
the future you chose

what do you call a based turkish BLACK BULL living in australia?
kara bogan

And break the rules? You know we have rules over on this side of the globe, Thugg.

What does finna mean?

Oneitis flickered in my mind just before I woke and I woke with a throbbing erection

Chinese people HATE tumble dryers

Short for "fixing to" which means "going to"

>vowed to stop the Nazi's
that apostrophe let's down the entire thing

They love them if they can afford them.

Love the Chinese. Supposedly this shit is the new 'in thing'


Need this lads.

off to work lads

>first two replies to a post about China have a Canadian and Australian flag
Really steams your wontons


Any Sydney lads in?
Trains are FUCKED

Can’t get the s club 7 song bump in the night out of my head

povvo as

don't like clothes with words on

It's all been fucked since the schedule change, just boiled over finally.

so THIS is the power of the hebrews


why do they have to give tactful interpersonal manipulation such a shit name

White people need to move to Mars

All fine to me (leftist) up until
>You cannot question how I spend money
Fuck off

How did Brendan become the official mascot of JUST?

all me

50,000 usd a month in alimony payments



You cannot question how I earn my money

Cuz they're lazy and just stole it from a film

Anyone who wouldn't suck a fart out of Emma Watson's anus or stick their nose up to her bum as she farts is a bender.

*questions you how you earn your money*

What did you just call me (leftist)!

Is that a real character? lol

If grown women are going to get all up in arms about sexual harassment I may as well target younger girls that don't understand why I'm touching them

Enjoy your (you) while you can, I just told my handler about you.

Of course not

I dunno man I'm just so angry right now I'm sorry I shouldn't have said that. My bad dude. My bad. I hope you have a good day, god bless.

>get earthquaked
>get town house/high paying plumber job and free college tuition for multiple children
Wish I was a spic tbqh

the Great Pyramid of Giza was built before the last Woolly Mammoth dies. Cleopatra was born closer in time to the moon landing than its construction.

This is literally how most historical pederasty has worked

take off the proxy thailad

Whats this for?

got eczema on the back of my hand and on the ball of my foot lads. don't normally get it, not sure what's going on with the ol' body.

Apology not accepted.

how would you know? geezer


am I the only one who likes maggie gyllenhaal

I was just kidding anyway lol fag trolled hard

never realised how white guillerme del toro is

Can't look at any image of a pretty girl without thinking about my mate lads. I think I want to gf her.

not a doctor but I'm 98% sure you're on death's door mate

love dick

How much do you think she weighs lads?

Lads, I've fucked up and I'm considering not going to a university exam because I know I'm gonna fail (and I have another deadline which I'm currently working on and want to prioritise so as not to have to get a 10 mark penalty.

Is it possible that the uni will not allow me to retake it as I didn't turn up to the exam in the first place?

I'm a masters student so not bothered about a 0, all I need is to pass my degree.

The last use of the guillotine by France was in 1977.

Business idea: Sell the kids for food.

like in what way

good idea

Fucks sake think I’ve got flu but I can’t take time off because Toilstein with take me across the coals. I’m also supposed to have a date on Wednesday so looks like /gf2018/ is fucked

Imagine how shit a uni must be to allow the dregs like you to enrol in a graduate course.

I don't know how to help btw

That's not actually that surprising considering the guillotine is an imminently modern method of execution. It would probably be widespread in the States if they didn't have cryptoreligious hangups about beheadings.

not racist but think everyone who isn't white should be lined up and shot

business idea: pronounce Bulgaria like bulge-eria, like it's a bulge, but in a cafeteria haha


absolutely crumble under any kind of responsibility
cannot understand why anyone would choose to have more by having a job or kids or even friends

getting adverts on reddit about the luxury apartments that opened across the road

can't afford them fuck off

Benders are nonces in denial.


Here we have the quintessential runt

What type of flu?

*alarm goes off*
>Oh, thought it was the weekend. It must be Friday?
>wait no, I think it's Thursday
*checks phone*
>it's Tuesday

doesn't make sense
people with yellow fever i could see

that's fucked up dude

if you think about it, at least when they're dead they won't have to put up with the oppression of white people

neck a mug of bovril with some cold and flu tablets and you'll be good as new

Swift already though of that faggot.

I don't know that it's any more modern than hanging, the most miserable part of being executed is the suspense, and the old British, Australian and Canadian method of hanging was pretty quick in that regard. I remember watching a doc where the best executioner said he could get a prisoner from cell to noose in 10 seconds.

Do I look like a doctor?

Best way to be executed for crimes you did or did not commit?

>dude from an Australian


meme overdose

teenagers say it all the time

No Bovril in the gaff undortunately. Been using night nurse but it’s done little for me

"Judicial" hanging was the exception, not the rule. You've heard of the Spandau ballet?

can't figure what's going on in this picture

>English from el atrocidad


get some lemsip on the way to work and drink it at your desk if you can

What is /brit/'s favorite bit on the tory map of the world?

My #1 favourite is "Thingy", followed closely by the hilarious "Greasy Gaucho Spic Land", which sounds like something that Philip might say in private.

I'm probably more Anglo than you Zhang.

how often do you lads get nightmares

Haha the tories the tories the tories

lol just fucked my life beyond return with one email feels good lads

Life is a waking nightmare... religion is my only escape...

>I'm probably more Anglo than you Zhang.

somebody hat this cretin

Every day I wake up for toil
Oh wait

here's the better version
big fan of portugal ngl