Your country

>your country
>your opinion on George Lincoln Rockwell (founder of the American Nazi party)
He is a hero in my eyes, a martyr for his people much like Jesus Christ

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don't give a shit about some retarded mutt

dunno who is

is that way, sir faps-a-lot

why do almost all Americans on this site, regardless of ideology, have identity problems

>shot by his own people infront of a laundromat

He shouldn't have been involved in the party in retrospect
If blacks can worship MLK than I can show admiration for based commander Rockwell

its not about racial partiality, I laugh at MLK/MX supporters here and arab hipsters too

Okie dokie Mr big brain centrist

not a centrist, mostly conservative, secular and left in a lot of a issues, and I'll definitely be wrong and uninformed in a lot of them, its always a learning process

people who tend to adopt the character and not the ideology to look cool aren't the most convincing 'political experts'

i bet him and MX were fucking
thats why they both got assassinated

>brown eyed nazi


MLK was a confirmed communist who had frequent gay orgies.
Yeah only dolf Lundgren would have survived if Hitler won.

>American Nazi Party
How does that even work? The Americans were allied against the Nazi party in Germany. Wouldn't that make this guy basically a treasonous traitor?

He fought in WWII. He was a commander in the navy hence the name commander Rockwell

>treasonous traitor
this is a completely redundant thing to say, like "homicidal murderer"

And then he changed side?
Or was he fighting for the Reich?

He was in the Pacific theater of the war. So he was fighting Japan.

>He fought in WWII
Then why did he turn around and establish some representative of everything the American war effort sought to destroy?

Not all murderers are homicidal and not all homicidal people are murderers. Good to see you respond to something entirely irrelevant, though. Classic autism.

>Not all murderers are homicidal

>Good to see you respond to something entirely irrelevant, though
thread's going to be spammed with mutt pictures anyway and I don't care about this guy
You people are wierd.

Love this man. Liberals be like "you can't be a nazi because we fought a war against nazism"

I smirked and always think about him. Fought nazis only to realized that he fought the wrong guy.

this guy was really a Christian?
can't Nazis acknowledge it is behemoth contradiction being a Christian-Nazi?

You’re not white, Zhang.


Okay jose

No Christianity did not start in 1975

Judging by these answers, it looks like we need an Sup Forumsard genocide..

>leaf responds to insult against asians

He's great, Very inspirational.


>not taking the bund pill

My hero will be anyone who wipes am*rica out the face of the planet, and kills all of you, *nglo non-humans

Forgot pic

like pottery

Well spoken, reasonable guy.

Good guy. Was blessed by KARA BOGA