
V. I. Lenin edition

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>V. I. Lenin edition

L’AAAHd that was fairly funny

Good advice, cheers rital

billions starve under capitalism


just dotting the eyes and crossing the tees


WW1 happened

yeah but they are brown

>golden globes


wonder what happened to "doing my best" lad
hope it all worked out for him in the end

extraordinarily weak bait.




>religion of peace

You’re weak

not an argument


>Rock comes back
>Conservatives win everywhere and nationalism returns
>Actual interesting politics, Scot referendum, av referendum, brexit, surprise tory win, Corbyn winning, Corbyn winning re-election
>Backlash against the previous decade's cuckoldry and multiculturalism
>EU on the ropes
>Anti islam movements on the rise
>Street violence and MP gets murdered

Like fuck was this decade bad. This is 1930s tier drama.

might have discovered a new planet


agree on everything else but that's just wrong

Somalis should be genocided

Where to

>could beat anyone itt at a drink driving contest

Drink driving is perfectly safe if you just stick to low speed roads and follow the speed limit. Motorways are risky

Why are Yanks on /brit/ reasonably okay, yet every fucking where else on Sup Forums, they're the most obnoxious, dumbest fuckwitted window-lickers around?

The only reason I would lose is if I was forced to drive MT


whats that

haha hello devon


Did you monkeys had these in your childhood?

why does the t*ry may apologist fear the Corb?

going to guess german speakers





Why do you have stuffed bunnies in your room?

Not Devon

don't understand the play-offs at all lads

>where to
westcountry then

Grug find comfort in glowing light of television

I'm not going to college


not going to watch this



How do you know that. also when I left for uni, my little sis took this room. That was a few years ago, now she's at uni as well and I'm home alone


bored of videogames

I have enough money to move anywhere, yet I can't fucking decide
This is torture. My options include but not limited to the northern colder part of my state, Alaska, New England (British culture related fuck off alri) and I'm even considering Germany

Which sport?

>coherent ideology

london bridge is falling down

There were two shelves with them when you posted your feet

Cornwall lol
Didn't even realise I did that

voted remain

why do you break my heart user


Moist BREXIT Bum Gets SHAFTED By Enormous BREMAINER Dildo Jackhammer Babestation 2018 New (Re-Upload)


Truth is better than fantasy. With the truth you can fight back or seek revenge.

legalise weed

I voted for Trump



i'm aware of the truth though
just don't like to be reminded


It's like the group stage of a summer tournament

this place is dead. people willingly spout off memes now irl. fucking normalfags. it's not even the occasional meme spewing kid like the old days. actual frequenters of Sup Forums go irl and spew memes now.

>i leave the house for 10 minutes and someones already hitting on me

is she trying to make me mad/jealous or is she really that fucking stupid lads?

Retarded cuck

Business Idea: anarcho-totalitarianism.


oi oi cunts
have some banging techno you cunts

pengdon strong


Why are people on Sup Forums so racist?

communist cuck

are you lost? /r/unitedkingdom is that way, son

don't think she cares about your feelings
just wants to brag

wish i lived in the 1930s USSR

stormfront targeted Sup Forums for their propaganda

non whites have ruined my life and the lives of my family, race, and co ethnics

because you're a paki nonce thats why

edgy site attracts edgy people

i havent got any feelings for her but im leading her on, my bet is shes trying to pressure me into making a move or something

bin her immediately

send the normans back

is this your first day on Sup Forums or something?

funny how you listed "Anti islam movements on the rise" as a bad thing but not the countless Islamic terror attacks and Islamic grooming gangs


It's ethiopiarunt


>even diseases are trying to get away from rasheeds

this is my 1st day on Sup Forums
what is "shitposting"

when an australian posts

imagine if Mogg got appointed to a post in the cabinet reshuffle tomorrow lads

could you elaborate pls im very pretty drunk (You) (me)