*blocks your path*

*blocks your path*
"Korean police here! S-stop ... s-show me your hands, you are under a-arrest!!"
What do?

Pop a wheelie and speed away



You say something, boy?

How many times are you going to post this shit thread each day?

italiano has a crush ehh? italiaaaanooohh~~


>'let me see your hands sir'
>*itches waist

one clarification first...
are you a Sir. or Ma'am?

Boy :3



I wanna get brutalized by him~

Stop making faggot threads

Break his legs and bury him alive

I don't care about SK but I fucking hate this shitalian who is obsessed with the country

He is suckikg my cock now.

zitto jjokbari

show her my penis

How does it feel to bump over and over again? Your silly threads are just making other posters feel disgusted you know that?

passionately kiss him then handcuff us together

Wrestle with him

Drop me trousers and ask 'em to give me a proper todger tugging.

show him my sexy sahved feet instead
*handfags btfo*

If you are not a qt hot Italian girl then I have some bad news for you weirdo, I think you are either a faggot or a pedo or worse, BOTH

The man in OP's pic is 22 years old.
You sound like one of those feminists who complain about men liking younger women.

We are already italians, what's worse than being italian?

I think Korean policemen are trained in martial arts. He might not look it, but he could probably kick my untrained ass.