Choose one

Choose one

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us desu


I choose Bosnia

Serbia. Croats are fascist and Tito did nothing wrong.

I too choose Bosnia

There isn't a difference

Let record of achievements judge

doesnt matter what you say when you're a dumb frogposter

Croatia is the best

Serbia caused a world war so I think they win.

/broat/ for life, fuck the s*Rboids

Ustase for ever.


Judging by posters I like Serbia better

Catholics choosing Serbia, I'm watching every single one of you.

>Serbia caused a world war

Austro-Hungary was gonna declare war on Serbia anyway, they wanted Ottoman territories after Turks got BTFO'd

I prefer Croatia but i don't have anything against Serbia

Do you want the achievement or not?
Do you want to beat Croatia or not?


>serbian education

the only metric in which Bosnia would trump the other two is quality of folk music, but in every other respect it is the worst country of ex-Yugoslavia, not counting Kosovo.

nice argument you got there buddy


they’re both fine, wouldn’t wanna choose one over another to leave the other upset

i'm half serb/half croat

I really am torn here

ever considered suicide??

I choose which ever has the more lucrative odds.

what is fyrom dummy?

He's right you know