
Fuar agus tuirseach edition

>E-50 is a nice tank all around, kind of a jack of trades. Good at everything and master at nothing, so very adaptable. Great for flanking. The armour could be a bit better though.
Sounds good, but I went down the German light tank line and then went onto the Leopard 1. I went as far as the Panther on the other Medium line and hated it, so I didn't go any further.

>feel upset from the moment I wake up
>eventually decide to work out and shower
>feel fantastic afterwards

Speaking of tuirseach, beidh mé ag dul a codladh. I took a nice drowsy tablet and have a hot watering bottle waiting for me.
Goodnight primetime /éire/, see you at 4 in the morning when everyone's gone to sleep.

>don't believe SF are necessary south of the border to further the goal of reunification
Well I suppose the argument I was making was that they would potentially speed the process of reunification along, rather than being a critical requirement.
That aside, if you believe SF are important in getting unification moving in the North, do you think that perhaps southern parties should maybe stop beating on them with the "le IRA army council political wing lads" shtick?

>What was that theory Lux had about us affecting eachother's wellbeing again
No idea desu, doesn't ring any bells. All I heard was him ranting and raving about some "signs".

>beidh mé ag dul a codladh
Why would you do such a thing at such an hour of the day?
Regardless, have a nice snooze. Maybe you shall have some glorious wisdom for us on your return.
>have a hot watering bottle
Got a gift of an electric blanket the other day actually, as I was complaining how cold my house was.
Used it for the first time last night, was ok though I think I should've left it on a bit longer.

The Panther was fun sometimes i found. But not that great.
I went down the light German too. Got as far as the RU 251. I really like that one.

>wool sweater I ordered in online sale got delivered today
>made in Luxembourg

t-that means its good quality right?

I will do what you did now. I have not done that in months.

>t-that means its good quality right

Are there any lgbt anons here? I only ask cause all the other ones i see are in the states or the uk.
I-im not alone, r-right lads?

There were several gay lads on old /éire/, don't think there are anymore.


Dumb sissy Irish boi.

Still don't even know what this "soy" you speak of is.

>Any good
Yes, I quite enjoyed it. Had a good cast of characters, story was fairly decent and visuals were good. Felt like they didn't cover much in the story though, could really do with another season.
LNs are supposed to be very good and a few people from Sup Forums are translating them fairly quickly so I might pick them up in a few months.

Sleep tight little Irishman
>made in Luxembourg
Honestly doubt that unless you paid like 300 euros for it
> All I heard was him ranting and raving about some "signs".
You ought to pay more attention then,sometimes even I say things that make sense

>Honestly doubt that unless you paid like 300 euros for it
I did say it was on sale.

Hyouka worth watching?

>even I say things that make sense
Like how I should buy shoes for €800? ;)

Oh okay... i honestly thought eire would've been different...

>Hyouka worth watching?
It looks very nice but the plot and characters didn't really stick for me, as mystery anime goes the stakes seemed a bit too inconsequential most of the time. I'll probably give it a second try sometime.

>Like how I should buy shoes for €800? ;)
Don't remember telling you that you should follow my example.

>I did say it was on sale.
I know,we don't have any clothing factories here,only small tailors that do custom fitted clothing,usually there is a small crown on the label if it's made here

What's your situation. Gay?

Think I watched one episode but it never really hooked me and I moved on to something else.
Lot of people seem to really like it though and the images I've seen of it look quite nice.

>Don't remember telling you that you should follow my example
As /éire/ second richest person (apparently), I obviously need to compete with you for the prestigious top spot by matching your spending and style.

Yeah. Surrounded by queens thiugh. I just wannna talk to some1 who isnt a moron for once...

>Well I suppose the argument I was making was that they would potentially speed the process of reunification along
How though?

>do you think that perhaps southern parties should maybe stop beating on them with the "le IRA army council political wing lads" shtick?
I'm not sure how it would make any difference to be honest.

Ru-251 was great - even better now that it's a tier IX. The new tier X German light isn't great though.

