all the generals Astolfo Edition

*kisses your forehead*

Is that supposed to be a question? Shouldn't I be asking you why you're complicit in the r**Stie conspiracy?

I didn't know you were such a megalomaniac, wanting to make all the editions named after yourself...
Not only that, but you want to post presumably lewd pictures of yourself at the start of every thread? How shameless!

Just odd to think of a turbogay chinaman

L-love you too desu. I-I got another bruise on my lips desu. I-It wasn't intentional though desu.

r**Stie shill

I'll have to kiss you there then...

Only the most ambitious man arrives to the top!

E-exactly how many lewd pictures of yourself do you have? What a nasty pervert...

I see everyone's doing fine. 3rd thread in a half a day or so, that's kinda impressive

St-stop I-I-I can't t-t-take it. M-my st-stutter came b-back now.

Yeah strange...
How's doing?

Salut desu! Che que la grande garcon?

I guess there's only one way to stop your stutter...

A lot

And who takes them for you?

F-forgot pic @_@

What do you mean?
I am alone in all of this

I-I-I do this in r-real life wh-when I'm insecure y'know.

I'm doing amazing today desu. How about you lad?
>Che que la grande garcon?
I'm sorry I don't understand what you mean.
How are you doing though?

I'll show you...
*pecks you on the lips*

You have so many pictures of yourself that are clearly not taken by you... like that one you just posted of you playing with your ponytail!

Soon I will turn back to study
My vacation are over
But I'll start lessions in February

>But I'll start lessions in February
Don't you have exams?

I start conscription in February

Good taste

I-I thought che que was for questions?

I wast trying to ask if there were pretty boys desu :3
I-I'm doing well desu.
I'm blushing irl right n-now. St-st-st-stop i-it.

In 2dworld you can do everything by yourself
Astolfo is alone

Here's the conclusive cure to stuttering...
*French kisses you deeply so you can't talk*
See, didn't stutter there, did you?~

Yes this months I have exams

Aim well

I won't need to handle guns or weaponry

*this month

MMMPH MMMPh Mmmmph mmph...mmph

>I d-don't handle item's that resemble s-something else b-baka

>Good taste
She's the best desu
>I-I thought che que was for questions?
Est-ce que* is used for questions
>I wast trying to ask if there were pretty boys desu :3
Where? In France?
>Yes this months I have exams
God speed

It felt good... didn't it...

I'd l-l-lewd w-w-with you b-but Singapore is force-kissing me. S-sorry desu

Good luck user
You might want some of my lucky saliva...

I have already studied the courses when in uni I only need to revision now that's why I enjoyed my vacation this year
Plus I have only two exams to do since I passed one in a previous extra-session
So I'm happy after all :)

D-don't worry enjoy it!

Thank you, but I will store that for the worse exams :3

O-oh yeah that desu. :3
Oh uh n-no desu I was just practicing :3
N-n-n-no I-it d-d-didn't. Th-that bulge is from something e-e-else desu.


Want to practise some more?

I-I want to stop hugging cuties b-b-but I can't. Help me desu!
I-I-I-I don't kn-kn-know d-d-desu. I-Isn't it k-k-kind of homo?

Would it be homo? We're both straight...

Y-yeah. W-we're just practicing for the real th-th-thing r-r-right desu? I-I'm getting extremely flustered right now desu.

Of course...
*presses my lips against yours and licks your opening*

MMMMMPH MMMMMPH MmMMPH mmmmmph mmm..mmmph mmmmhph
*hugs and continues*

*opens your lips with my tongue and gently push it in so it meets yours*

*lays down on the bed to continue*

G-good thing we're s-st-sttraight and not actually e-e-e-njoying this.

Of course...
*slides our tongues together as we breathe heavily*

Btw pretty boys is "beaux garçons" in French.
Glad to see you still haven't given up on French desu

C-can I rest on your chest a little bit desu?
It's something I feel like I have a chance at accomplishing over time desu. Unlike everything else I've given up on :3

Of course you can...
*holds your hands in mine*
Make yourself comfortable...

>It's something I feel like I have a chance at accomplishing over time desu. Unlike everything else I've given up on :3
If you're motivated and enjoying learning French, I'm sure it will work wonders.
You said you wanted to work in Canada, right?

Th-thank you desu. Lemme just sl-sleep a bit into your chest. S-sorry if I'm hurting you with my body which is taller than your own :3
I-I have the possibility to work there cause I have a Canadian passport alongside my others desu.



Just how many passports do you have?

>I-I have the possibility to work there cause I have a Canadian passport alongside my others desu.
That's nice desu. Is it because Australia is part of the Commonwealth?

Also I was in shower sorry for not replying to answer before

Thanks desu :3
I have a British, Australian, and Canadian but I'm probably elegible for more maybe :3
My mum was born there desu :3
It's ok desu. L-love you :3

I'm gonna take a nap. I only slept 3 and a half hours last night and I'm exhausted.
Have a nice evening or night lads

B-but why so many?

Goodnight then :3

Opportunities and bragging rights :3

Have a nice nap

Are you a thief?

N-no, what made you think that desu?

Did someone say a thief?


Ok time for me to go behave well!

Just done a fap.

Thinking about doing one myself.

Bye bye desu!


what the fuck is this thread

Goodnight matey.
Have a nice sleep.
A gay ERP chat room.


Good night!

why doesn't australia have a car industry anymore?

Had regular milk instead of soy milk today
A differrent experience

because you're cucks. Didnt they close the last factory in the Adelaide region last year or something ? I remember working in that area and my boss talking about it.

the last holden factory was closed on october 2017 and pic related is the last car made in the country just this month :(

We dont have gay rights in Mars

any star citizen man in?

Feeling sorry for you man. I really liked your cars, Stralians love to take care of them.

Even the old ones, I also lived in Fremantle WA for a few months and every sunday people like to get their oldies out and you can hear it.

I miss australia

are you a frenchie?
what were you doing in aus

Come back to freo so we can have PASSIONATE GAY SEX

I was one of those wankers on a working holiday visa, I spent two years working random jobs starting from brisbane and finishing in Perth (well, freo). I really liked it, and I'd do it again but no more working visa for me.
Miss your accents. And your girls.

I'd love to. Even though that fucking canning highway was annoying.
I was part of the crew that dismantled Splash city, a family water park. I used to drive around with my shitty falcon from 99', wish I could find pictures


you still here mate? How difficult is it to find a job in Australia? I'm planning on doing the same as you

>friend just got out of detox
>messages me if I want to hang out
>ye ofc
>ok meet up in a bit just gotta do the thing first you know
>just got fucking out of detox
>gonna go 'tox up again with the fucking smack


I was going to hang out with him completely sober as well

>I smoke and/or drink any form of alcohol and/or take any form of drugs

why do euros come here on a working visa just to do a shitty job for a year then move back?
europe is way nicer than this shithole

Ok I'm back