Can we all agree that arabs are just inbred mulatos/quadroons?

Can we all agree that arabs are just inbred mulatos/quadroons?
Pic related is half shitalian half black looks like the avarege arab that roams the streets of germany.

at least he's not posting on a mongolian knitting forum

He looks Brazillian not Ayyyyrab.

Does he look Arap?

he woul pass unnoticed in all araba countries and you know it, muhammad.


Answer, Ahmed

Why do you keep bumping all these dead threads you fucking autist?

Wut? This was on page 4

stfu mexican pest


This mulatto can pass as arab/north african/med

100%, my negro.

What about him? Putting aside the blue eyes

>implying ar*bs are human

The eyes make it hard to tell. Not the color but the shape, as well as the nose

Hard to tell. Definitely looks of Med descent though.

Oh, wait, they're green, kek.

He is Jamaican, and I'm guessing mixed with white British.

he looks islander (polynesian)

Yeah, I thought that, too.

Only the North Africa ones.

Doesn't look arab at all.

I think a lot of people in the Gulf, Yemen and Southern Iraq also have Black ancestry.

You're right, he's too attractive

i thought this was common knowledge


North African "Arabs"? Yes. Gulf Arabs and Levantines? No.