Spain's cuisine is disgusting

american in andalusia here. I have to say that I like almost everything related to Spain: its landscapes, its good weather and its idiosyncrasy, but the only thing I can't stand is its gastronomy: god, I thought that the only ones who were capable of making terribly disgusting food were the chinks and nips, that until I arrived in spain. I had the opportunity to try cow tongue, oxtail and "caios", and except for the last dish, I almost vomited the two occasions.

Between the trip from the airport to the city I had the opportunity to go to several bars, and the thing wasn't much better. When I arrived in seville I went into a tapas bar and ordered a calamari sandwich, and not only the calamari seemed to be made of cement, but also, they did not even have batter. They charged me 6 euros for that and a beer.

for fear of spending my money on something I would later regret, I ended up having dinner at Burguer King

Before the spaniards criticize the gastronomy of other countries (especially mine) they should better think about improving theirs. for the rest, Spain is very comfy, good quality of life and relatively cheap (lots of latams tho)

tl;dr lol

Stop falling into tourist traps and get some real food, stupid guiri.

>real food

You guys usually say that to everytone that dares to criticize your food. According to you everyone fall into tourist traps. Just accept your cuisine is garbage

mother of the keks

Fake and stupid
Chinese food is great


t.ching chong

stay out of my country

True. Worst part is that Spaniards think that their food can compete with Italy and France.

Actual burgers never spell it this way. The English in your last paragraph is weird too. What are you really, French? Spanish? Falseflagging spic?

We write it hamburguesa so maybe a sudaca

>6€ for a fucking sandwich and a beer
>not a tourist trap
As in "no tongue and guts" food. Also ordering anything fish related in an inland town is downright retarded.

>Actual burgers never spell it this way.

it's almost like you hadn't received proper education. fuck off

>6€ for a sandwich and a beer
I wish more tourists like this came here
We'd be fucking rich with these kinds of morons around

it can. italian and french are trash


I don't want to get shot ty lol

Of course they can't, even our fucking cuisine could compete against theirs

I liked spanish cuisine

Especially the ham

It's natural for an american, who is accustomed to eat unhealthy flavored shit, to get repulsed by the sight of real food. Don't mind it too much.

>spanish """food"""
>real food

I can't tell if this is a new meme. Did I miss something? I've been in 3-4 threads today that have tried to argue the same thing.

Spanish food's among the best in the world and my personal favorite food. I don't understand where this shitposting comes from tbqh.

t.someone who has never been to spain

the mexican restaurant you usually go doesn't count fag

No, I really mean Spainish. As I said in the previous thread, I visit my favorite vineyards in Ribera Del Duero and Rioja, then travel along the north (Bilbao, Axpe, San Sebastian) before driving to Bordeaux. I know more about tempranillo than you, cunt.

Cow tongue soup is delicious what are you talking about user

Did you peel off the skin part and eat the meat like you were supposed to do or eat it without doing that?

what? I swallowed it in one bite, because of how disgusting it looked

>its a "american thinks tex-mex and nachos is spanish food" episode
you haven't tried spanish food in your life

There's a fairly large Galician community where I live in NYC, so there are a number of Spanish restaurants in my area.

oh, thats pretty cool, sorry then.
what kind of galician dishes do you have there?

Of the uniquely galician options: great seafood in general, love the octopus, calamares in ink sauce. also, vieiras gallegas, pimientos de piquillo, tripe...but generally any veal/chicken in a nice mushroom/sherry sauce (or madeira) is good (don't know the names offhand)

just post the brussel sprout webm already

awww lovely :3 glad you enjoy it
octopus is like the most stereotypically galician dish here probably, but seafood in general is quite popular

oh! and how can I forget albarino! in my experience it's very hard to make octopus well - and they do it really well in galician restaurants

>Spain's cuisine is disgusting
> american in andalusia here.
stopped reading

not a big fan of galician wine, its quite acidic and strong, but albariño is relatively decent
cider is pretty gud tho, theres a big tradition here and they give low-alcohol cider for free in some holidays

>potato pancakes
>dishes containing ungodly amounts of boiled eggs
>roast pork
>bean stew with sausage

So Spanish cuisine is basically a mix between Polish and Serbian cuisines with some seafood thrown in?

reading this is so cringe
americans need to shut the fuck up

>potato pancakes
thosse are not potatoes i think
>boiled eggs
very decent complement to salads, or "russian" salads (ensaladilla rusa), or even to pasta dishes.
whats wrong with what he said? there are galician communities in NYC, Buenos Aires and many other places.

>american in andalusia here
Go for tapas and cerveza

Why would you ever eat cow tongue or oxtail, you are a fucking retard, I live in Spain and don't know anyone who has ever eaten that, those are meme dishes inherited from a time of poverty and scarcity where you had to use every part of the sacrificed animal.

Go do yourself a favour and eat some steak with french fries you fucking idiot.

They eat a lot of fish in spain which is disgusting but overall their cuisine is ok. Italian is better of course there's a reason we choose to eat that

When i went to tour Europe Spanish food was my favourite

Lengua a la vinagreta is pretty popular here albeit I don't like it because of vinegar, maybe you guys just don't know how to cook unconventional parts of animals

>fish is disgusting
what am I reading

lengua is pretty popular here too, iirc.

Fuck u retard.

Tortilla de papa is garbage... It's among polenta poorfag food.

