Swedes and Germans are poor

Where does this "Germanics are rich" meme come from?

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Poor and cucked

Is this like, savings or does it also include apartments and shit? I don't think it makes sense either way.

>Belgians are Jews
Explains so much as to why they're hated, and have been the target of Germany for the past 100+ years

we are truly subhuman in every way possible

One day things will get better Sven.....hard times make strong people

Greece is still looking based on millennia stay strong boys.

>hard times make strong people
Russia proves you wrong

The thing is...

this country have always been a shithole filled with subhumans. Things will never get better beacuse there is something (everything really) wrong with Swedes.

Russians are far tougher than westerners, how many wars have we lost against you now again? You are winning against us even now.


How does one get Iceland gf?

rather proves the point

You were a good rival against the Catholics, it's a shame to end up like this.

>Remember that time you had a good king

Half german by the way, who used mostly german mercenaries in his army and relied on French money.

Sweden is truly stronk!

Are you a swede? Why would you say that?

>thinking anyone posts in Sup Forums other than minorities
imagine being this naïve

Catholics are pagan you brown nigger
Protestants and orthodox Christians are literally Jews

He's probably a hapa or something. Definitely some kind of foreign.

This, we worship the ancient gods but changed their names

Because they confuse Germanics with Norwegians and Finns.

I heard from some sources that even the Northern Crusades had mostly Northern German mercenaries. i.e. Birger Jarl sat on his ass while Germans conquered Finland.


If Swedes and Germans are poor,
Japanese are poor people who are 3st world...(ノД`)

Why is Europe so poor.

Those stats usually do NOT include savings, and only look at materialistic assets

Also the fact that housing prices are much higher in other countries

2 same houses, 1 in Germany for 300k and 1 Switzerland 900k, the Swiss is now 3 times as """wealthy""""" as the German one despite both having the same assets

Yet another reminder that Slovenia is far better than any other Eastern Euro country. Also Greece does not deserve the bullying it gets, especially not by Polacks or Baltics.

Why is Slovene so superior
Is it because it's irrelevant?
While goyim keep fighting over stupid shit
The eternal Slovene uses the situation in his favor and

We are not, I just hate it when polacks or estonians talk shit about other countries and how they are better than any other EE country, while in reality, they are worse than a fucking bancrupt country in the Balkans.

nobody considers Slovenia to be EE though
you are like a mix between Croats, Italians and Austrians

Volimo Sloveniju, znamo da ste najbolji slaveni i ne smatramo da ste istocna Europa, jer ste uvek bili deo zapada pa nema smisla da se s vama poredimo.


why are g*rmans such poorfags?

>we are truly subhuman in every way possible
That you are, yugo scum.

At least you guys speak many languages



>Used frenchy money to kill Germans using Germans and left the Swedes alone.
The way I see it he was really a good king.

What the fuck portugal? This one truly made me laugh hard.


>waiting for the german to crawl out of his general to tell us why we are wrong and why the data actually shows germany is better than YOU through the magic of mental gymnastics while whining about how much Sup Forums bullies them.

Or vocally: youtube.com/watch?v=0xRrUVVKigk

haha, yes, I'm so rich haha
162k usd haaha yes I make that in a month guys

Ah, looks like the magic is already in motion


>that median wealth

wtf Ukraine