This is your fault Sup Forums

This is your fault Sup Forums

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I think I'm gonna puke

The future isn't for me. Right fucking now isn't for me.

Let me guess. At 18 she will be starring in lactation videos?

It's a boy

the slippery slope isn't real they said, giving gays rights won't lead to anything they said


You'll be amazed at what estrogen and other hormons can do.

>lolis will become legal in your lifetime
>they will all be traps

Why is this world so cruel?

Most of those posting under the US flag on Sup Forums, are self-hating whites and millennial progressives of the following type:

They desire the transformation of the United States, which they consider the most racist country to ever exist, into a non-white country, and are actively leading the charge to turn it more diverse and multicultural, while marginalizing the white males and reducing their social and economic power. Many of them are members of Antifa, and all of them fully support the protests taking place on college campuses, where they receive their liberal arts degrees. They consider it important to include PoC in all forms of media because it helps people especially in Western countries to make the psychological adjustments that are necessary for the transformation of their countries into multicultural societies.

They despise white America and the Anglo-Saxon race more than the most anti-Americans on Sup Forums are capable of, and are the most eager proponents of its destruction. The leading figures of the anti-American and anti-white intellectual movement in the US, are almost entirely composed of white males. They are united in their belief in and support for the extermination of the white working class demographic in the US. They consider it, just like the extermination of the bourgeoise in Marxist ideology, to be an inevitable step in the creation of a post-racial, multicultural United States, where the power is no longer dominated by white men, but distributed among women, ethnic and sexual minorities.

They are known by many names - bugmen, soyboy, numale, yoga shrimp, incel - in their desire to be recognized as allies to People of Color, women, transsexuals, and homosexuals. What most of Sup Forums regards as an insult - 56%, they consider a badge of honor. They are in full support of that child's lifestyle choice, and will defend it

los goblinos!

>the future isn't for you
Slippery slope is real. Hardcore Christians were right.

These people need to be lined up against a wall and shot.

This but unironically

there is a bigger chance that Sup Forums raided him

Wtf who comes up with these names?

Pedophiles will be the next oppressed LGBT group (((they))) will champion after trannies

how much longer will this madness be allowed to continue? why are you still not allowed to publicly criticise these people? where does it all end?

>he refused the child to be of Asian origin
well of course, he would have just been hungry again 30 mins later


We need an islamic takeover now

pffft that's nothing
here's a man barking against the national front

beat this faggots

Ma’shallah my brothers the time will come.

Man this kid is sexy AF and I wanna fuck him.

Am I sick Sup Forums?

Are we sexualising children now?

You're fucked in the brain, Mario

Only if they are male.
Sexualising anything female would be sexist and gross.

This new Feminism is hard.

Why do people think a kid cant consent to sex but if he turns 18 he magically can do whatever he wants? Why is law so stupid Sup Forums?


Fuck him in the butt till he realizes the error of his ways.

It's 14 in your country.
It's just a law to have something to protect people getting fucked too young by older people.

Here the AOC is 16, but if two 14 year olds fuck it's legal, as they are of the same age.

Society really is reversing to a more primitive state holy shit

Im a proud German from Südtirol

Italy and Germans have the same AoC, 14.

why does a kid with makeup and dressed with a woman's clothes makes everyone so violent?

Still not it*lian

Inshallah, if the liberal dogs want "diversity" we can give it to them