I hope you get aids

>eating dinner
>drop knife between legs by accident
>close legs to catch it
>balls get crushed

I've nothing against gay people but we don't like relationship having normalfags here. Besides it's more than likely you're just the usual bender troll RP'ing.

Epic facebook post. Upvoted.

>using the word bender
West Brits

>As /éire/ second richest person (apparently), I obviously need to compete with you for the prestigious top spot by matching your spending and style.
Once a peasant always a peasant I'm afraid,but I'm happy to be your rolemodel

Calling people benders is part of /éire/ culture. Fuck off.

What makes you our second richest person?

I bet you're that one Irish lad who's always posting on /brit/.

There's more than one Irish guy posting over there. The west brits are here among us. Trust nobody.

>being a bender

>How though
Increased focus on the introduction of new cross-border initiatives and further cooperation aided by SF's in-depth knowledge of both jurisdictions as well as the power they hold up there..
More action in preparing for a UI, such as putting forward white papers, looking at the impact to services and how things will need to change to make the whole process more seamless.
>not sure how it would make any difference
Wrong answer! If you aren't an IRA supporter you're a West Brit!

>What makes you our second richest person
Well Prinz claimed that both Lux and I (and himself) were millionaires.

I can assure you im no bender troll whatever thst means but okay... its cool.

That's racist!

Nah that's just the you. i.e the role-playing bender.

Loads ya big cunt thou lots are super fucking creepy

Didn't mean to be,especially not against you

>Increased focus on the introduction of new cross-border initiatives and further cooperation aided by SF's in-depth knowledge of both jurisdictions as well as the power they hold up there..
Yet they rarely propose any and instead focus on complaining about absolutely anything the government does.

>More action in preparing for a UI, such as putting forward white papers, looking at the impact to services and how things will need to change to make the whole process more seamless.
They aren't exactly leading the way on that either.

> If you aren't an IRA supporter you're a West Brit!
Who even says that in Irish politics?

Does éire have any resident trannies?
and how many of your anime posters are gay?

>refresh booru page
>new hatsu image just uploaded
Think it's a sign lads.

>instead focus on complaining about absolutely anything the government does
Called being in opposition, I believe. Every party does that.
>aren't exactly leading the way on that either
Didn't they put forward a white paper on it last year? Didn't they call on the government and other parties to do the same? Haven't they been calling for a border poll in recent months?
>Who even says that in Irish politics
Was supposed to be a joke of the funny variety.

>especially not against you
Wonder what he meant by this...


Are you a tranny?

Reminder to ignore all foreigner posting bar lux.

Even Karen?

What are you up to?
How sweet of you

Perhaps that I like the Irish more than most people?
Even you

>Called being in opposition, I believe. Every party does that.
I know that, but SF have always struck me as particularly contrarian in the Dáil.

>Didn't they put forward a white paper on it last year?
Was that the one lacking in some significant details?

>Didn't they call on the government and other parties to do the same?
Not sure.

>Haven't they been calling for a border poll in recent months?
Are they not in a constant state of calling for a border poll?

>Was supposed to be a joke of the funny variety.
You know how I feel about those.

Especially Karen!

Who is Karen?

He is cancer. Do not acknowledge him.

The American who sometimes uses a South Korean VPN

Once you look past the /r9k/ gay ERPing, he's alright

Fuck off. Leaving this thread forever now.

>SF have always struck me as particularly contrarian in the Dáil
Maybe because most parties in the Dáil try to maker their life hell and they would argue the southern media is biased against them. Wouldn't be unheard of for rich privileged Protestant RTÉ people.
Alternatively perhaps you have a bit of anti-SF bias yourself.
>Was that the one lacking in some significant details
Come now, I'm a SF supporter and you know we don't like to read. How would I know these things?
>Not sure
Believe they said something along the lines of "we are the only party that is preparing for a UI, government should put together one too".
>in a constant state of calling for a border poll
As all supposed nationalist parties should. Though I think it's fair to say the calls have increased since Brexit.
>know how I feel about those
I no know how you feels about anything.

