
not eating vegetables edition

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look like some dirty snow

the breakfast of champions

going to be honest with you lads if I were a woman I'd despise the lot of you as well

Might try some quality indica when I go Amsterdam in a few weeks but at the same time don’t want to whitey and ruin my holiday

anyone remember this meme?

are you literally 12 or 13 years old? i know its supposed to be ironic but i honestly cant fathom men into their 20's sitting at a computer, typing this shit, posting it, having a chuckle to themselves. it gives me the fear to be honest.

Thinking bedbugs are a conspiracy


Women summed up in one photo

last /brit/ ever lads
it's been a ride, i'd like to thank you all for your time and effort, but sometimes you just reach a point where the best choice is to move on
see you around

>blackface is racist
>drag isn't sexist

Can some explain this logic?


See you tomorrow

coons cant take a joke

can’t wait to read the MGTOW post that was allegedly too big for the last thread I’m sure it’ll give me a good hearty chuckle

Women are inane, extraordinarily selfish, humourless, awful emotionally retarded children and all of you runts are scared to admit it because you're THAT desperate for pussy.

I'm 26, I've had 5 relationships since i was 16, i love the v at 18. I just recognise how atrocious women are. Why are you lying to yourselves? When did you ever REALLY enjoy the company of a woman as a friend? They're boring people. Completely devoid of opinion, they're dumb people. Accept it

blackface reinforces white supremacy
thotface reinforces female supremacy


yeah you... STOP!
STOP posting and lurking on Sup Forums
it is time for you to get up and start living a productive and happy life
I believe in you, you can do this
it is time to STOP

i could be wrong, though
try truffles

Just finished watching Fahrenheit 9/11 after 5 years lads.

Michael Moore is a pretty good lad desu ngl.

see you in 5 mins

the size of your hips and waists?

Every man begins as a female in the womb.

bizarre LARP but im enjoying it


You seen his one on US healthcare? Best horror film since the Blair Witch

me on the left

started metal detecting lads
really good stuff

2018, I am forgotten...

need to ruin her arse

thought it was Jimmy Savile in the thumbnail

bit mad that there's a singular surface connecting almost every part of britain
like canals for the 20th century

No I haven't, but I have seen Bowling for Columbine. Remember seeing that a good 8 years ago now.

US gun laws are atrocious.

Accept reality. Women are vaccous people. No loyalty, no opinion on anything, all they have to offer is pussy

So females are just men that didn't develop fully


Nice spelling, idiot

does funderland go to anyone elses cities?

Bit distracted looking at porn atm

women are vacuoles

hate racists

Truth is, MGTOW is only a thing in the west because we reject Asian women as long term mates

well if you enjoy being a mong posting on here all the time then yeah a woman probably isnt for you

Don't forget to wipe your hand before tipping that fedora

agsebt royalty. Womin are vacuum peebl. No loyal, no onion on a thing, Al the hav to over is pudding

rate my taste

Accept reality. Women are vacuole people. No loyalty, no opinion on anything, all they have to offer is pussy

I don't like you're post.

what sort of posting is this

women are vaccines

And all lads are lazy selfish knobheads who constantly seek the approval of others

I like you.

Forgot your brainlet



Thank you.

they cause autism?

weird how the bible literally preaches neoconservatism

women cause autism?

woke af


the lad howl because he know that in the post the funny

they cause autism? haha

probably got some of those but cba to check
got like 6TB of jav it's a fucking joke


Can't wait to gas every single fucking pikey out of existence

>out with the lads
>Good banter
>Everyone talking and catching up
>Haha yeah hey Rebecca what about you??
>erm...yeh hee hee *looks pretty*


No, the only ones who don't accept them are social spastics with weird families

hate zoos


lol why user

Know I'm not going to enjoy staying up but not tired.

>/brit/ posters race to get the first post in the new thread to say "anime" or "cara" etc.
>normies race to get the first comment on celebrity instagram posts
we're not so different, you and i...

Me 2

im vaccinated and autistic now what?

get a bf then you raging homo erectus

didn't take much to bring the nazi out

be glad you don't have measles



post results lads

checkmate atheists

don't click virus


Gee i wonder what Emily's opinion is on lockean theory

>Errr lol? Fucking nerds *posts on Instagram*

kemp user which ones ur favourite then

My hand always hovers close to the valve

what kind of fucking spastic spells meow like that

women are vacancies

just accumulated over years and cba to delete it

miaow!!!!!! miaaaaaaaaaaaaaawO

The one in west Africa with the witch doctors and stuff really interesting stuff struggled to wrap my head around how in this day and age human beings can behave in such a way properly shocking stuff

*boots it off the roof*

I don't believe any nukes were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. I don't even believe nuclear weapons exist.


my cat doesn't really meow at us, he chitters
wonder if that means anything


I don't think Japan exists

runt opinion