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It's Palau in English. They're quite a large group of islands for Pacific standards, but they have less than 20,000 people. Angaur Island is the only place in the world outside Japan where Japanese is an official language. Mercherchar has a lake full of jellyfish that can't sting humans, it's a popular destination. Koror is the biggest city and on Koror Island, and used to be the capital until it was moved to Ngerulmud in Melekeok municipality a while ago. Palau owns two remote island groups, Hatohobei and Sonsorol, both of which are linguistically Melanesian unlike the main part of the country which speaks a language that's closer to Malay.

linguistically Micronesian*
My bad

Palau is a country in free association with the United States, meaning that both countries' residents are free to live in either. It relies on the US for both its defense and a currency. This arrangement is similar to those of the Federated States of Micronesia and the Marshall Islands.
Palau used to be part of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands until 1994, when it gained independence. Micronesia and the Marshall Islands gained independence half a decade earlier. The only remnant of the Trust Territory at present is therefore the Northern Mariana Islands.
Before it became a US territory, the Trust Territory was administered under Japan as Nan'yo Cho, or the South Seas Mandate, with its capital at Kororu (modern day Koror).

>free association
this basically means that they are a protectorade of the United States

Mutt-tier answer

Essentially. However they are a member of the United Nations.
The Cook Islands and Niue are both countries in free association with New Zealand, but they aren't part of the UN.

what race are palauans? melanesians? south east asians? polynesians?


This is where it becomes apparent that the boundaries between races are purely geographically- and politically-based social constructs, since Palauans are linguistically and anthropologically related to the inhabitants of the Sunda-Sulawesi group, but they reside in Micronesia, which is mainly made up of more distant descendants of Austronesian peoples from Taiwan and southeast Asia. I guess you can see Palauans as a mix of the two.

Mutt-tier response - I'm Chinese you utter clown so you should be calling me jaundiced instead.


so micronesians are closer to sea's than to polynesians?

They're geographically Micronesian and linguistically in the Sunda-Sulawesi subgroup.

I don't think comparing how close two populations are is as black-and-white as you make it out to be.


After three decades as part of the UN Trust Territory of the Pacific under US administration, this westernmost cluster of the Caroline Islands opted for independence in 1978 rather than join the Federated States of Micronesia. A Compact of Free Association with the US was approved in 1986 but not ratified until 1993. It entered into force the following year when the islands gained independence.

Official Name: Republic of Palau
Population: 21,431 (July 2017 est.); 21,000 (2015 UNDESA)
Nationality: Palauan
Ethnic groups: Palauan (Micronesian with Malayan and Melanesian admixtures) 73%, Carolinian 2%, Asian 21.7%, caucasian 1.2%, other 2.1% (2015 est.)
Religions: Roman Catholic 45.3%, Protestant 34.9% (includes Evangelical 26.4%, Seventh Day Adventist 6.9%, Assembly of God .9%, Baptist .7%), Modekngei 5.7% (indigenous to Palau), Muslim 3%, Mormon 1.5%, other 9.7% (2015 est.)
Principal Languages: English, Palauan
Languages: Palauan (official on most islands) 65.2%, other Micronesian 1.9%, English (official) 19.1%, Filipino 9.9%, Chinese 1.2%, other 2.8%
note: Sonsoralese is official in Sonsoral; Tobian is official in Tobi; Angaur and Japanese are official in Angaur (2015 est.)
Literacy Rate: 100% (2015 World Factbook)

The constitution of the State of Angaur is the only constitution in the world which officially recognizes the status of the Japanese language.

>Section 1 of the Article XII reads, “The traditional Palauan language, particularly the dialect spoken by the people of Angaur State, shall be the language of the State of Angaur. Palauan, English and Japanese shall be the official languages.”
>Section 2 states, “The Palauan and English versions of this Constitution shall be equally authoritative; but in the case of conflict in interpretation or meaning of certain of its provisions, the English version shall prevail.
Each of Palau’s 16 states has its own constitution and there is a constitution for the Republic of Palau as well, but none of these except Angaur State specify an official role for Japanese.

they have been BLACKED once