Apply for a job

>apply for a job
>it has a diversity section

Other urls found in this thread:

>applied that post as being asian
>get rejected because too many zhang

sad but i admit

>hes not diverse
sucks to be you. just remember the majority of your people want this.

>he thinks those actually matter
>he thinks those play a decision in who gets hired

our defence forces accepted something like 5 new male recruits last year

You can always hope the person going through the applications is racist. It's usually worked out for me.

It does matter at least here companies will hire women just to fullfill the women quotas.

>companies try to hire me because of diversity

>I can't pass any of the technical interviews

You'll get a job way before me my whote friend ;_;

yeap... all multinationals companies have this now
even here in Brazil they have such thing, in order to include gays and women
i was even invited be one of those diversity catalyst... almost couldn't hold the laugh

>apply for a job
>it has a diversity section

>introduce yourself as minority
>Get a job

unironically this
What are they gonna do, DNA test me??

>Speak Icelandic: Get the job
>No Icelandic: No job
>Being a foreigner and having studied it doesn't count as knowing it as your accent is retarded

>living on a frozen island with no trees with rapeugees
Nah m8. i don't think there is a point to go to Iceland

>Wanting to be surrounded by the Branched Plantjew

>living on a tiny island with refugees
>Literally nowhere to run when they come for you
o i am laughing

Any job where having a local accent is more important than being the most skilled has to be pleb as fuck

Like being a waiter or bar tender or some stupid shit like that

>being taught how to dress, speak, and behave in job interviews
>being taught how to properly speak to the police
>parents have been married for 40+ years
That's white privilege for ya

>it has a diversity section

so? if you are white you are superior genetically so it souldn't be an issue

Just lie and sue them if they say anything after they hire you.
Self determination is a right.

>nodding means no
>shaking means yes
>apply for job -> get job -> go for interview
Is Bulgaria opposite land?

>>apply for job -> get job -> go for interview
what are you talking about?

>be at interview
>interviewer asks if I am a minority of some kind
>tell him I identify as a washing machine
>we both laugh heartily
>get hired
>leave after a week cause he insists on using the cheap detergent

>Apply for job
>List disability
>''sir being overweight isn't a disability, NEXT''
well shhieeeettt


Are you that american in Russia?

Can saying that I'm actually scytho-sarmatian BLACK person help me to get a job on positions like this?

>Try to mark Mediterranean on job application becuase I'm Italian
>the HR person says that isn't a thing and Italians are white

just say you are Hispanic, they cant prove it otherwise unless you are pale

How competent do you think yellow-scaled dragonkin are?
>Page 27, Footnote 3: "For instance, an employee who sexually identifies as 'a yellow-scaled wingless dragonkin' and 'an expansive ornate building' presented a talk entitled 'Living as a Plural Being' at an internal company event."

because it is meant to racially discriminate against you

>the scourge of identity politics has now reached brazil
sad times

Pls respond I was serious.

I have pale skin but have black hair and brown eyes, I feel like I would get found out eventually
Yeah your right

Oh man fucking google.
Why are companies running to fuck over white guys?

>too white to get diversitybux
>too brown to not get shit from racists

Porco dio cane

Le Escrescente...

>be me
>6'1", white, blonde, blue-eyed guy who doesn't look remotely beaner
>apply for job
>choose "Hispanic" on the application because I can speak Spanish
>speak some Spanish during the interview
>get the job
>meet the manager
>manager is a little confused but can't fire me just for being white
>mfw I probably cucked some beaner out of the job

Being shitalian is a curse

because that is the ideology the jews an cemented in academia, google jewish privilege. They are over represented with respect to merit at all you elite institutions. by a factors of 5-10 times what their population percentage and SAT scores would predict. What ever blacks effectively get added to their SAT scores is far less then what jews get

>Not gaming the system so your unit gets one of the few new full time hires by creating a position for an 1/124th indigenous teenager doing certificate 4 in office administration

Why can't anglos into equality.

Equality doesn't exist

you're a literal piece of shit

Your country is officially in a low state of emergency, your equality is a myth

nothing wrong with disrespecting the system which disrespects him

It is a win-win situation because if they will threat to fire you, you can say that will sue them for being racist regarding your hispanic identity.

fuck you spicnigger

why? Aren't you the fags who harp on about voting for your personal interests and all that malarkey?

Then the company would do some inquiries and find out he isn't Hispanic, then he's in big trouble

he identifies as hispanic

hispanic isn't a race, nor does he need to write it on any official form or tell anyone

how fucked am I
should i go to a tanning station to get gibs

I identify as a elephant, yet Im a NEET

Are you implying elephants can't be neets?

Google accepts it
>Page 27, Footnote 3: "For instance, an employee who sexually identifies as 'a yellow-scaled wingless dragonkin' and 'an expansive ornate building' presented a talk entitled 'Living as a Plural Being' at an internal company event."

No they probably have a job in their animal life, not something I can claim to have
wtf I love Google now

If I go to Google and say in my application, that I'm a vampire, will i be allowed to bite people's necks?

>he's not checking the box anyway
>"i'm 1/32 abo, fag, has autism, or whatever"

Yeah but what if they have a person that identify as vampire hunter in every department just for such occasions to prevent this from happening?

Cry more Pablo.

The idea of it makes no sense, you have to have some sort of ailment in order to get preferential treatment


Ha did this also. Got a very good job as a project manager in a huge ass company. I speak fluent Spanish because I used to live in Spain (5 years) for football. Anyway I put Hispanic, meanwhile I'm a south Slav fuck. Anyway I got the job and every once in a while I think of the spic I cucked out if a job.

I will bite as many people as I can and create an army of undead.

>male elephant that never left the herd of females because he was too autistic too live on his own
>gets made fun of by all the female elephants
>sometimes gets mounted by male bull elephants by accident

Pretty sure people who identify as undead work at some offices, not Google.

>he's in big trouble
they'd have to literally make him do a dna test, the scandal that would cause wouldn't be worth it to them

Meanwhile I'm Brazilian but would never say I'm Hispanic or Latino because that's disgusting

>implying that I can't make undead out of regular people.
It will be vampirophobic of them not to play along.

If what you said was true then what's stopping every single white person from saying they are Hispanic? What Hispanic really means in regards to affirmative action is brown Indian and mestizo immigrants

>mediterranians are not mediterranians
>mestizos are mediterranians
Kek, KEK

Italians are white

being conformist pussies with rigid identities

Mestizo means half Indian doofus

>apply for a job
>get it because I know the right people

Do you know the left people too?

Very european, chrisitian and democratic, my sarmatian friend.

Exactly. I get to enjoy priviledges of a public servant too.

>what's stopping every single white person from saying they are Hispanic?
White altruism