
Low-quality fedora edition
(making your own OC is encouraged :) )

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>He has arrived

Don't be jealous sweaty x

More liek

vocaroo us something nassim


puppy woof haha

>he is here


Derranged freak. Get a fucking grip on your life

graduating woof haha

incapable of understanding the furry mindset

It's a genuine mental illness. I feel extremely uncomfortable whenever (thankfully rarely) they come to brit

adult woof haha
woof haha has been indefinitely suspended by the network executives. this was the final episode.

think i just saw one of the most beautiful women ive ever seen irl, tall with black hair and green eyes
sometimes want to take a picture of them but too afraid someone will catch me

quite enjoyed that

you know the nerd kids at school who sort of fit in but not really? not the turbo autists who looked like they'd shoot the place up, but not "one of the lads" either.

those kids went on to get high paying jobs, but they spend all their time trapped in eternal teenlad land. the furry fandom is two things: teenage hypersecuality, and those nerd-kids reliving high-school while hoping that spending enough money on popular artists will make them "one of the lads" (or in american terms, "the jocks" even if lads and jocks are different groups.) this time.

Easy. "What kind of sexual deviance could I invent that would garner me the most attention and make me escape the unspeakable horror of being a mortal, unsignificant part of a whole?". Childhood icons is always a good bet, as well as anything sacred.

wrong, jews are emotionless reptilians
you are NOT capable of feeling attraction or any emotion

furfags belong in Sup Forums
yiff in hell

are either of you furries or are you just making shit up

pengest girl I ever saw was a chinese-ish girl with ginger hair and freckles
Fuck knows where she was from


ITT: times you acted like Niander Wallace

>be sitting in dark bedroom wearing kimono while meditating
>mom knocks on door and comes in
>"How's the job search going, honey?"
>"I require access of a motor vehicle. A simple but sufficient mode of transport."
>"Well your father needs the car when he's at work, you know that..."
>"Hmmph" i scowl
>ask her if she has brought my children to me
>she says yes and hands over a box of pringles
>without making eye contact, I walk over and wiff the smell of chips while gazing into nothingness
>"Yes... it is just as I asked, good work."
>she tells me I should open the windows to air out the smell of mould
>I don't respond for a full minute and then chuckle slightly
>"Ah yes... I too remember when I was occupied with such meaningless concerns."
>suddenly start agitating and scowling while moving my head around
>"Did you bring me any dip?"
>"Honey, dinner will be ready in half an hou--"
>"okay okay sweetie, I'm sorry."
>before she closes the door I call back
>"Mom, wait."
>"You are... my favourite angel."

i would be a furry if it was a fandom for talking about animal people and making (sfw) media about animal people, instead of the porn-and-money circlejerk i mentioned earlier.
my disappointment that "furry" occupies two spaces (sfw+nsfw) and thereby poisons the whole idea is immeasurable.


Ok, I know you’re in this thread, pewdiepie. You don’t have to admit it here. Turn off your LED lights in your next video to prove it.

no that's just a boring mutt with dyed hair

women with big foreheads should have fringes
no exceptions


Just my best guess.
T. Have accepted the unspeakable horror of being a mortal, insignificant part of a whole and living in harmony.

do you know who has tiny foreheads?


what's a healthy alternative to salami? It's my favourite food but it's so bad for you

the la noire vr series by gta series vids is legit the funniest shit ive seen on youtube in ages




unironically want vr but there aren't enough decent games yet to justify the price. Seems immersive as fuck though desu

why is she not my gf


>germans put their milk on the nightstand

FUCK wypipo

hate reading about things that happened on the internet a year or two ago
always too late to be part of something.

Post the most peng slag you’ve got. I want a wank before work. I like the triptych of the girl with the string tights and firm arse


I am white (Italian)




Tried to see if Netflix had Keeping up Appearances and it recommended me Fawlty Towers and Midsomer Murders. Shall be chucking my PS4 out the window if I don't find a decent Britcom.

she crazy

Going to resign from my job on Friday

very common thing in America
black people love doing this sort of shit

mate you really need to stop looking for things to get angry at
worried about you

the free market distributes its resources effectivel-

Sadly this is very common with the blacks in America.

should somebody tell her that the muslim arab slave trade was 10x bigger than the atlantic slave trade?

it seems today
that all you see
is rapist directors
and actors on tv

*surreptitiously googles triptych*

I can't



based irish agitator

Leftypol would be livid if they found out that the Chinese word for Comrade also means gay

based irish aligator



furries would love it in australia

Stop crossposting from /r/mgtow

i'm right-wing

>Twenty-eight THOUSAND fucking dollars
jesus christ

post fucking machines


>the soy quokka

Think my semi-normie intelligent mate has a gf now

not sure what to make of this. never even seen him speak to a girl before

>wake up for toil
>somehow not that hungover

today might just be a productive morning for mr goldstein

this is why the west is falling

95% sure she did all the work if he's never talked to a girl before
that's how I got my first gf and sex

I guess I'll watch Mr. Bean. It's not Keeping Up Appearances but it'll do.

unironically love the smell of my balls after a day of not showering

hm where do I find these


downloading star citizen x

New BLACKED just dropped lads


need an alt right wife lads

Good to see the saffer has embraced he likes cock now

why are there so many of them?
australia seems like the worst country on earth to wear a long sleeved shirt, let alone 5 layers of shag carpet.

>why are there so many of them?
the west is dying thats why

you sicilianus shit. when you get doxxed I'm going to ruin your life

want them to black nicole aniston again desu

Um sweetie, Australia isn't hot 24/7

i didnt post that m8

she found me
met her on a study tour and she said she became infatuated with me. She'd sit next to me on the coach when we went places, and basically begged for me to go to KTV one night and would often chat with me at dinner
once we got back she invited me to her flat at two in the morning for a chat, so I drove half an hour to her flat genuinely thinking it was going to be a chat and she took my virginity

found out not too long ago she's an actual nutter and she's threatened me with a knife multiple times but 95% of the time she's great to have a laugh with

looks like the reverend off of first series of gogglebox

i didn't post that m8

yeah but you can't wear a fursuit at night or you'll be shot like that guy on CSI

Yes sure, it was 'the other saffer who's obsessed with sex'


Trump dances like a puppet to the strings of Cohn, Kushner and Mnuchin


based trad women

President Donald Trump today released a ridiculous, over-the-top tweet (even for him) denouncing Steve Bannon and reacting wildly to the recent book by Michael Wolff. Trump’s overreaction again signals to the MSM that with the publication of this book, they have found their very own “lolcow” in the Commander-in-Chief, but such a violent rejection of the man once touted as the champion of a new populist nationalism also speaks to the deteriorating condition of the Trump presidency.

>25gb left