>Maybe because most parties in the Dáil try to maker their life hell and they would argue the southern media is biased against them
Bit of a victim complex desu.

>the southern media
Unionists out.

>Alternatively perhaps you have a bit of anti-SF bias yourself.
No more than you have bias in favour of them.

>Come now, I'm a SF supporter and you know we don't like to read. How would I know these things?
Well, that's the end of that then.

>Bullying Karen

>supposed nationalist parties
They are not nationalist. There is "left wing nationalism" that is not even nationalism anyways and then there is SF. Ask Adams and he'd tell you. They only care about their stupid socialism and social justice crap now, and only want a UI for a socialist republic. They can fuck off. I'm sick of there crap and they do next to fuck all for us. All they really do is keep DUP out up here, it's all they are good for.

>No more than you have bias in favour of them
But I wasn't born into a family that supported SF, whilst you were quite possibly born into one that opposed them.
Therefore my support of them comes from my intellectual observations whilst yours comes from nothing but ingrained traditions and familial bias.
>that's the end of that then
Rude and reeks of a superiority complex.

Oh so bullying Karen is bad but bullying in general isn't always bad?
Thanks Jaggy-senpai, I've learnt a valuable lesson.

>Wouldn't be unheard of for rich privileged Protestant RTÉ people.
A lot of buzzwords being thrown around here

>want a UI
I don't see the issue user. This is something we should all strive for.

>lot of buzzwords being thrown around here
Well we are on Sup Forums.

>Well we are on Sup Forums.
Believed that you were a little more serious than that,also christian socialism yes or no?

I want a UI too, but not for SF's bull shit pipedream. SF do nothing for a UI, all they do is "call for a boarder poll" to keep their support up, but they never go through with it because they know it would not happen yet due to the Protestant majority. Only time will bring it and it really is stupid supporting these clowns just for a UI, as if they can bring one.

>whilst you were quite possibly born into one that opposed them.
Well that's just not true.

>Rude and reeks of a superiority complex.
Wasn't my intention desu.

If those are buzzwords literally everything is a buzzword.

Shall be beginning my cooking this week Lux, you'll be delighted to know.

>christian socialism
Never heard of it but if it leans a little to the right socially and a little to the left economically then I might be in favour.
Doesn't sound like it will though.

>Well that's just not true
Froggy's parents were in the RA, confirmed.
Reminds me that I might want to get my dinner there at some stage.

>SF do nothing for a UI
What parties would you say do more for a UI? Do you think SF want a UI?
>know it would not happen yet due to the Protestant majority
I mean polls suggest it could be quite close in the event of a failed Brexit. Think most people down here imagined it could be fifty or more years before it happened, but the polls in recent times would suggest otherwise.

>Shall be beginning my cooking this week Lux
How were you eating before this?

>How were you eating before this

>Doesn't sound like it will though.
It's exactly what it is

Looking forward to it already,do you have ideas already?

>exactly what it is
What is it exactly though?
>do you have ideas already
Meat and a few bits of veg. Exquisite stuff, I know.

>What parties would you say do more for a UI?
None. They all do nothing much because there is nothing much to do but wait.
>Do you think SF want a UI?
Yes, but not for nationalist reasons.
>I mean polls suggest it could be quite close in the event of a failed Brexit
I would not underestimate the loyalty of the planter stock towards the UK. Only until we have a Catholic majority, and that is at the least, ideally 60% then will we have one, and that day is coming fast.
>Think most people down here imagined it could be fifty or more years before it happened, but the polls in recent times would suggest otherwise.
I'd give it 15-30 years.

>Meat and a few bits of veg. Exquisite stuff, I know.
The time of Brit cooks has come to an end,Jamie Oliver and Gordon Ramsay?
Never heard of them,Poi v.Rathkeale is the new master chef
No really,it's a big step in the right direction already

>there is nothing much to do but wait
That sounds like a bit of a recipe for disaster. Sit back whilst the Unionist plot and control politics. And don't we all know that all Catholics don't necessarily want a UI? What if the Unionists and middle ground parties tried to coax more of them away from the likes of SF and the SDLP whilst we are resting on our laurels waiting for a UI to land in our lap?
>but not for nationalist reasons
Wanting a unified country sounds like nationalism to me. Just because you don't agree with their political ideology of vision doesn't mean they aren't nationalists.

