Chicago or Warsaw

Which one would you rather live?

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all the way

Suburban Chicago.

>get shot by niggers
>get mugged by tracksuit slavs

i would have to go with Warsaw

Warsaw, because of Witchers

The gentrifying side of Chicago

qts with boxy faces win this round

rather die tbf

Poles don't look like that. They are more racemixed than Americans because they are all rapebabies.


I currently live in Warsaw and I'd pick neither

went to the south side of chicago once, englewood to be exact

saw a cop car with a bullethole in the rear quarter panel, a car dealership with fences that rival the korean DMZ and no other white people

>Less mixed than you, Hans

Can I choose to be a Pole living in Chicago?

Easily Warsaw.

WaR Saw or ChimpCongo

>Poles don't look like that. They are more racemixed than Americans because they are all rapebabies.

Chicago by far.

Chicago by far

Warsaw sounds more interesting tbqh

Chicago by the lake

I already live in Chicago (north side, by the lake).

Been to Warsaw too. Its ugly even compared to other Commie cities.

>north side, by the lake
You got a lot of $$?

Not really. It takes me 40 minutes to get to the loop by train. Anything closer is a lot more expensive.

Neighborhood's pretty decent though.


Warsaw and it's not even remotely close

obviously chicago

Warsaw without hesitation


Warsaw unironically

>get mugged by tracksuit slavs
Poland is one of the safest countries in Europe if not the safest.

Can't believe Sup Forums actually managed to meme people into thinking the place looks like some slavsquat meme with everybody wearing Adidas.

After moving to New England, I realized that I can't go longer than six months without an Italian beef with hot peppers and a coke at pic related. Also, I speak more Spanish and dindu than polish.

there are no attractive people that live in chicago

Why do you go to the black and Mexican neighborhoods

Fun fact

Chicago has more Polish people than Warsaw

I live in lincoln park


I have lived in lincoln park, lakeview, pilsen, wicker park, humboldt park, and little itlay. There are literally no attractive people in chicago. Even the tourists and FOBs are a degree or two uglier than other major cities.

Portillos is shit. The only thing they do well is their polish and brat, when it's available.

I don't care about Chicago or know any of those places, it just sounds like the band

you don't care about Chicago but you care about linkin park? shame on you

Stop looking in the mirror then

>Portillos is shit.
Nah, fuck you.

burgers: burnt shit
fries: shit
dogs: shit
italian beef: dry as shit
salads: what the fuck are you doing
cake: okay

it's a horrible chain and a crime that it became popular over superdawg

i would rather kill my self

>nigger shithole with snow
>white nigger shithole with snow