>Eurospics cant cook

I dont like tortilla de patata much either but you must've had very shitty one to say that, its not that bad
>American "food"
stop stuffing your face with sugar and uncooked meat

Yes those made in restaurants are awful, they are usually the cheaper dish... A tortilla cost $35 ARS that's like 1,5 USD.

My grandpa used to make spanish food, he was from Añover del Tajo and his tortillas with chorizo were pretty good... He used to make spanish food that not even spaniards eat usually like fideuá, but he died in 2015.

You are the only one to blame.
You went to tourist traps, and in that shithole in the south called Andalusia! (which makes it even worse)
You had it coming, burgerman.

I hate alot of things of my country, and I honestly will take a lifetime to come to terms with alot of it if ever do
that being said you should unironically jump off a bridge if you think our food is bad. If you get baited into a tourist trap it's not my problem, it's like me shitposting about american cuisine after going to McDonalds
>for fear of spending my money on something I would later regret, I ended up having dinner at Burguer King
the ABSOLUTE state of Americans

i love the way italians and spanish people cook their seafood. other than that i dont really eat much of their food.

This would've worked better with Italy

Ibas bien hasta que ahí te delataste, solo los hispanohablantes decimos Burguer

It's all so....brown and yellow



I wholeheartedly agree. I was in Spain for 2 weeks, ate at "high quality" authentic food restaurants, and the Spanish food was absolutely disgusting. I could barely stop myself from vomiting half the time. Then when I went to Hollywood (American food chain) the meat was stale and the fries tasted like they were several days old.

People on this board have a hard-on for authentic food because they think it makes them look cultural and worldly, but beware of the meme: Spanish food is terrible.

What restaurants were those? Name them.
How much did you pay?

>I ate at some touristic food place
>god this tastes like garbage

it's the person who cooks it, not the dish itself schlomo.

Spanish food is great.

Spanish restaurants suck, though.

I don't remember names because it was 6 years ago and I didn't pick the restaurants - my uncle who works in Spain took me to them, and they were fairly upscale places in Toledo, Segovia, Avila and Madrid. Went to a Tapas Bar as well and didn't like it at all.

>if you didn't like the food it means it was a touristic place and the chef was bad

Fuck off retard.

No you autist, it means you didn't really eat good spanish food from someone who knows how to make it. touristic restaurants are garbage everywhere. did you have a friend there?

I said I was with an uncle who works in Spain and knows what he's doing since he's been there for more than a decade and is a fan of authentic food. You can't say the chef didn't know how to make it because I was in like 10 different restaurants at least.

have you considered the possibility of your uncle being an incompetent, unadapted clueless kike?
A "Tapas Bar" is not a real thing, idiot. Almost any bar offers tapas. A "tapa" is just a ration. It's nothing special.
It could be some bravas fries, fucking sauerkraut, or a damn cabage roll.
You are a clueless cunt and you deserve exactly what you got.

>you have to be an expert on Spanish restaurants to get good food


Spanish food is very good though
It doesn’t stand on Italy’s and France’s level but still pretty good
I’ve been to spain several times and rarely was disappointed with the food
The wine on the other hand...

t. retard who fails at English

I did not know that Spain had its own cuisine.. And you come with this.

I agree that the wine is mostly mediocre. In comparison to yours at least. (I hate Italian wine)
You need to look for very specific ones.
Try "Viña Bosconia". You might like it.

underrage sissy pedro detected

fuk off americlaps reeeeee

>a jew hating spanish food

no shit considering we eat a shitton of pork and you can't eat seafood among other stuff, spanish food is basically antisemtic

>all these spainiards getting so assblasted at the mere sight of people calling their food garbage


this too desu

true dat, you must spend money to get a decent wine

I don't keep kosher though. Don't like seafood in general but eat pork.

you are poor shitholes, your opinion is just a confirmation of what user is saying.

fuck off starium slave

>be jewish
>invade palestinian lands because of muh holy land given to my by god
>eat pork

bad chosen person

Zionism was founded by atheists and secularists though, it wasn't really about the religious aspect of being Jewish.

Keep your lies and propaganda for yourself, jew

Fuck off this thread and spam fucking machines that’s all you’re good at

Paella is based
Haven't tried anything else.

lengua is god tier, though, my favorite tapa when they offer it alongside morros

>american in andalusia here

I wish you got killed by a gypo.

>zionism was founded by atheists
>a religious movement is founded by people who don't believe in religion


The fact that jews are oportunistic liers is a well known fact, at least try to hide your hypocrisy

Kill yourselves, mutts

ironic coming from a tasteless anglo who believes that undercooked meat is delicious. Disgusting

>i don't know history, therefore what you say is propaganda

>religious movement

Wrong. Learn some history.

just eat paella faggot

says some cunt living in the americas fucking lol your country ain't even thicc

Most European country's eat cow tongue and oxtail. I'm having tongue tonight

you can tongue my oxtail if you get my drift

Isn't tongue haram, Mark?

only if the cows jewish

cool flag bro.

Americans don't tend to like Spanish food.They are used to extreme levels of grease and sugar and anything none process is a weird flavor to you.Don't worry,you are just too used of eating poison and actual food is weird to you

>Calamari sandwich
>in Seville
Something is wrong. If you are in Seville try "solomillo al whisky", "carrillada", "adobo" or "espinacas con garbanzos".