The difference between first world and third world

Living in Seville has allowed me to appreciate how advanced and civic my country is in comparison with Spain (i can't imagine how life in latam must be)

Here is a list with the most notable differences between the two countries, which I hope will also help those of you who plan to travel to Spain to make a decision:

-We have guns, they don't. A society that doesn't have instinct of self-preservation won't survive long term
-More and better food. In America you can go to any supermarket you want and you'll find the unimaginable, while in Spain you are very limited. Hello? its called modernity
-More respect for human rights and liberties. In Spain you have voters being beaten for exercising their right to decide
-Our streets are always clean. Since i live in Seville i can't set foot on the street without having to do a great effort, specially to dodge dog shits and cigarettes
-In America you can work whatever you want whenever you want, and you will always have money to survive

And these are just some of the many things that make me feel proud of my country. Can't wait to go back.


la criatura de la oscuridad...

Get out of Andalusia, Fucking Marrano.

Your country is getting benefitted just by my mere presence. Stfu europoorfag

This made giggle 8/10

go pick up some burritos, jose

om my god, so then this shit will collapse?

>More and better food
there isnd burger here what dhe fug :DDD

Yours is also shitty

No es ruso. Desde hace un tiempo un tipo con bandera rusa está obsesionado con Europa del Sur. Es un proxy yanqui, me atrevería a decir que es otro CHI.

>We have guns, they don't.
Wrong, long guns are common in Spain, hunting is allowed
>More and better food
>More respect for human rights and liberties.
From the country with the death penalty
>you will always have money to survive
Moors niggas gypsies and spics can but not you ....

>We have guns, they don't.

I stop reading this crap tere.

Stay out of my country

>you can go to any supermarket you want and you'll find the unimaginable

three threads already ?

in mart

it's true, they have butter sprayer


K explain

I have American family, we usually eat better and less processed food

canned beans are disgusting

same leaf or yuro with a proxy as yesterday who thinks Americans eat ketchup flavored chips and keeps accidentally using British English spelling

stop giving him (You)s

The fact that youre retarted enough not to find them doesn't mean they aren't there

you should probably avoid spelling the word retarded wrong, it's a bit too ironic.

>doesn't know what a typing error is


you are not american desu

>same leaf or yuro with a proxy as yesterday who thinks Americans eat ketchup flavored chips and keeps accidentally using British English spelling

La muerte gorda

el mutto

>More and better food
More? Maybe. Better? Hell no. You anglos can't into tasty food. I'm not saying that we Russian have tasty food, but Southern Euros are no doubt have better food.

mierda loro

Obese gun-toters aren't anything to be proud about my man.


El obscuro

Inglesas, mestizo de mierda.

>Southern euros are no doubt have better food




Must be a leaf

There he is, there he goes again

>Criticizes my country so must be a third worlder

more humility, please

I've noticed my white genes supply is starting to run low, was it you OP?


>Sevilla is third world
more news at 11

>We have guns, they don't.
But I have you fucking wanker.

>More and better food

>In Spain you have voters being beaten for exercising their right to decide
Now larping as catalan

>specially to dodge dog shits and cigarettes
Why the fuck would you dodge cigarettes? Dog shits are not a problem where I live btw.

>to survive
In this socialist shithole you can live without working

Conclusion: stfu shitty indio and go back to south america

Also this

>But i have you fucking wanker

uncut nails don't count as weapons

>Now larping as catalan

you don't even deny its true

>dog shits aren't a problem where i live

dog shits aren't a problem so lets leave them on the streets who cares lol


Ash mutt durbatulûk, ash mutt gimbatul,
Ash mutt thrakatulûk agh burzum-ishi krimpatul.

>Here is a list with the most notable differences between the two countries, which I hope will also help those of you who plan to travel to Spain to make a decision

Who will be behind roleplaying as american?

someone who will never come back to your shithole

he is a chicano that was treated as the subhuman he is and now it's megabutthurt, ignore him

>our streets are always clean


>In Spain you have voters being beaten for exercising their right to decide
fuck off sc*talan

I hope so, that would be wonderful.

nice shoop faggot, now back to reality


>without having to do a great effort, specially to dodge dog shits and cigarettes

This was very obviously not written by someone with English as a native language.


when you guys call americans "chicanos" are you actually saying the person is a chicano and that means they suck
or is it like an amerimutt meme where the self proclaimed "aryans" present here are actually mixed with mexican blood
making them chicanos?

someone help me find the path

get a proper education

>DO a great effort

You are not an American.

Britain is right, my dear abominación del averno. The correct expression is "make an effort".

OP is obviously a CHI, that's all.

>continues proxyfagging

Beyond pathetic

how is it CHI though? I don't understand
i will never fit in with the bantz

he spams his butthurt like a pathetic CHI, a regular american wouldn't have done that, also his english sucks because he grow up speaking mexican

grew up*

always a tell-tale sign of some kind of hispaniard when they can't tell the difference between make and do

Like an Anglo mixing up ser and estar

stop talking as if you really knew about me you dumbass

He is either Jordi or a CHI

are you proud of that? just look how fucked up those buildings are lol

Most of them are fine, my dear cuck.

el CHIcANO jajajajajajakakka

Sevilla is a beautiful city anyway.

This, when I was in New York there were rats everywhere, seriously fuck americunts

A meiga...

New York isnt america

That existed way before amerimutt meem became popular. If you say anything negative about central/south America or Spain while saying something positive about Mexico or its culture you get called CHI. I'm not even hispanic and I've been called CHI thousands of times but I live in LA so I've been brainwashed into believing CHI things.

l'horreur du nouveau monde...

How in the actual fuck is amerilard food superior to Spanish food?

kek, you uncovered him. Good job, my man

El caganer del abismo...

el tió de las americas...

El indepe de las profundidades...