How intelligent are you?

How intelligent are you?

When I went to the draft, I was told that I was gifted, which indicates that I have an IQ over 120. On Mensa's website, I scored 127.

So 127, I guess.

Too intelligent for anime, not intelligent enough to leave Sup Forums

>below 70 is retard level


>When I went to the draft, I was told that I was gifted,

I did mensa test long time ago but it was 115.
Could be less now.

They made us take an IQ test, you fucking mong.

I never took an IQ test but I would probably say I have an IQ of 50 out of 100, since I consider myself pretty average.

>Could be less now.
Too much estrogen can do that to ya.


Considering I'm posting here instead of doing something productive I'd say not much.

How is East Asia so smart?

I`m man m8.
And havent been been taking any extra hormones.

IQ isn't a percentage, its a probability distribution, its a way of representing potential outcomes with the average at 100 in this situation, any deviation being calculated accordingly. Be smart.

Intelligent enough to know IQ tests are bullshit and that "g" does not exist.

Being on Sup Forums should be an indication of just how low my intelligence is.

Intelligent enough to know your map is bullshit

>more than 1% white


I am worried for the world.

ice age

I have 98 IQ