
lee hours guys

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sad cunt makes early new

*hunts your fox*

got this a couple months ago
big confidence booster but I still have no gf

anyone who reads this post will be doxxed

Talk of the exclusion of the Duke of York from the rightful succession is treason. Any who speak of it set themselves against legitimate authority and are the heirs in spirit to those rebels who so recently plunged our country into rebellion and civil war. Can anyone here contemplate such evil without horror? Let there be no confusion. The Duke of York is my heir and will remain so. His right is ordained by God and no man may alter it. Anyone who denies this truth makes themselves an enemy of God, King and country. Think on that before you take another step towards chaos. All the world may see what a point we have come to. Nothing that begins in such division is likely to end well. I declare Parliament dissolved. Gentlemen, go home. I will not trouble you any further.

got chills lads


new cunt shows his depression


Is there any falange(sq) groups in the UK or National syndicalist groups in the UK?

Actual new cunt hides his time spent here

why didnt you respond?

Having flashbacks of the time I took DMT with mates and seen the international toiling grounds.
It's hard to convey the scale of this thing. It's as if one entire country was designated to be this toiling ground ,
and wagies made a pilgramage there from the world over.

Thousands of desks and PCs on a completely level field, filing cabinets the size of grain silos,
Then the main toiling facilities which hold thousands of the most depressed exhausted call centre workers,
With headsets attatched to their ears like the ones attatched to cows utters, draining their soul.

got told I look like a shemale by a Nigerian

"would you like to sit on it?"

She looks like a frumpy, pumpkin haired freak lad. Glad you didn't

1 day into the new desk setup and i've already knocked over 2 glasses of water

think the feng shui is not not quite aligned


night, lads :^)

I just don’t understand why she’s message me then not respond. Is she playing mind games to make me want her more

can you still esc out of the quick reply box lads?

Talk of the exclusion of the Duke of York from the rightful succession is treason. Any who speak of it set themselves against legitimate authority and are the heirs in spirit to those rebels who so recently plunged our country into rebellion and civil war. Can anyone here contemplate such evil without horror? Let there be no confusion. The Duke of York is my heir and will remain so. His right is ordained by God and no man may alter it. Anyone who denies this truth makes themselves an enemy of God, King and country. Think on that before you take another step towards chaos. All the world may see what a point we have come to. Nothing that begins in such division is likely to end well. I declare Parliament dissolved. Gentlemen, go home. I will not trouble you any further.

post school rhymes

1 2 3 4 5
bin ladens still alive
pull the trigger
kill that nigger
1 2 3 4 5

I remember when I was 16 and used to chat to the females on msn messenger. This one girl was smoking hot. She went to a party dressed as a nurse and sent me photos and clearly wanted me to tell her how good she looked. She probably wanted me to lick her fanny tbqh cause I was athletic and such back in school. Instead I told her she looked like a massive slut etc and she should be careful. We didn't speak much after that.

any Juche man in

been called cute quite a lot and it knocked me down a bit but this is nice

why yes i am a fox-enabler

yo barkeep, another pint of soy please

Hello, fellow right wing activists, are there any secret and illegal groups you organise which I can join? when and where do you meet?

*begins having a wank*
don't mind me lads, just continue on posting

what the fuck

if your mum doesn't have a full time job you are human vermin and should be exterminated


oy vey

>all these normies posting screenshots of girls messaging them
fuck off and kys

Not illegal come meet us at Manor library in Sheffield at 4pm on a Wednesday evening

alpha move



>fox hunting is bad

*cups mouth with hands and leans back*


*slaps the drink out of your hand*

My mum's got epilepsy and arthritis so she can't lol

she's a chubster and still in high school

>This video is not available in your country.


de do do do
de da da da
is all i want to say to you

why did he do that

Glad you appreciated my post from this morning mate

holy shit, really?


have a little button that opens the door, saving the punters at work a second or two. Don't do it for black people or autists lol

never click anything the saffer posts

fuckin wypepo smdh

la creatura gf 2018



What's all this about foxes? One of my pub mates is a fox and he's really quite nice.

More of an Anarco-Strasserist

alakazam i make man go missing

imagine trump vs oprah in the political debates


you're moms a fox

reddit found this perfectly innocent video a Sup Forumsirgin made and now it has a load of dislikes


oh well, it's a based black man telling us about the holocaust industry and the jewish slave ships x

refrain from posting these lyrics please, /brit/ is a #LOGANG general


My mum stopped working at 50 lol, now she just rents out her old house. She's an alcoholic with depression or some such serious fucking issues who gets stressed at the tiniest things, so it's just as well.


trump is brutal in debates. absolutely brutal

Sun plant energy quick photosynthesis

This image sums up rorkes

Tell that to the chickens OH WAIT YOU CAN'T

the gf

Why does it Scuttle away?

fucking creep lol
deserves to be hanged

Those Irish coffee Frijj's are GOAT.

How many hours have you spent on the switch today boys?


everything oprah says is followed by a standing ovation
trumps still wins
would be epic

>Tim Davis moved into boy’s Oxfordshire home and subjected him to intense prayer and Bible sessions in his bedroom

looks like ronald mcdonald with that lipstick

>This image sums up rorkes

hope you're watching gdq lads

why are rorkes obsessed with black men fucking white women? is it that "most rorkes are actually gay" thing in action?

Want to strangle this annoying bint

ive outgrown videogames

im a rorke lite

IT WAS 4:52

Quick Rundown on "rorkes"?



*finishes his wank*

Apparently my Facebook profile is not showing up in search, but my profile isn't deleted.

Odd, I'm sure you can no longer hide your profile from Facebook search. I did delete my account up to a few days ago though.

Henry Cabot Lodge was an American Republican Congressman and historian from Massachusetts.

Lodge came to represent the imperialist faction of the Senate, those who called for the annexation of the Philippines.

Lodge was a vocal proponent of immigration restrictions. His position was also influenced by his beliefs about race.

Lodge was a staunch advocate of entering World War I. He contended that Germany needed to be militarily and economically crushed.

I literally got a switch for xmas

What sort of fucking name is 'Dapper Laughs'?

Begone newfag


None because my fucking sister still has it. Spent half the day playing Ultra Sun though.


the deano comedian

he's a dapper chap and he loves a laugh what more do you want

poor stupid people determined to blame someone else


My former mate one day told me 'I'm a big fan of the game Yoshi. I have a team and we play Yoshi against other teams around the world. Sometimes I watch videos online to learn how to play better'
We stopped talking after that.