You're honest opinion on Chile and Chileans

You're honest opinion on Chile and Chileans

beautiful and underrated country
needs more muslims too

I heard Chilean Spanish is unintelligible to other Spanish speakers.


i dislike them because they don't take refugees

shit country


it doesn't work like that


yo sé
pero todavía eres un chileno...

we're full of haitians now

I don’t have any feelings towards them but they seem really butthurt about us for some reason

Pretty cool. Feel bad about what we did to them.

One of my guest professors was Chilean. She was a lovely lady.

reminds delicious brown big cock everyday

How much of this is true

I don't hate Americans desu, also prefer you 100 times over a Chinese hegemony

las mejores pollas no son de color caca y no pertenece a un mapuche

I dated a Chilean girl once. She was white, green eyes, freckles and dark blonde hair.

She was thicc af and had a big bubble butt too.

Pretty much the best of white girls + the best of non-white girls.

What do Chilean girls eat? Damn.

all of it

I want to learn Spanish and hike in Patagonia it s a cute country

Chile is the only decent tier country to life in South America

>hike in Patagonia
This sounds really comfy

i fuck her now puto, also she was brown.

I've only met a few Chileans, so I've gotta base my opinion on that. They were good folk, so I'm assuming the average Chilean is pretty cool too.

>they seem really butthurt about us for some reason
If you post here you probably know why, but I doubt the average American knows.

True for the middle and lower classes. Classism is very strong and they still associate whiteness with money, so they want to be associated with that. The upper middle class and the upper class doesn't care

t. went to a private school and was shocked during my first uni year at how the lower classes cared about whiteness.

Buenos aires in the pic looks really cool I will go there one day to travel. Thank you ^-^

>buenos aires

>Buenos aires

fake news

been there once. It's ok, wish I could live in viña del mar. Comfy, but valparaíso kinda scared me.
No idea about other cities but santiago.

Earthquakes, tsunamis and people that talk funny. Literally Japan but without weebs

they invented copper, which is cool

>Buenos aires in the pic looks really cool I will go there one day to travel. Thank you ^-^
I do not recommend it, commuting through the mountain is a pain in the ass.

Needs more muslims and refugees

>without weebs
user, I...

For what

come on chilebro, there was nothing back in 2013

you had one job
free helicopter rides when

only livable country in SA

Smug fuckers who think they’re hot shit when in fact are brown midgets


why are there so many people saying it needs more muslims? wtf

because of this

Uruguay and Argentina aren’t livable?

who says that?


Ecuador and Cuba are more livable than Argentina or Uruguay



because of... what

Check the crime rates and victimization numbers for yourself if you don’t believe me. I’m not making shit up

oh fuck it's you again

I think they're being ironic. We already have some sizable community of Palestinian descendants, and some few Syrians have come here in the last years (they make tasty Shawarmas imo).

That Chile is comparable to Europe in average

maybe economically, but our countrymen are far removed from the average European in terms of culture and education

I hope you know that's including east european post communist shitholes.

well done


Because your stats include countries like Russia, Moldova, the Ukraine, etc.

Else you are way below us

I want to move to Chile (or Argentina) when I'm older.

yeah, they are european

It is the best country for hiking, and Patagonia is beautiful. 100% recommended.

Yes, Valparaiso is shit. Rivers of piss and poor smelly people.


but why would you compare an entire continent to one country? the south american hdi is 0.729. that's 0.116 lower than europe

Chile is based, best country in the Americas along with Canada (French Canada, not ang*o Canada)

C-can we be friends? :3c

Of course we are friends Argentina. :3

Seems like a chill place

Screw you and move your country to the middle of the Pacific.


El peruANO

Won’t you try your best?

small people
good at football
eat copper


Cheap tech, less retarded people than here and access to the Pacific. What's not to love?

they are

These threads just make me feel embarrassed for my fellow country men.

>comparing ourselves with Europe

Go take a nap you daft cunts.

how to move there

t. complexed brown manlet


top tier country of south america

don't know any chilean, but judging by the chileans of Sup Forums, they pretty decent.

Chileans here are absolute cunts, we are friendly irl

Mime artists, broccoli, juggling and donkeys come to mind

Great country. The patagonia and atacama desert are absolutely amazing. They have good writers too. And they produce the best wine in Southamerica, cheap but great in quality.
We're completely tsundere for each other. Football matches between us are real battles.

I like them unironically.

btw West Chile > East Chile

>we are friendly irl
It depends, in santiago at least most of the people are rude bitter faggots while in the north or the south people are indeed very friendly

I didn't like Santiago when I went a couple years ago, way too dirty, but Chile posters are always cute.


go away satan

Buuuuu he said screw us and I can't accept it, have to be mean buuuuuu


The California of South America.
Looked at plane tickets yesterday -- why so $$$?

are they muslim or chirstian?

nig or die

how much and which airline?

proper catholic and a few orthodox , they are fully integrated

Based tbqh

Most civilised S. American country for sure.

If a man on a donkey did it 200 years ago why couldn't you now? Man up fag


that's expensive but you are in chicago, from jfk or miami it's about $800 or cheaper if you plan your trip in advance

Probably still one of the best parts of Latin America, alongside their eastern neighbours. Beautiful scenery and comparatively decent life quality.

Comfy, best neighbour :3 replace Paraguay and Bolivia with moar Chile pls :3

too chili for me lmao