>new master chef
Perhaps one day I will be able to quit my job and take up a position cooking for Luxembourg's elite.
What an honour that would be...

>Perhaps one day I will be able to quit my job and take up a position cooking for Luxembourg's elite.
Being a cook is a very shitty job unless you are a really talented one ,or so I've heard
/healtypoi/ when?

Well I know for a fact that there's at least one more LGBT user here

>That sounds like a bit of a recipe for disaster. Sit back whilst the Unionist plot and control politics.
That's why you vote these spineless fruitcakes in, to stop the protestants walking over us, and believe me they WOULD if you give them a chance. But countering the DUP is ultimately not going to help with a UI, infact it would actually get a UI in quicker if they did let them walk over us.
>And don't we all know that all Catholics don't necessarily want a UI? What if the Unionists and middle ground parties tried to coax more of them away from the likes of SF and the SDLP whilst we are resting on our laurels waiting for a UI to land in our lap?
Yeah that won't happen. Irish catholics in the north do want a UI in general, but they can get scaremongered into not supporting it at the present moment. When we are the large majority in the north there will still be some who get scaremongered but we will mostly vote yes. This is why i say at least 60%. You also have to take into account the new catholic majority will influence the paradigm, so there will be less of the anti-UI propaganda.

>Falling into our lap
That is what is going to happen. What work do we have to do then tell me?

What happens when secularism finally hits Northern Ireland like it has the rest of western society and people start looking at the issue of unification rationally for how it affects them, their pocket and their future rather than forming their beliefs on the basis of their families religious allegiance?

The answer to that question will depend on how the UK post-Brexit.

Well that all depends on the political, economic and social climate when\if that happens.

Citrus is the thinking man's anime.

>not even at the vibrator bit yet

boipucci is leaking again lads :3

Was away cooking and eating me dinner. I will reply to the rest now.
>Wanting a unified country sounds like nationalism to me.
It sounds like it i agree, but it's not necessarily nationalism. Republicanism does not = nationalism, they are not interchangeable however there is a very wide spread nationalist cause for Republicanism. Sinn Féin's is to create a socialist state.
>Just because you don't agree with their political ideology of vision doesn't mean they aren't nationalists.
Gerry Adams even said "Sinn Féin are not a nationalist party, we are a republican party" on the radio. I heard the interview on a yt video with his voice saying that about two years ago but i can't find the vid now when i look. I will look for it again. Maybe Éire/pol/ can help me with that because they are aware of it too it seems.

Ok let me ask you, what do you think a nation is?

Really wish somebody would just fix the health service. Gut the HSE and start from scratch if necessary.

>Gut the HSE
Have you been watching that RTÉNews thing again with it's anti-FF and pro-FG Blueshirt propaganda again?

Is there anything more fake than award shows?

When FF were in power RTÉ News was considered pro-FF (at least until the recession hit)

What do you mean? Enda fixed it in 2007 as he promised.

Quads of truth.

Good post! Now nobody mention the five point plan...

>what do you think a nation is
Is the answer blood and culture?

I don't know, you tell me.

>I don't know, you tell me
I already did, a number of weeks ago. We had a nice long discussion about it late one night.

From what I've gathered on /éire/ so far,Enda has never made a single mistake while in office

Did we? I can't remember. I don't think that was me.

>From what I've gathered on /éire/ so far
Because the place is infested with Blueshirts.

>don't think that was me
Lying is wrong, Fermanaghnon.
Though maybe it wasn't you, who knows...

The greatest man Mayo has ever produced.

I am not lying. Why would i lie? Just say a basic summery so we know what kind of Nationalism we are talking about.

>greatest man Mayo has ever produced
That's not saying very much...