Why do Nordics look like this?

why do Nordics look like this?

Looks like a pudgy elf

The pig nose?

because they eat meat all the time, all of that testosterone makes your jaw wide and makes you masculine.

... like what? white?

b-b-but WE has straight noses!?!

are nordics being attractive the biggest meme?

it's mostly just because this board has an autistic fetish for anything blonde and blue eyed, when half of you are niggers in reality.

>this flag
>this post

lol bl*cky is mad

girl in pic is cleary black admixed

oh, all this time, i thought they looked like pic related


that is essentially Swedish look and not all Nordics are like that

this is how 100% pure Swede looks like

Norwegians simply don't look like this

that is a Finnish woman with fake ears

Looks Finnish.

More primitive look due to high ehg/whg blood

This pretty much, the average ''swede'' most people think of is a mix between German/British/Scandinavian ancestry if you go waaaaay back

this is what most swedish and norwegian woman look like, the blonde models that get posted here are american most of the time


Absolutely, yes.