Just study and you'll make it, brah

Just study and you'll make it, brah.

Other urls found in this thread:


Wtf im dropping out and becoming a neet now

If you think it’s futile to try them don’t, just stand there and whine. Maybe it’s your way to cave into destiny, but it’s not mine

>N-n-normie! There's clearly no point trying if others are better off than you!

If the guy on the left just lost some weight, took some roids, got a better haircut, got some nose surgery, started wearing heels, had a race change, and completely changed everything about himself, then he would have no problem getting laid. It's not hard, guys.

My friend was an ugly 48 year old 5'2 guy and he was having trouble finding a woman who wanted to be with him. Do you think he just sat around and complained about it all day? Fuck no. He improved himself and now he's a tall handsome 20 year old guy and he can get any girl he wants.

Fucking kek

Nice appeal to ridicule

It's what I did and now I get a blowjob from a different super model each morning. Karlie Kloss is really nice, btw.


>Just ask her out, bro - I'm sure she'll say yes!

>Just be yourself man. Girls love that!

é por isso que você é virgem

desu if you throw the left guy in a concentration camp for half a year and then spent a month feeding him burgers he'd look like the average nerd

>haha wow user. Are you a stand up comedian or something? You should try it, bro!

what I'm saying is that you can just roid hard and you'll look like him
okay maybe not if you're a manlet LOL

Wtf i love brazil now. Well, the girls at least. The cute ones.

haha bro

*high fives you and then punches you in the dick*

haha no homo tho

>He improved himself and now he's a tall handsome 20 year old guy

That will actually be possible in a few decades if you're rich.

Too ethnikkk. Northern Europeans are superior to wogs.


no homo bruh

Black hair = a shitskin trait.



>Black pill


"The gym is useles-"

OP's guys name is Mohammed and way less women would give him positive responses compared to a proper Aryan. Get over it.

Would rather be the indian doctor than Chad tbqh

Studying is the biggest fishing of all time. I always studied and never talked to anyone, today I'm a neet loser, while my ex-classmates who never did anything but where sociable are successful today.

If you're a NEET it simply means you haven't studied enough.

Maybe you should have talked, fucking retard? Did you never hear anyone stress the importance of networking?

How do morons like you even exist.

Dudes bloatmogging everyone in the gym hard

>tfw I look like that guy (bald, big beard, and huge gut) but can't lift

>"Bro it's ALL about confidence, bro."

Guy on the left just needs to take a few showers

>Just be urself dude, just show girls your body it always works for me haha

What the fuck is wrong with finnosw*des? this level of mental illness shouldn't be possible.




They both look nice guys desu. I wouldn't see why neither won't be able to find someone compatible to be with.

Also, why are there so many virgins on this board?



b urself, bro

>just work hard in the gym and one day you'll look like me dude. It's not steroids and genetics at all, all hard work bro

I-Instagram of the chad with the black t-shirt please. F-for inspiration.

>he doesn't believe in the blank slate of humans and individualism

Fuck off incel collectivists

>he's an individualist
*tips yarmulke*

You're delusional

>the hard working and studious virgin vs the Gifted Chad brah


I know many non-lifters that have gf. Lifting will not change your shitty personality. But you should still lift.

>Just make her laugh! Women can't resist a corny joke.

>being chad is all about lifting bruh

>mogging isnt real

The guy on the left won't have any problem getting a wife either. I don't see what the problem is tbf.

>that chinese cockroach

Mongol cope. Anyone with half a braincell knows blonde Nordic men = kings of cuckolds

Stop being a cuck and be a dark haired Alpha

That subhuman must be like 5ft tops seeing as Jeff Seid himself is 5’10”-5’11”

It’s all about symmetry, testosterone and how it affects bone structure.

t. other

Long ass fuck works hours with limited time to mingle with others in a partner seeking setting. Unless you had someone in your arms early on in your education or marry someone in a similar field/hours you will have the big issue of work hours cutting in hard.

Height doesn't matter.
It's all about face and behaviour.
t. 193cm tfw no gf

Can’t argue that bone structure plays a huge part in overall attractiveness, but it doesn’t neglect the fact darker hair is more masculine = more Alpha. All the biggest Hollywood stars and sex symbols are dark haired men. Blonde hair is serious cope

Gandy getting heightmogged and skullmogged? BY AN ASIAN?

Now I’ve seen it all.

B-but what about m-muh lifting...

Pretending that dark hair instantly makes you more masculine is a cope, my image illustrated that perfectly.

Gandy remains much more attractive

Face is for manlets
Lifting is for big guys
Both require alfa behaviour

Both stature and face matter, although face is a tad more important.

The complexion of guy in the pic is more dark-leaning. I doubt he’s 100% ethnic Norse. That just is impossible. Especially with those facial features. I bet he’s got some Slav/med/mena blood in him.

True, dark hair doesn’t automatically turn a 5 into a 10 but it certainly helps a lot. Unless you have a sub-6 face, dark hair wins almost every time. Put two guys, one 8/10 blonde and one 7/10 darkie, in front of a hundred girls and you’ll see what I’m talking about. Fair hair is seen as a feminine trait which is the opposite of what girls seek. Of course there’s bound to be a few exceptions but they are few and far between.



I never claimed him to be Norse you dumb fuck, he's probably a Northeastern European, although that isn't to say that Scandinavians can't look like that. He looks a lot like my father (he has some Russian blood) in terms of facial morphology.


>Ah booo glooo I'm not physically attractive and or smart

Ooooh poor baby?

You don't know about that little thing called karma?

if you were a killer in the last life then your current life is shit... stick it up and it'll get better in your next lives

praise to the saint Black Ops2cel my primate brother

>ywn bench lmao2thot

You're coping.


i arent thinking that

No, actually you are coping... you were scum in your last life and now you're paying the toll :)


... You're the poo

You are Romanian therefore Gypsy therefore Indian honey :)

who’s this

The most handsome man ever



Just be urself :)

Wallow in your self pity while guys not even half as muscular as these dudes get girlfriends. Your biggest problem in your life is you.

Yes it's us... because we are ugly and or dumb, there's no denying that

>just use tinder bro it's easy

I wasn't gay before this picture. Wtf is happening to me?

Nevermind, I'm definitely not gay.

Just be urself brah

>just get a haircut bro!

As much as those who thought we wouldn’t have flying cars by the year 2000

You're all just a bunch of faggots
I'm ugly and I have a gf that I love and would do anything for her
You just need to stop chasing stacey and find someone who is a better, female version of yourself

>he still believes in free will
The universe is deterministic, you fool

someone photoshop him a strong jaw

Male beauty is all about the jaw

>Just go up to her and ask her for her number, what is the worst thing that could happen just be yourself

If his jaw was fixed, he grew longer hair and bulked up a bit he could totally own the ratty alternative look.

Why care what others think? Btw once you have been laid a bunch and turn about 25, you will realise that the whole culture of hookup sex as a status symbol in the world is total trash and doesn't satisfy you any further than jacking off, you will want a lover, not just random fuck meat that you don't care about and probably just put up with and pretend to like, act all nice etc just for pussy

i thought /r9k/ was containment

don't all nord countries have tall good looking people or some shit

>implying boy cool sminem isn't tearing through new ass nightly